Dear Kathryn,
Sustainability, ESG and Social Impact reporting and disclosure have never been so exciting!
Here are some of the most recent developments: 1) The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission released its final "Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors" rule last week, 2) The Canadian Sustainability Standards Board is getting set to send its Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards (CSDS1 and 2) to consultation and comment, 3) California has signed into law two bills introducing new climate-related reporting and disclosure requirements and 4) the European Commission (EC) enacted (in July, 2023) the first set of 12 European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for use by all organization's subject to the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). And there is more to come.
Yes, one person's "exciting" is another person's "nightmare". But, we can help. In the Graduate Diploma in Social Responsibility and Sustainability Practitioner Instructors help you sort through the complexity, explain the changes and guide you through a Group Project to examine the evolution of how companies are disclosing. Standards, reporting and disclosures can even be the subject of your Capstone Project.
Start Now by:
- Checking out our Business Case and Philosophy videos from our from our Feb. Information Session.
Applying Now (March 31st, 1st Intake Deadline, we are receiving new applications every day)
Visiting our Website to review the current and past Cohorts, Program Content, Faculty and Testimonials
- Booking a Consultation with our Program Manager
Take a leadership role in one of the fastest evolving and most rewarding career fields in a generation. Change is coming - It can be disturbing when done to us, exhilarating when done by us (Rosabeth Moss Kanter).