UN Global Climate Action
14 November 2022
High-Level Champions' Newsletter
Special Edition for COP 27
- Gender and Water Day -
Key Announcements

The UN Climate Change High-Level Champions today launch a paper setting out practical actions for non-State actors to accelerate action to address losses and damages and mobilise finance. Recognising that losses and damages are happening now, with increasing frequency and severity, the Champions invite everyone to collaborate by implementing solutions and accelerating financial flows to where they are most needed.
The COP 27 Presidency launches the Action on Water Adaptation and Resilience Initiative (AWARe). This aims to put water in front and centre of adaptation and resilience action by offering transitional adaptation solutions for the planet and people, starting with the world’s most vulnerable communities and ecosystems in Africa. The initiative is arranged across three main priorities: 1) decrease water loss and improve water supply worldwide; 2) propose and support implementing mutually agreed policy and methods for cooperative water-related adaptation action and its co-benefits; and 3) promote cooperation and interlinkages between water and climate action in order to achieve Agenda 2030, in particular SDG6.
The African Cities Water Adaptation Fund (ACWA Fund) is a new Africa-focused blended finance instrument that aims to support the development and implementation of more than 200 projects in 100 African cities by 2032. Launched by the World Resource Institute (WRI) together with public and private sector partners, development banks, impact investors, state and non-State actors and experts, it supports city leaders to fund and scale high-impact water resilience solutions across Africa by leveraging private financing while better coordinating public sector funds alongside climate and development aid.
Signatories to the Glasgow Declaration for Fair Water Footprint today make a call to action to governments in both developed and developing countries, progressive businesses, financiers and NGOs to join this leadership initiative which puts climate resilient and equitable water management at the heart of the global economy by 2030. Inspirational action is already underway by Peru, Malawi, Madagascar, Finland, Panama, the UK, businesses, investors and civil-society across the coalition.
The Roof Over Our Heads campaign will be officially launched today at the Resilience Hub with Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland, Sheela Patel, Director, Society for Promotion of Area Resource Centres (SPARC) and Nigel Topping, COP 26 High-Level Champion. The campaign was developed through global and regional roundtables in September and October.
Its aim is to provide two billion people with resilient, low carbon and affordable homes by 2050, beginning with community project labs in India. Partners in the global campaign, spearheaded by The Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers ​​SPARC, include Slum Dwellers International, Holcim, Global Resilience Partnership, International Institute for Environment and Development, ARUP and the World Green Building Council.
Roof Over Our Heads is part of the High-Level Champions’ Race to Resilience.
Ten leading shipping organisations and green hydrogen producers commit to producing and deploying at least 5 million tonnes of green hydrogen by 2030 to supply the 5% zero-emissions shipping fuels needed to put the global maritime sector on a decarbonization path aligned with limiting global warming to 1.5C or below. The signatories, which include CWP Global, Fortescue Future Industries and Maersk, call on policy makers to support them in achieving these ambitious targets.
The Netherlands introduces the Champions Group for Deltas and Coastal Zones. The group enables harmonized action between countries and Small Island States to realize sustainable management of deltas and coastal zones in the short and medium term. The group will provide area-specific advice to countries on the integral implementation of their National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) or national climate adaptation strategies. An aspired outcome of these endeavors is a pipeline of sustainable projects for financial institutions. The group aims to contribute to ambitious outcomes at the UN 2023 Water Conference.
Global Climate Action Events

For more information and webcast, access here

Roof Over Our Heads Launch Event 
Location: Resilience Hub
Time: 08:45 - 10:15

Marrakech Partnership Action Event, The power of water: the unexplored potential for climate resilience
Location: Action Room 1 (Ibis)
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Register here

Marrakech Partnership Implementation Lab, Catalysing action on protecting our game-changing ecosystem: Peatlands
Location: Action Room 2 (Lotus)
Time: 13:00-14:30

Marrakech Partnership Implementation Lab, Catalysing Innovative Finance for Strengthened Water Resilience in African Cities
Location: Action Room 2 (Lotus)
Time: 15:00-16:30
Register here

Future Labs, Action After Impacts
Location: Action Room 2 (Lotus)
Time: 17:00-19:00

Marrakech Partnership Accountability and Implementation Dialogue
Location: Action Room 1 (Ibis)
Time: 13:00-15:00

Exploring COP27

The Water and Climate Pavilion
The Water and Climate Pavilion is held in Area B of the Blue Zone offering cutting-edge, science-based advice to climate decision-makers and negotiators.
The 40 partner organisations have developed an ambitious programme spanning ten different themes. The aim of the Water and Climate Pavilion is to promote climate-resilient water management and supply solutions that will support Parties in meeting their climate goals. More information can be found here. Today the programme is focused on Water, energy and climate nexuses.

In Case You Missed It ...

Dr Agnes Kalibata discusses why urgently transforming our food systems is not only critical for our environment and the climate, but for the economy – creating opportunities for urgent growth in a time of compounded crises.
Economy of Love (EoL) is an ethical, sustainable and transparent certification standard that supports biodynamic farmers and brings a positive environmental impact by sequestering carbon and enhancing farms’ biodiversity.

UN Climate Change | Global Climate Action | Race to Zero | [email protected] | unfccc.int
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