October 2023

Utah Disability Today
The official newsletter of the Institute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice
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TAESE Project Eases Braille Transcriber Shortage in 3 States

The K-12 Braille Transcriber Project was developed by the Center for Technical Assistance for Excellence in Special Education, an initiative of the Institute for Disability.

Braille readers enjoy the benefits of literacy that are experienced by sighted readers. But a Braille transcriber shortage complicates the use of Braille in Utah schools. Utah draws on a pool of Braille transcribers from all over the country, but there are not nearly enough, said Utah Special Education Director Leah Voorhies. Learning materials are often delayed as a result, so she asked TAESE to help find a solution.

Read more on our blog.

portrait, Dr. Goode

Pictured: Dr. Tamara Goode

Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Latest DDNJ Podcast

In the latest DDNJ podcast, Institute for Disability Director Matthew Wappett and National Center for Cultural Competence Director Tawara Goode explore how leadership is crucial in creating cultural and communal change.

"I think that we have not looked at equity at all, in the space," Dr. Goode said. "Disability organizations have looked at diversity, and have looked at inclusion, but that was through a particular lens."

Read and listen on our blog.

an elderly hand holds a baby hand

Time to Act ECHO Project Addresses Mental Health Across the Lifespan

The Institute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice launched its fifth ECHO project this month. “Racial Disparities in Infant Mental Health,” the next in the series of sessions, will be the November 15 installment in the  Time to Act ECHO: Mental Health Across the Lifespan.

The statewide training initiative is intended to build capacity and confidence among service providers from across disciplines.

This is the fourth concurrently-running ECHO project at the Institute for Disability.

Dillon poses leaning on his walker by a car

Pictured: Dillon Lundahl, IDRPP contributor

National Disability Employment Awareness Month Perspectives

In her latest blog post, guest contributor Kirsten Barraclough shares important perspective on preparing for work in the adult world. "Career exploration should not wait until college is almost over," she says.

And social media contributor Dillon Lundahl takes us along on a day at his workplace.

Autistic Adult Survey

The University of Alaska Anchorage Center for Human Development is looking for autistic adults who are their own guardians to complete a survey about sexual health education. The purpose of the survey is to understand what education and support autistic adults think are important to have romantic relationships. This information will help us develop training.


If you are an autistic adult and willing to participate, please click the link to complete the survey. Participation is voluntary and we will not know your name.

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Autism Part 3: Physical Activity in Autism

Early ECHO

November 1st

More Information on the Early Echo website

Safe Babies Court

Project SCOPE

November 8th

More Information on the Project SCOPE website


Saturday Mornings with NRCP

November 11th

More Information on the NRCP website


Racial Disparities in Infant Mental Health

Time to Act ECHO

November 15th

Register on the Time to Act website


Workplace Supports Training

November 15th

More Information on the Center for Employment and Inclusion website

Salt Lake City



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