February, 2024

CKO is undertaking a website redesign project. To ensure the new website meets your needs and provides a positive user experience, please take a few minutes to fill out an anonymous survey. The survey deadline has been extended to 5 p.m., Feb. 28.

Start the Survey

Practice Standards and Guidelines survey series coming up

In the coming months, CKO will publish a series of Practice Standard and Guideline surveys in our monthly e-newsletter (@ CKO) and via social media channels. The first survey of the series will be launched in the March issue of @ CKO. Keep an eye on your inbox! 

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New Council member and Council reappointment

While we are welcoming the new public Council member, Jennifer Yee, we are also excited for the opportunity to continue working alongside two extremely talented and skilled individuals who were reappointed to CKO Council by the Ontario government. Check out who they are by clicking the link below.

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Mandatory Reporting Obligations

Mandatory reporting helps bring important information about a kinesiologist’s practice and conduct to CKO, such as possible professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity. Registered Kinesiologists and those who employ or work with them must also report certain information to CKO to protect the public. 

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Sign up for CKO's information session

To fulfill our public protection mandate, CKO partners with educational institutions to ensure educators and students are aware of CKO’s role and health regulation. CKO also collaborates with various practice locations of Registered Kinesiologists to provide the most up-to-date information to help enhance kinesiology practice and patient care.

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Help develop CKO's Entry-to-Practice exam – Deadline: 5 p.m., March 1

Are you eager to contribute to and help shape your profession? CKO is seeking applications from kinesiologists interested in joining the Examination Committee and Item Writing Committee, which support the development of the Entry-to-Practice exam.

By joining the Committees, you will:

  • gain a deeper knowledge of the competencies that differentiate the profession,
  • network and collaborate with other kinesiologists, and
  • build your resume with activities that contribute to advancing the profession.

Learn more and Apply!

Spring 2024 Entry-to-Practice Exam – Deadline: Feb. 28

Registration for the Spring 2024 Entry-to-Practice exam scheduled for April 17 is still open. Eligible candidates are required to submit their Exam Registration Form and payment by Feb. 28, 2024 to register for the exam 

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Protecting the public through regulating kinesiologists in Ontario.

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