





A Message from our Executive Director


UPROSE End-of-Year Review: Celebrating Progress and Looking Ahead

Querida Comunidad,

Season's Greetings! As 2023 comes to a close, we at UPROSE reflect on a year of resilience and progress. Despite facing challenges like extreme weather events and navigating a culture focused on extraction, we have stayed committed to our mission, embodying the spirit of a just transition.

This year was a testament to our collective efforts at UPROSE. We're thrilled to share some key highlights from 2023 and invite you to support our ongoing work with an end-of-year donation. Your contribution aids our commitment to Black, Indigenous, and matriarchal leadership, all working towards policy change, landscape transformation, leadership development, and tangible infrastructural improvements. Our achievements are not overnight successes; they are the result of years of vision and community-centered action.

2023: A Year of Groundbreaking Work and Community Empowerment

  • Community-Driven Projects: We launched impactful initiatives like the Community Solar Project and GRID 2.0, emphasizing sustainable energy solutions.
  • Youth Engagement: Our Climate Justice Youth program inspired a new generation of environmental leaders through engaging workshops and campaigns.
  • Community Meetings and Advocacy: Hosting over 50 community meetings, we've strengthened our engagement and advocacy, leading to significant policy changes for a more sustainable urban environment.

Looking Forward to 2024

As we enter 2024, UPROSE is poised for greater growth and impact. We aim to further empower our community to flourish amidst environmental challenges and continue to elevate the voices that drive meaningful change.

We thank you for being a vital part of our journey. Your support is the backbone of our mission. Together, we are creating a future that is sustainable, empowered, and resilient. We extend our deepest gratitude to our partners, allies, and funders, whose support is crucial in our leaderful movement. It enables us to provide our youth with alternatives to traditional employment, ensure accessibility through translation services, childcare, and food for community participation, and attract talented BIPOC individuals dedicated to our community-driven vision.

Con amor y luz,

Elizabeth and the UPROSE team




An Intergenerational Conversation with Brooklyn's Black Panther Charles Barron

On December 15, 2023, UPROSE hosted a truly memorable and impactful event: An Intergenerational Conversation with Brooklyn's Black Panther, Charles Barron. This special evening brought together community members across different generations for an enriching dialogue with one of Brooklyn's most influential figures. Charles Barron, with his rich history in activism and the Black Panther Party, shared his invaluable experiences, wisdom, and insights that have shaped the social and political landscape of our community and beyond.

The event was not just a conversation but a profound journey through the past, present, and future of activism and community empowerment. Barron's powerful storytelling and engaging dialogue captivated everyone, offering unique perspectives and inspiring a renewed commitment to social justice and community solidarity. We are deeply grateful to everyone who joined us for this enlightening evening. Your participation made this event a success, fostering a space for learning, reflection, and connection. This gathering has undoubtedly strengthened our community's resolve to continue the fight for justice and equality, inspired by the enduring spirit of leaders like Charles Barron.


Little Candles' Day - Holiday Festivities

The evening of December 7, 2023, was a memorable one for the UPROSE community as we celebrated Little Candles' Day, enhanced by the spellbinding performance of La Manga. This special event marked the beginning of the holiday season, filling our hearts with warmth and joy. Our neighborhood was beautifully illuminated with candles, symbolizing hope and unity, creating a perfect backdrop for the festivities.

La Manga's performance was the highlight of the evening, captivating everyone with their vibrant rhythms and soulful melodies. Their music, a blend of traditional and contemporary styles, resonated with the audience, adding an extra layer of magic to the night. The air was filled with energy and excitement as people of all ages danced, sang along, and celebrated the spirit of the season.


UPROSE's Solar Project spotlight in the Equitable Community Solar report

UPROSE's Community Solar Project, highlighted in the Equitable Community Solar report by the Initiative for Energy Justice (IEJ), is an innovative venture in renewable energy, spearheading New York City's first community-owned solar project, Sunset Park Solar. Situated on the Brooklyn Army Terminal, this 685-kilowatt project not only offers up to 200 community members significant savings on their energy bills but also embodies a broader vision of energy democracy and environmental justice. UPROSE’s approach, deeply rooted in community engagement and advocacy, particularly post-Superstorm Sandy, extends beyond energy provision to encompass workshops, training, and resources, ensuring community involvement in the transition to clean energy. This project serves as both a local solution for affordable, clean energy and a replicable model for community-driven renewable energy initiatives nationwide.

For more information, you can visit the Initiative for Energy Justice's report here.


UPROSE in the December News


Brooklyn Eagle: Groups Call on Hochul to Stop City’s ‘Predetermined’ Plan to Keep BQE

December 18, 2023 | Article


Streetsblog New York: Pressure builds to put brakes on BQE 'boondoogle'

December 18, 2023 | Article


Politico Pro: Brooklyn groups urge more talk before BQE action

December 14, 2023 | Article


Other Articles in 2023

Utility Dive, NYISO to keep 4 NYC peakers running past planned 2025 retirement to maintain reliability

Fordham News, â€˜The Environment Is Everything’: A Conversation with Climate Justice Leader Elizabeth Yeampierre

News12 The Bronx, Climate justice supporters launch Climate Justice Hub at CUNY

Nonprofit Quarterly, How UPROSE Is Creating Clean Energy in Brooklyn

Earthjustice press release, ElectrifyNY Coalition, Lawmakers, and Environmental

Justice Advocates Launch Campaign in Support of the Clean Deliveries Act

Wired, The Race to Decarbonize America Needs More Workers

New York Magazine, The Most Powerful New Yorkers You’ve Never Heard Of

Fordham Magazine,

‘The Environment Is Everything’: A Conversation with Climate Justice Leader Elizabeth Yeampierre

Fordham New, Climate Summit Kicks Off University-Wide Sustainability Initiative

Tita Talks-Special guest Elizabeth Yeampierre (Earth day episode),


Thirteen PBS,


Modern Women Magazine 2024 Pg 64-69, Advancing Climate Justice in New York City

The New Republic, New York’s Apocalyptic Air Isn’t Deadly for Me. It Can Be for Others.

The City, New York State of Wind: Future Looks Breezy for Offshore Empire


UPROSE is an intergenerational, multi-racial, nationally-recognized, women of color-led, grassroots organization that promotes sustainability and resiliency through community organizing, education, leadership development and cultural/artistic expression in Brooklyn, New York.

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