UN Global Climate Action
12 November 2022
High-Level Champions' Newsletter
Special Edition for COP 27
- Adaptation and Agriculture Day -
Key Announcements

The COP27 Presidency launches the Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST), to improve the quantity and quality of climate finance contributions to transform agriculture and food systems by 2030, supporting adaptation and maintaining a 1.5-degree pathway whilst supporting food and economic security. This multi-stakeholder cooperation programme will have concrete deliverables for enhancing country capacities to access climate finance and investment, increase knowledge, and provide policy support and dialogue.
The Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate) has announced an increased investment of more than USD 8 billion, up from USD 4 billion at COP26 with the support of over 275 government and non-government partners. AIM for Climate is a global initiative by the United Arab Emirates and the United States. The increased investment is comprised of over USD 7 billion from Government Partners with contributions from Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Denmark, the European Commission, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Lithuania, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United States, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vietnam, and over USD 1 billion investment from 30 Innovation Sprints.
The African Food Systems Transformation Initiative (AFSTI) and 70 African-owned agri-busineses announce an action plan for directing financial flows to food supply chains in Africa. It will draw finance, philanthropy, multilateral development banks, and private sources, targeting much overlooked agri-businesses and food processors who are pivotal to transforming the food outlook in Africa.
The Rockefeller Foundation has announced USD 11 million in grants to ten organizations scaling indigenous and regenerative agriculture practices around the world, with Regen10 as a flagship initiative. Evidence makes clear the central role food systems can play in mitigating climate change. The funding will help scale the development, data analysis, financing, and education around regenerative agricultural practices, which can improve global food systems and mitigate the global food crisis.
Global Climate Action Events

For more information and webcast, access here

Marrakech Partnership Land Use Action Event, Landscapes for Life: Showing Inclusive, just and resilient transformation of the LU Sector
Location: Action Room 1 (Ibis)
Time: 10:00 - 12:00

Marrakech Partnership Implementation Lab, Exponential Action: Scaling regenerative agriculture through plant-based implementation
Location: Action Room 2 (Lotus) 
Time: 12:00 - 13:30

Marrakech Partnership Implementation Lab, Resilient and Adaptive Food Systems
Location: Action Room 2 (Lotus) 
Time: 14:00 - 15:30 

Implementing Climate Action in Entertainment & Culture - Inclusive and Equitable Pathways Towards a More Sustainable Sector
Location: Action Room 1 (Ibis)
Time: 14:00 - 15:30
Exploring COP27

Nature Zone Pavilion
The Nature Zone pavilion is a dedicated space within the COP27 Blue Zone to bring to life the momentum, action, and impact that surrounds Nature Positive – the global goal to immediately halt and reverse nature loss by 2030.
Stop by today to hear inspiring voices championing nature as a solution for equitable climate adaptation. You can also hear from local heroes who are successfully leading coastal adaptation work all over the world.
And don’t miss:
Exponential Race to Zero: Food and Nature 
Time: 15:30 - 18:00 
Livestream here 

Children and Youth Pavilion 
Designed to amplify children and youth voices within global climate policymaking, the COP27 Children and Youth Pavilion is entirely led by young people and has been co-created and run by influential child and youth networks. 
A full programme of events is here.
On Friday, the High-Level Champions met with young climate activists from around the world.
In Case You Missed It ...

ISO Net Zero Guidelines Launched
The ISO Net Zero Guidelines launched on 11 November provides a common reference for collective efforts, offering a global basis for harmonizing, understanding, and planning for net zero for actors at the state, regional, city and organizational level. 

Priority actions, part of the Breakthrough Agenda, were announced on Friday as part of an international effort to make clean technologies and sustainable solutions the most affordable, accessible and attractive option in each emitting sector globally before the end of this decade.

A new report released at COP27 this week showed 46% of the sector by revenue has committed to the Race to Zero, up from 31% at this time last year. The industry is also beginning to move in the right direction on carbon intensity, with some of the largest companies demonstrating leadership in emissions reduction.

Find out in our landing page why the Breakthrough Agenda matters so much. Achieving Breakthroughs in these five critical sectors could:
       Support the creation of more than 20 million jobs by 2030.
       Increase world GDP by 4% greater in 2030 than it would otherwise have been.
       Save two million lives worldwide every year, by halving premature deaths associated with air pollution by 2050 compared to 2020.
Find out why we need to increase our global carbon dioxide removal capacity from several million today to the multi gigatonne scale by 2030.

Did you know that pharmaceutical labs use up to 10x more energy and 4x more water than office spaces? There is also an estimated 12 billion pounds of plastic waste produced each year from laboratories around the world, which represents 2% of global plastic waste. Find out why labs are the heart of Pharma & Med Tech’s 2030 Breakthrough.

The global cement sector accounts for around 7% of global CO2 emissions. The industry has made progress during the last two decades to lower carbon intensity – but there is a recognition that these efforts need to be significantly accelerated. 
UN Climate Change | Global Climate Action | Race to Zero | [email protected] | unfccc.int
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