First I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and say thank you to all of our many supporters who helped us make it through this very tough year.
The struggles we faced in 2020 impacted our rescue efforts in ways we never imagined. We had limited access to veterinary hospitals due to COVID-19 which significantly impaired our rescue capabilities.
As an organization that strives to overcome obstacles which stand in the way of our rescue efforts, we came to the realization that it is imperative that we have a veterinary hospital which is accessible to our rescued dogs at all times.
We have formed a secondary non-profit organization called APAWS (Animal Protection and Wellness Services) that will operate as a low-cost veterinary hospital which will not only provide care to our Detroit Pit Crew dogs, but it will also be accessible to the general public, as well as to a few of our rescue partners. APAWS will also be a holding facility for animals that need to be held under protective custody and are part of cruelty cases.
We have found the perfect building for our new entity and we are currently under contract to purchase this property which is located on the border of Detroit in the City of Eastpointe. We anticipate that APAWS will be up and running by the summer of 2021.
This will be a very expensive endeavor as the cost to purchase, renovate, equipment and staff APAWS is expected to cost around a million dollars. We have a very special donor who is currently matching all donations made towards APAWS up to $50,000.00.
Please consider making a year-end tax deductible donation to help us with this large undertaking which will not only benefit our rescued dogs, but it will also benefit the community.
Donations can be made by clicking on the donate button below or by going to Checks can be mailed to Detroit Pit Crew P.O. Box 3111, Center Line, MI 48015.
Thank you for helping us make miracles happen for the voiceless dogs that need us the most!
With sincere gratitude,
Theresa Sumpter
Executive Director, Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue