





Querida Comunidad,

February ushers in a time of profound significance, weaving together the threads of history, culture, and communal affection. At UPROSE, we embrace this month with open hearts, recognizing Black History Month, celebrating the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, and spreading love in the spirit of Valentine's Day.

This month, we honor the enduring legacy and contributions of Black individuals within the environmental justice movement—a movement deeply rooted in the civil rights struggle and the unwavering fight for racial justice. The courage and resilience of these activists have not only shaped the environmental justice movement but have also laid the groundwork for the #ClimateJustice movement that drives us today. Their stories remind us of the intertwined fight against environmental degradation and racial inequality, emphasizing the need for solidarity, understanding, and action across all fronts.

As we reflect on the progress made and the journey ahead, we draw inspiration from the pioneers who have illuminated the path toward a more equitable and sustainable world. The Black environmental justice movement's rich history of advocacy and grassroots organizing continues to inspire our collective efforts to bring environmental and climate concerns to the forefront of global justice conversations.

In the spirit of new beginnings and communal celebration, February also welcomes the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, symbolizing power, wisdom, and the promise of renewal. Let this be a time of rejuvenation for our community, encouraging us to approach our endeavors with strength and optimism.

Adding to the month's festivities, UPROSE invites you to "A Revolutionary Love Affair," an open mic night event on February 16, celebrating the power of love in all its forms. Featuring a lineup of talented artists, this evening promises to be a heartwarming gathering of voices, stories, and expressions of revolutionary love. It's a perfect embodiment of Valentine's Day's spirit—celebrating love as a driving force for change and connection within and beyond our community.

This February, let's commit to carrying forward the legacies of those who have fought for justice and equity, celebrating the diverse narratives that unite us, and embracing the power of love to inspire and drive our collective action. Together, we continue to build a world where justice, equity, and love prevail for all.

With warmth and solidarity,

Elizabeth and the UPROSE team




The EPA Hearing on February 12, 2024

The EPA Hearing on on Goods Movement was pivotal, with our very own Sebastian Baez, UPROSE's Just Transition Coordinator, taking the stage to advocate for sustainable solutions. His impassioned speech highlighted the importance of environmental stewardship in shaping the future of goods transportation.


Our Community Harvest

Amazing night at UPROSE's Community Harvest on January 26, 2024! Local hands coming together to celebrate sustainability and community empowerment. The energy was incredible, and the harvest was bountiful! We've shared some beautiful moments of joy and togetherness—have a look at these delightful snapshots. #CommunityHarvest #Sustainability"


WEBINAR: Replacing NYC's Peaker Plants with Clean Alternatives: Progress, Barriers, and Pathways Forward


Earlier this week, UPROSE participated in a webinar titled "Replacing NYC's Peaker Plants with Clean Alternatives: Progress, Barriers, and Pathways Forward," featuring a panel of distinguished experts in the field of sustainable energy and environmental justice.

Sebastian Baez, our very own Just Transition Coordinator at UPROSE, highlighted the importance of equitable policies in ensuring a just transition to clean energy, while Daniel Chu, an astute Energy Planner from NYC-EJA, addressed the intricate planning and policy frameworks necessary to support such a transition.

The webinar was not only a deep dive into the technical and policy aspects of replacing peaker plants but also a rallying cry for community empowerment and the urgent need for a cleaner, more sustainable future. The event concluded with a vibrant Q&A session, leaving attendees inspired and armed with knowledge to advocate for environmental justice and clean energy in New York City.


Why don’t you love my Climate Change Superfund Act? —Senator Liz Krueger

"As New Yorkers, we have a responsibility to leave a better world for future generations. Our kids deserve a planet where the profits of corporate polluters don’t come before our safety or our health. 

Right now, New York taxpayers are paying billions of dollars out of our own pockets to combat the effects of the climate crisis, with some municipalities spending more than half their budgets on climate change. This is while the largest producers of greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuels corporations, continue to pull in record-breaking profits at the cost of our health—and our lives.

Under the Act, “Big Oil”  companies that released over one billion tons of greenhouse gasses from 2000 to 2018 would be assessed and required to pay an apportioned fee generating $3 billion a year, for a total of $75 billion over 25 years.  The money collected from the biggest climate polluters would fund infrastructure improvements, upgrade stormwater and sewage systems, and improve grid stability and public health across New York City and State. It’s time to pass the Climate Change Superfund Act and hold corporate polluters accountable for the harm they’ve caused."


Join the Movement for Affordable, Sustainable Heat in New York

New Yorkers are all too familiar with the burden of exorbitant utility bills, a struggle compounded by our reliance on fossil fuels. However, change is on the horizon. UPROSE proudly supports NY Renews in the recent campaign to transition New York to sustainable and affordable heating solutions.

The #NYHEAT Act represents a pivotal step forward in our commitment to not just a cleaner future, but also to one that safeguards New Yorkers from the financial strain of skyrocketing heating costs. It's time we leave the fossil fuel past behind and embrace a future where clean heat is not a luxury, but a standard—starting now.





This February 16th, let your heart beat to the rhythm of change and community at UPROSE's "A Revolutionary Love Affair." Join us for an extraordinary open mic night where love meets activism, inspired by the wise words of Che Guevara, "The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love."

Don't miss this fusion of poetry, music, and storytelling that embodies the spirit of Valentine's Day and the revolutionary love that powers our community. RSVP now by calling 718-492-9307 or via Eventbrite to reserve your spot. Food and beverages will be provided, adding to the warmth of the gathering.

This isn't just an open mic; it's a celebration of the love that fuels our collective journey toward justice and sustainability. Mark your calendars, invite your friends, and be a part of this revolutionary affair!


Join RaisingHealth and UPROSE for a festive Lunar New Year Celebration this weekend, welcoming the Year of the Dragon with open arms and joyous spirits! Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to celebrate health, prosperity, and community.

Embrace the cultural richness of this special occasion with a variety of FREE activities designed for the whole family. Dive into an array of community resources, benefit from health screenings, express your creativity with arts and crafts, and be entertained by vibrant performances. And, in the spirit of the new year, we're distributing fresh groceries and delightful Lunar New Year treats to all attendees.


Join Our Volunteer Orientation on February 29!




Tired of health disparities, community leads frontline solutions to climate change

February 13 | Article Link

Communities tire of health disparities and lead frontline solutions to climate change in a groundbreaking effort to address environmental injustice. Read more on how grassroots initiatives by UPROSE are making a difference in the fight for a healthier, more equitable future.


US DOT Sec. Pete Buttigieg did NYC a favor by rejecting its bid for $800M in Biden bucks to fix the BQE and ensure another 50 years of Robert Moses:

February 7 | Article Link

Big news for NYC! The federal decision to deny funding for the BQE as is could be a turning point, says BQEJ Coalition. This opens a path for more sustainable, community-focused urban planning. Time for innovative solutions to take center stage! #SustainableCommunities


January 25 | Article Link

Here, we celebrate the life and enduring impact of Pablo Yoruba Guzmán. An iconic figure in activism and journalism, Guzmán's legacy was honored in a heartfelt ceremony in East Harlem. His work as part of the Young Lords Party and as a bridge-builder through his journalism was lauded by voices across the community. His commitment to social justice and his ability to engage with media to amplify critical issues remain inspirational. Guzmán's legacy continues to influence our mission and the broader fight for equality and justice. Read more about his remarkable contributions and the celebration of his life in the article by UPROSE's esteemed board member Neyda Martínez Sierra on Amsterdam News​


UPROSE is an intergenerational, multi-racial, nationally-recognized, women of color-led, grassroots organization that promotes sustainability and resiliency through community organizing, education, leadership development and cultural/artistic expression in Brooklyn, New York.

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