Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! We hope you're rested up, ready for a bright and shiny 2021!

Looking for ways to build meaningful connections with your child or teen? We're excited to announce Keys: for Parenting, a new tool for parents developed by educators Charlene Margot and Bev Hartman, co-founders of The Parent Venture.

Keys (app) puts parenting advice at your fingertips—literally, it's a keyboard!—with real-time suggestions for what to say (text) in those tough moments. Click here to join our Waitlist (product launch January 2021).

Our popular Parent Forum (English) returns on Friday, January 15, with Dr. Eran Magen in Helping Your Child or Teen Develop Good Habits (Online). Space is limited, so register today!

Ready or not ...Vanessa Kellam, Parent Engagement Manager at Health Connected, a sex education nonprofit, offers Prepared or Petrified? How to Be an Askable Adult for Your 'Quaranteen' (January 20, Online).

On January 28, we're delighted to welcome David Kleeman, global expert in children's and youth media, for Kids, Media, and COVID-19: What Has Changed, What Hasn’t, What’s Next (Online). We've been trying to book David for 10 years!

How can we help our kids find what gives their lives meaning? Kendall Bronk, PhD, developmental researcher at Claremont Graduate University, presents Helping Your Children and Teens Discover Their Purpose in Life (February 11, Online).

With 12,400+ views, our popular Video Library (YouTube channel) has become a trusted resource, with free videos on College Admission, Mental Health, SEL, Social Justice, and more. Many thanks to the video production team at BGCP!

Videos of recent events include How to Give Advice Your Child (Might) Listen To and Mental Health 101: When Should Parents Worry? (details below).

Finally, if you value our work, we hope you will consider making a New Year gift to The Parent Venture, our registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed this year via our events! We are so grateful for your generosity, engagement, and encouragement.

Warm regards,
Upcoming 2020 - 2021 Events
Live Events (Virtual)
Parent Forum #6 (English)
Helping Your Child or Teen Develop Good Habits
Join us for a new Parent Forum (English) with Eran Magen, PhD, founder of Parenting for Humans. This series of (virtual) parent discussion groups is an initiative of Sequoia Healthcare District.

Friday, January 15, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm PT
Live Event (Meeting)
In this live webinar, Vanessa Kellam of Health Connected helps parents learn how to engage their 'quaranteen' in meaningful conversations about sexual health and relationships. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm PT
Live Event (Webinar)
Kids, Media, and COVID-19: What Has Changed, What Hasn’t, What’s Next
David Kleeman is a global expert in children’s and youth media. He will explore the impact of COVID-19 on kids media, best practices in playful learning, and the integration of child/adolescent development and research across media, technology, and games.

Thursday, January 28, 2021
5:00pm - 6:00pm PT
Live Event (Webinar)
Helping Your Children and Teens Discover Their Purpose in Life
What is purpose? Why does it matter? And, how can we — as parents — help our children and teens discover their purpose in life? Kendall Cotton Bronk, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Claremont Graduate University.

Thursday, February 11, 2021
5:30pm - 6:30pm PT
Live Event (Webinar)
Community Events (Virtual)
The Future of Educational Equity in the South Peninsula: How'd We Get Here and Where Are We Going?
This community forum features Gina Sudaria (Ravenswood Supt), Erik Burmeister (MPCSD Supt), Simone Rick-Kennel (M-A Principal), and community leaders from East Palo Alto and Menlo Park. How will our community address the challenges and opportunities of the future?

Tuesday, January 19, 2021
6:30pm - 7:30pm PT
Live Event (Webinar)
Resources (Virtual)
Keys: for Parenting puts the experience of its founders — two educators with 60+ years of experience — at your fingertips (literally).

Field tested by teens and approved by parents, KEYS gives you the ability to connect with your kids through texting. As one teen told us, "I wish my parents had this when I was in high school!"
Just for Fun
Watch Boston Dynamics robots dance to 'Do you love me'
What says New Year's like robots dancing the mashed potato and doing the twist? The crew at Boston Dynamics got together to celebrate the start of what we hope will be a happier year. Amazing!
A Chocolate Telescope!
Amaury Guichon, a Las Vegas pastry chef, built a 5' tall telescope made entirely with chocolate. “This may be the most technical chocolate creation I have ever made," says the chef, whose video has now gone viral.
In the News
How Teens Use Downtime to Connect, Distract or Reflect
Different choices for how young people use free time lead to different kinds of relief.
When pandemic-weary adolescents get to take a break, what should they do with themselves? Here’s a look at three ways teenagers tend to spend their downtime, and the particular benefits and challenges that come with each.

— The New York Times: Coronavirus Outbreak
Listen and Connect: How Parents Can Support Teens’ Mental Health Right Now
There’s no handbook for how to raise teenagers during a pandemic. Adolescents are struggling for valid reasons and many parents are grappling with how to support their teens while also navigating their own pressing concerns. 

— KQED: Mind/Shift
Video Library
Helping Kids Thrive During the Holidays and COVID-19
As a New Year begins, how can you support the physical and emotional health and well-being of your kids? Dr. Aaron Nayfack, a developmental-behavioral pediatrician and Sequoia Healthcare District Board member, offers advice.
Mental Health 101: When Should Parents Worry?
Shashank Joshi, MD (Stanford Medicine), Amy Heneghan, MD (PAMF), and April Torres, MFT (SMUHSD) discuss how parents and schools can promote youth mental well-being. Special event presented by Peninsula Health Care District.
Parenting Quotes
The Parent Education Series is an award-winning program that provides high-quality education to parents, students, educators, clinicians, and community members.

Since 2006, our organization has reached over 85,000 attendees on critical issues — mental health, substance use, social media, college planning, and more — that impact the health, safety, and well-being of children and teens.

Questions? Contact Charlene Margot, M.A., Founder and CEO, The Parent Education Series. For more resources, visit The Parent Venture,

Copyright © 2020 The Parent Education Series. All rights reserved.
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