October, 2023

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September Council meeting updates

As Council President and some of the committee members have reached their maximum term in September, an election of officers was held at the Sept. 26 Council meeting. Read through to find out who the new Council President and Vice-President are.

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Professionalism and social media

As social media has become a popular tool for kinesiologists to to share helpful information about their practice with their patients/clients and the general public, we’d like to remind kinesiologists of CKO’s Practice Standard – Advertising. 

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CKO Spring 2024 Entry-to-Practice Exam dates

Passing CKO's Entry-to-Practice Exam is the first step towards becoming a registered kinesiologists in Ontario. The Spring 2024 Entry-to-Practice Exam dates are out - share and register while availabilities last.

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Oct. 31 - Complete your mandatory e-learning modules

If you are a kinesiologist registered in the General Class and haven't completed these modules, you must login to your e-learning portal and complete your modules by Oct. 31.

Celebrating our 10 years

Protecting the public through regulating kinesiologists of Ontario

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