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Welcome to the Dane County Planning Division’s newsletter! Each quarter, we’ll update you on our programs, resources, and initiatives supporting residents and decision-makers with planning issues in our communities. 

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Did you know? Madison may be the state’s fastest-growing metropolitan area, but Dane County also currently boasts the largest agricultural economy in Wisconsin.

Balancing the demands of urban and rural development requires careful planning—which is why we’re undertaking a comprehensive rewrite and recertification of the Dane County Farmland Preservation Plan, to make 1,200 Dane County Farmers eligible for over $1.4 million in Wisconsin Farmland Preservation income tax credits.

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Dane County Broadband Task Force

As the ways we work, learn, and receive medical care have become increasingly digital over the last two years of the pandemic, the importance of access to the internet cannot be overstated. Every home should be able to subscribe to quality high-speed internet service, but there are still areas in the county that are un- or underserved.

The Dane County Broadband Task Force is increasing awareness of the issues those without reliable, affordable internet access in Dane County face and is focused on providing the information necessary to expand service in our communities.

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Help Us Tackle the Affordable Housing Crisis


Fourteen municipalities in Dane County engage in affordable or workforce housing efforts, but we still face an extreme housing shortage, and it’s getting worse. Currently, there are 13,050 renter households and 3,490 homeowners who earn 50% of the area median income (AMI) or below and are paying more than 50% of their monthly income on housing. 

The Dane County Regional Housing Strategy (RHS) will address these challenges and work together to help expedite the development and preservation of affordable and workforce housing. Join us for our first meeting on September 28, 2022, at the Alliant Energy Center!

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TDR: The Acronym Helping Protect Farmland


TDR, or “Transfer of Development Rights”, is a land use tool that communities can use to protect farmland, enabling development rights to be moved from one parcel of land to another. Landowners interested in preserving their productive farmland can transfer, or “send”, development rights available under comprehensive planning policies to non-farmland “receiving” areas.

Many Dane County towns now have TDR programs in place as part of their agricultural preservation strategy. Click on the link below for additional information.

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Dane County Planning & Development

210 Martin Luther King BLVD, Room #116

Madison, WI 53703

(608) 266-4266

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