Pray for America
The Montgomery County Republican Party is committed to honoring God in all that we do. Join us in praying for a return to the Biblical values on which our nation was founded. We would be honored to pray for you if you are in need of intercessory prayer.

Lobbying elected officials
Join our team of volunteers who will be communicating with elected officials on priority issues during the new Legislative Session. The first step is attending training on Jan. 14, 8 am - 12 pm, in The Woodlands.

Refresh yourself on the legislative process
Prepare to engage in the January Legislative Session. Visit the Legislative tab on our new voter-focused website to learn more about the legislative process.

Contact your Precinct Chair
Precinct Chairs are elected volunteers dedicated to getting out the vote for conservative leaders and helping their neighbors engage in the political process. Precinct Chairs were on the frontlines of the Midterm Election, organizing block walking all across Montgomery County. If you have questions about the legislative process or how to get involved, your Precinct Chair would love to hear from you!

Click the image above to read about Precinct 99 Chair, Suzanne Rapattoni, who serves in Woodforest/Fish Creek.

Did you know?
The Texas House of Representatives is composed of 150 members, each elected for a two-year term.

The Texas Senate is composed of 31 members who serve four-year terms.

Legislative Committee's plan for engaging voters and lobbying legislators
Bill filing began last week for the new Legislative Session, which convenes on Jan. 10. While we celebrate conservative Republican victories in the Texas Senate and House, we can never assume that our elected officials will always support the issues that are important to us. 

If we have learned anything in recent years, it’s that the only way to have government "for the people" is to be constantly involved. We must now extend our efforts to continually following the progress of priority issues and voicing our opinions.
A three-pronged approach
Toward that end, the Montgomery County Republican Party Legislative Committee has developed a three-pronged approach for making sure that our legislators represent us. 

1) Legislative Email Alerts - Emails will be sent asking voters to contact their representatives when important votes are approaching in Congress and the Texas Legislature.
2) Legislative Social Media Alerts - The Committee is partnering with other local Republican organizations to share information and post Legislative Alerts on social media.

3) Citizen Advocate Training - The Committee will host a Citizen Advocate Training class, conducted by the all-volunteer True Texas Project, on Jan. 14, 8 am - 12 pm. This free course will train voters on how to interact with and voice their views to elected officials. With a trained group of citizens, we can work together to more effectively lobby legislators.

Sign up for Legislative Alerts
Subscribe to receive alerts from the Montgomery County Republican Party when action is needed on important bills. The Republican Party of Texas also sends email alerts.

Republican Party of Texas focuses on first Legislative Priority
The decision whether to ban Democrats from chairing Texas House committees will likely receive a vote in the first few days of the Legislative Session via an amendment to the proposed House rules. Currently, the Speaker awards chairmanships to Democrats as well as Republicans.
40 percent of House committees chaired by Democrats

Last session, despite a Republican majority, approximately 40 percent of House committees were chaired by Democrats. This must change if Republicans are to pass meaningful legislation. Democrats in leadership have a pulpit and significant power over legislation. They control what bills are heard and what bills are voted upon, and they fundraise off their chairmanships, using that money to defeat Republicans during elections.

The Republican Party of Texas has partnered with a Texas small business to sell shirts that say, "Ban Democrat Chairs." Take action by purchasing a "Ban Democrat Chairs" t-shirt and posting a picture of yourself wearing it on social media with the hashtag #NoDemChairs.

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick made the last stop on his 49-day campaign bus tour at the Nov. 7 Montgomery County Tea Party meeting. State Senators Brandon Creighton, Lois Kolkhorst, and Paul Bettencourt, and State Rep. Steve Toth, joined him to rally voters.
Voters keep Montgomery County red
More than 50 percent of registered Montgomery County voters participated in
the Midterm Election. Approximately twice as many people voted early as on Election Day. Voters overwhelmingly chose Republican leadership for local offices, including school board positions.
Victory Committee analyzing election results
Candidates and volunteers spent countless hours block walking, handing out voter guides, and answering voters' questions.
The Montgomery County Republican Party Victory Committee organized grassroots volunteers and researched candidates in preparation for early voting and Election Day.

The Committee prepared a voter guide that was mailed to Republican voters, distributed at voting locations, and made available at

Voters responded by delivering wins to Republicans, keeping Montgomery County a beacon of freedom in Texas. The Committee is already analyzing strategy for 2024 to continue moving forward. With 51 percent registered voter turnout during this election, greater turnout from conservatives is possible and more voter education is needed to make this happen.
County Executive Committee gathering feedback for elections process improvement and training
The Montgomery County Republican Party County Executive Committee (CEC) is holding workshops to compile a list of questions and observations pertaining to Election Day.

The first workshop was held on Nov. 15 at the Montgomery County Republican Party Headquarters. Precinct Chairs, Election Judges, and Election Clerks shared their experiences and suggestions for process improvement.
The result will be a report proposing ideas for improving election integrity and voting processes in preparation for the 2024 election. The report will be shared with the Montgomery County Elections office. In addition, the report will be used to develop additional training for Precinct Chairs, Election Judges, and Election Clerks to supplement the training offered by the Montgomery County Elections office.

The next workshop is scheduled for Tues., Nov. 29, 5:30-7:30 pm, at the Montgomery County Republican Party headquarters. All Precinct Chairs, Election Judges, and Election Clerks are invited to attend. A future meeting will be scheduled for public input.

Mama Bears go three-for-three
Conroe Independent School District has three new trustees. Tiffany Nelson (Position 1), Melissa Dungan (Position 2), and Misty Odenweller (Position 3), who ran a joint campaign as the "Mama Bears," were sworn in on Nov. 18. Parents are taking back their schools all across Texas.
Required manual count being conducted in three Montgomery County precincts
Texas Election Code requires a partial manual count in counties that use electronic voting systems to verify accuracy of tabulation. The partial manual count began in Montgomery County at 9 am on Nov. 14.

The Secretary of State selects the precincts and designates the race that will be counted. For this election, the Lt. Governor's race was selected and hand counts are being performed in Precinct 96 (South Conroe), Precinct 99 (Woodforest/Fish Creek), and Precinct 102 (Northwest Conroe).

Election certified during ongoing manual count
On Nov. 17, the Montgomery County Commissioners Court voted to certify the results of the 2022 General Election before any counting in the required manual count had begun. Two objections were presented by Montgomery County Precinct Chairs, one concerned with reports of the potential omission of a candidate's name on Election Day ballots, and another who asked the court to delay certification until completion of the ongoing manual count required by the Texas Secretary of State. Minutes from the meeting will be posted on the County Commissioners website. The Commissioners Court meets monthly. Meetings are open to the public and also are livestreamed.
Help ensure election integrity in Montgomery County
If you're concerned about an irregularity experienced while casting your vote in Montgomery County, it's important to file a formal report. This is helpful in preventing patterns of anomalies and improving processes. Concerns may be reported to the Texas Secretary of State or you may provide a completed affidavit to the Montgomery County Republican Party.

Republicans victorious in state races
Democrats once again tried turning Texas into California, but voters responded by electing Republicans down the ballot. Beto O'Rourke is now a three-time loser with Governor Greg Abbott’s reelection. Republicans won all major statewide races.

State Senators Brandon Creighton and Lois Kolkhorst won decisive victories, as did State Representative Steve Toth, securing conservative representation for Montgomery County residents in the Texas Senate and House.

Senator Creighton thanked voters by saying, "The next Legislative Session will make history when we pass the most pro-business, pro-family, and pro-Texas agenda ever seen!"
Senator Kolkhorst said, "Thank you for allowing me to serve you in this state and I do so with God in my heart!"

LJ Francis flips SBOE seat
Republican LJ Francis flipped the State Board of Education (SBOE) District 2 seat, giving conservatives a 10-5 majority. He joins Will Hickman (District 6) and Audrey Young (District 8), who were re-elected to represent Montgomery County. This is great news for Texas parents fighting for parental control of education.
Republicans secure US House majority
Congressman Dan Crenshaw and newly elected Morgan Luttrell will be representing Montgomery County when the 118th Congress begins in January. The new House majority will allow Republicans to begin overseeing investigations and countering the Biden administration's failed policies.

Georgia Senate runoff
Republican Herschel Walker will face off against Democrat incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock on Dec. 6. The runoff election will decide if Democrats can increase their Senate majority to 51 seats, or if the Senate will remain with a 50-50 split.

Why the runoff matters in the fight for America

According to Republican strategist Julianne Thompson, "There are Democrat senators who have, in certain instances, voted with the GOP on key pieces of legislation. With a victory for Herschel Walker, it takes away that extra vote cushion from the Democrats and makes consensus building and compromise more likely." Read more »
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we can continue to defend conservative values in Montgomery County.

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