Every Wednesday morning I participate in a local business networking group. Towards the end of each networking session, the facilitator asks us to share one business tip for the week. My latest share, and one that got a collective 'ooo...that's a good one Cara!' response, was this:
When times are tough, if you heard someone say to a young person you care for with all your heart (ex: child/niece/nephew...you get the idea) what you're saying to yourself in your own head about you - would you allow it? Or would you put them in their place and insist they don't talk to your dear loved one that way?
My hunch is you, on a good day, would address the person spouting cruelties and inform them of your disapproval. On a not so good day, the words of Mr. T come to mind: I pitty the fool!
So, my dear friend, why do you allow for such atrocities to be spoken to you by you??
Be kind to you this holiday season, and all of the seasons. Should you find yourself in need, please use the strategy of addressing you as your childhood self: what would someone doing their best in the moment need to hear??
As you ponder, enjoy the latest Tutum Leadership Coaching updates below. Always know, you are appreciated!