UN Global Climate Action
17 November 2022
High-Level Champions' Newsletter
Special Edition for COP 27
- Solutions Day -
Key Announcements

Launch of the Presidency initiative Low Carbon Transport for Urban Sustainability (LOTUS) aimed at decarbonising the global urban mobility landscape. Following a multi-stakeholder consultation process convened by the Egyptian COP27 Presidency, the global transport community affirmed the need to create highly tailored, context-driven urban transport solutions for developing countries. This was facilitated by SLOCAT and Boston Consulting Group. LᶜO₂TUS will today set out interventions for new Transport Breakthroughs in 2023.
Launch of the Presidency initiative Sustainable Urban Resilience for the next generation (SURGe), which aims to build on the commitments of cities and provide a holistic framework to achieve sustainable and resilient urban systems. It also aims to unlock urban climate finance and work with national governments, multilateral development banks and the private sector to facilitate access to finance, and develop a pipeline of bankable projects. This was facilitated by UN-Habitat and ICLEI.
The Presidency in collaboration with UN Habitat and ICLEI is convening the first ever Urbanisation and Climate Ministerial on 17 November, bringing together Ministers and Mayors to discuss the key challenges facing cities. The Ministerial Meeting will reinforce the commitment of cities to achieving the Paris Agreement through multi-level climate action and will commit to accelerated mitigation and adaptation and urban climate finance. The SURGe initiative will be launched at the Ministerial.
The human settlements technical report, in support of the Sharm el-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda, explores the adaptation outcomes specific to human settlements, for example, urban infrastructure, urban nature, and safe housing, as well as highlighting action underway to achieve them.
Launch of the Accelerate to Zero (A2Z) coalition to promote and support the transition to zero emission vehicles globally. It’s the world’s largest transportation coalition with over 200 organizations including governments, industry and civil society. It’s working towards all sales of new cars and vans being zero emission no later than 2035 in leading markets and 2040 globally. The coalition is a partnership of the UK, the High-Level Champions, the International Council on Clean Transportation, The Climate Group, and the Drive Electric Campaign. The A2Z Coalition builds off the momentous foundation of the “Zero Emission Vehicles Declaration” generated at COP26.
The US launches the Zero Emission Vehicles Emerging Market Campaign (ZEV-EM-C), a one-year campaign that seeks to accelerate zero-emission passenger vehicle deployment in emerging markets. The campaign will highlight private sector contributions and foster dialogue between emerging markets and major companies to accelerate private investment to achieve ambitious ZEV deployment goals.
Launch of The Collective for Clean Transport Finance, which aims to create the tools to change the risk profiles of investment in zero-emission transport. The Collective is launched by five leading international organizations and the High-Level Champions as a strategic collaboration, and its membership will continue expanding over the coming year.

The ISO Net Zero Guidelines were recently launched by Our 2050 World – a collaboration to accelerate the transition to net zero by offering all actors a single core reference text for credible net zero action. The ISO Net Zero Guidelines align with the recently published recommendations by the High-Level Expert Group ​​on the Net Zero Commitments of Non-State Entities, and were developed through a consensus-led process involving more than 1200 organisations and individuals from over 100 countries. The Race to Zero, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub are collaborating with the Our 2050 World.
Three states and 17 cities from India and Bangladesh have joined the Race to Resilience. Together, this represents a population of approximately 298 million up from 112 million at COP26. In doing so, they commit to a climate-resilient future by conducting climate risk and vulnerability assessments with support from Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and Regions4.

Release of The 2022 Annual Progress Report on Green Shipping Corridors. This follows the implementation of the shipping corridors at COP26, in which signatories agreed to establish at least six green shipping corridors by the middle of this decade. The progress report identifies more than 20 green corridor initiatives across Transpacific, Asia Pacific and Transatlantic regions, Europe, North and South America.
Unveiling of the online Green Shipping Corridor Hub by the Zero-emission Shipping Mission. It’s the first online one-stop-shop meant to streamline the formation and development of green shipping corridors. The Hub currently has three features: a route tracker which allows users to explore green shipping corridors that have been announced throughout the world; the Matchmaker, an interactive map that enables stakeholders interested in developing green shipping corridors to find interested partners; and a curated library of reports, frameworks, blueprints, and case studies on green shipping corridors published by industry thought leaders.
Global Climate Action Events

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Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) Climate Action
Location: We Mean Business Pavilion, Pavilion 118, Zone C
Time: 8:30 - 9:30
Marrakech Partnership Human Settlements Action Event, Action towards a zero-emission, circular, & resilient built environment and cities for everyone, everywhere
Location: Action Room 1 (Ibis)
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Future of International Road Freight: One year On.
Location: UK Pavilion
Time: 11:30 - 12:30
Marrakech Partnership Implementation Lab, Achieving the 2030 Built Environment 2030 Breakthrough
Location: Action Room 2 (Lotus)
Time: 12:30 - 14:00
Multi-stakeholder Forum on Equitable Transition Towards Sustainable Urban Mobility
Location: Meeting Room 20
Time: 12:30 – 14:30
Marrakech Partnership Implementation Lab, Actionable Adaptation Plans
Location: Action Room 2 (Lotus)
Time: 14.30 - 16:00
UK COP26 Presidency event: Accelerating the Transition to Zero Emission Vehicles
Location: Action Room 1 - Ibis
Time: 15:00 – 16:30
Unlocking Finance for India’s EV Leadership
Location: India Pavilion, Blue Zone, Delegate Pavilions 3
Time: 16:00 - 17:00
Global Climate Action High-Level Event: COP 27 Action Agenda – Progress & Priorities 
Location: Plenary Ramses
Time: 17:00 - 18:30
Accelerating the Transition to ZEVs: Deep Dive
Location: Business Pavilion of Egypt
Time: 17:00 - 18:30
#BuildingtoCOP: Building a resilient and zero emissions future
Location: Buildings Pavilion
Time: 18:00 - 19:00
Launch of Urban Mobility Scorecard Initiative (UMSi) by the World Economic Forum.
Location: Business Pavilion of Egypt
Time: 18:30 - 19:30
In Case You Missed It ...

Yesterday at COP27 a joint effort under the framework of the Cool Coalition was launched, seeking to help cities unleash the cooling power of nature and catalyze nature-based solutions implementation.

By signing the ZEV Declaration at COP27, BEEAH Group has become the first organisation in the UAE that has pledged to transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) and contribute to net-zero emissions targets nationally and globally.
COP27 continues for a second week in Sharm El-Sheik, with discussions now moving to loss and damage – in which carbon removals can play a critical role. This pivot has been reflected in the number of events, discussions and policy announcements supporting carbon removals in the last week.

A new set of principles to build investable, high-quality blue carbon projects to ensure positive outcomes for people, nature and climate, has been launched at COP27 by Conservation International, along with Salesforce and a global coalition of ocean leaders.

A new Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) pocket guide demonstrates to businesses how to lead the charge and implement SAF into their corporate net zero goals by committing to regular use of the fuel.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Wednesday. Through the partnership, the two parties agreed to exchange knowledge and collaborate on initiatives to accelerate widespread renewable energy adoption to mitigate climate change. According to IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook, avoiding the catastrophic consequences of 1.5°C global warming requires a fundamental change in how energy is generated and consumed.
Speaking at the World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) ‘Agenda for Nature and People’ event on Biodiversity Day, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion Mahmoud Mohieldin highlighted the recent launch of the first climate change carbon market for Africa with a focus on climate and nature solutions. 
UN Climate Change | Global Climate Action | Race to Zero | [email protected] | unfccc.int