August 29, 2022         FBCRICHMOND.ORG          804-355-8637


On Sunday afternoons, starting September 4, the choir room at First Baptist will transform into Aletheia Church, a place of worship for people whose native language is Chinese. Lucinda and Daniel Gong will minister to about a dozen people but hope to grow that ministry over time, both in person and online. A few days ago, we sat down with them to talk about their faith and what led them to First Baptist. We hope you enjoy the story below.

They ask for prayers as they embark on this new spiritual journey to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the Chinese in Richmond and worldwide. And if you feel called to financially support their mission, give to FBC Budget Offering as we have many media and building costs to support their ministry. 


ONE Sunday Celebrates the FBC Community

Join us as we “Come Together” for a meaningful day of fellowship. This highly anticipated event is a chance for everyone to gear up for the fall, greet each other in Christ, and learn about what the fall at FBC will bring. Please remember to wear your nametag. If you need to order one, click the button below and we will order one for you.

Order A Nametag
Buy a Box Lunch


It’s almost here! On September 7 our great Wednesday night fellowship kicks off with a meal and a movie. Dinner will be served from

5 p.m. until 6:15 p.m. in Flamming Hall. The movie, The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis, will start shortly after the meal is over. Regular Wednesday night programming for both adults and children will begin the following Wednesday, September 14.

The price of a meal has increased slightly due to national inflation and increased vendor prices. Please note the new pricing structure below:

 $8 – meal or salad bar

 $5 – snack

 $22 – family maximum living in the same household

À la carte pricing will remain the same:

 $6 for a pint of soup

 $8 for a side item

 $8 for a dessert item

We hope that you will continue to support the wonderful Wednesday night fellowship!


Check out all the opportunities for student growth, discipleship and ministry!

Youth Fall Retreat

September 16-18

Watermarks Camp

*See link below to register

Youth Family Lunch and Meeting

September 25, 12:15-2:30 p.m.

Students and Adults learn about what's in store for youth ministry for the year.

Youth Christmas Pageant

Sunday, December 18

Want to be part of the creative process? Join us on Wednesday nights this fall from  6:15 - 7:15 p.m. for Pageant Drama.

Parent Social

October 9, November 13 

Register for Fall Youth Retreat
Read Updates About Youth

Tickets On Sale ONE Sunday

The Vienna Boys Choir is returning to FBC for a performance in our Sanctuary on Sunday, December 11 at 7:30 p.m. The ticket price is $44 per ticket. They will go on sale ONE Sunday, September 11 at 12:30 p.m.

He's Back!

Steve Blanchard took Sabbatical this summer and visited ministries in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and right here in Richmond. 

During his travels, Steve explored how churches can partner with their communities to address poverty and homelessness. 

Now that Steve has returned to FBC, he has some exciting plans for the fall that might include you! 

Sundays in the Fall

Other Things You Should Know:

Dr. Paul Baxley, Executive Coordinator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, will be our Guest Preacher on Sunday, September 4. Dr. Somerville will be hosting an informal gathering with Dr. Baxley at 9 a.m. in the church Library. No need to RSVP!

More Information/ Registration
Email Allison Collier to sign up

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