The Healing Power of Dogs

All animals have the incredible gift of giving and healing. However, we are focused on dogs this month because August 26, 2021, is National Dog Day. This day celebrates all dogs, mixed and pure breeds. Colleen Paige, a Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert, Animal Rescue Advocate, Conservationist, Dog Trainer, and Author, founded the special doggie day. Her purpose is to raise awareness around the number of dogs in need of being rescued each year. The day also acknowledges family dogs and dogs that work selflessly to save lives. Dogs keep us safe and bring comfort, and that's not all. They keep giving! Now, they are detecting cancer and seizures, playing an undeniable role in our health and wellness. 

Finn, Finn, Finn. I can not think of a better time to celebrate and honor my most precious sidekick and co-worker. Most of you have met the Finster. He works at Element 5, Acupuncture and Wellness, and he takes his job very seriously. Therefore, I would like to formally introduce him as my Chief Executive Greeter and Therapy Dog. He has excellent listening skills, is a top-notch comforter and counselor with fur. For nine years, Finn has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on my clinic, patients, and of course, me. His enthusiasm and excitement for his job are every employer's dream. When he connects with our patients, he wipes a massive smile across their faces. In seconds, they soften, relax, and let go of the world. They are present with him, even if it is just for a few minutes of peace before they return. 

Finn came into my life in 2012. I saw him while running around Rice University. He was with an independent rescue service at the Rice Village Farmers Market. His adorable terrier face and sweet demeanor caught my eye. It's hard to think that I almost kept running, but he chose me. I adopted him and his first day at the clinic was September 12, 2012. I had just moved into a beautiful new space in the Rice Village District. At that moment, everything changed personally and professionally. I didn't know then, but our special bond would bring companionship, love, loyalty, trust, support, authenticity, non-judgment, and healing. Whew, that's a lot, but it's all true! 

I'm not alone in this experience. As humans, we are social animals. We have a strong need to connect and have meaningful relationships. Coincidentally, dogs are social animals too. Lucky for us, they are xenophilic. A dog’s openness to humans along with their other proficient skills creates the conditions for a powerful connection. That's why 38.4% of the US population owns a dog, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association—making the canine a popular and favorite addition to many families.  

Dogs are not only great companions, but they also have magical healing powers. These extraordinary bonds have revealed dogs' impactful role in our mental, social, and physical well-being. We can experience their healing abilities just by their presence. Research shows they can improve quality of life, decrease stress, decreases anxiety, lower blood pressure, ease pain, improves mood, lowers cholesterol, promotes exercise, helps people socialize, improves immunity, and help children develop. No wonder we are carving out space for them in homes and businesses. In conclusion, inviting a dog into your life can positively impact you if you open your heart to a relationship of authenticity, non-judgment, loyalty, and love. You will not regret it!

10 Ways to Celebrate National Dog Day

1. Adopt a dog from your local shelter
2. Donate blankets, food to animal welfare organizations
3. Have a portrait painted of your dog
4. Buy your dog a fun new toy
5. Go for a run or walk with your dog or other fun exercises
6. Pamper your dog with affection, massage, or a holistic spa treatment
7. Teach your dog a new trick
8. Buy your dog a fashionable collar and leash
9. Hire a professional photographer for a dog photoshoot 
10. Take your dog to the beach

Health + Wellness BLOG

15-minute zoom call for a complimentary health assessment/consultation. We will assess where you are in health, explore short-term and long-term health goals, and discuss the best way to get started on your healing journey. 713-942-7110

To find out more about healing naturally and holistically, read my Blog and follow Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness on Instagram, Facebook, Google, and Linkedin. If you know of anyone who would benefit from our content, please share. Let's stay healthy together!

Sheri Davidson
L.Ac + Health and Wellness Coach
The Magic of Dogs
Experience Acupuncture
Valid through Dec 31, 2021
Health + Wellness Happenings
The Wellness Inspired Podcast | Sheri Davidson

Wellness is an everyday choice that many people struggle to make. Your inspiration, empowerment, and motivation are here.
Sheri Davidson is a licensed acupuncturist and wellness coach. She is also a co-host of the Health + Dwellness Podcast and founder and owner of Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness in Houston, TX.

Join her in monologs, conversations, and interviews to help you achieve a higher level of well-being and performance. Each episode will inspire, empower, motivate, and encourage you in the pursuit of wellness. You deserve it!

If you are struggling with change, needing extra support, interested in a like-minded community, or have a wellness passion, come along for the adventure. Explore, learn, love, and grow together in creating a wellness lifestyle.
Coming September!
Animal Communication & Healing | Keveney Evanne

My dog was the reason I left a decade long career practicing law and corporate America. She suffered several massive seizures one morning in 2016, and I instantly and intuitively knew the causes of her seizures were my stress and dissatisfaction with life as I knew it. The veterinarian at the ER and our vet told us that she likely had a brain tumor that ruptured and would not survive; they both recommended euthanasia.

I knew with every cell of my being that she would survive – if I took extreme ownership of my unhappiness and drastically changed my life.
There was a voice on repeat saying, “Take her home. Do what you did when you were little. She will survive. You will survive. Save her, and she’ll save you.

”Thank God I listened to that voice! I brought her home, and I took ten days of vacation from work. I slept on the floor with her, and I played with energy. The spiritual faculties I knew well as a child – the knowing, the seeing, the feeling, the hearing, the connection, the energy, the unseen help, the divine – came rushing back into my body and awareness. Just before it was time to go back to work, she rose and began acting like a pup (she was around 11 years old at the time).

She never had another seizure (and none of the doctors could explain why she had the seizures less than two weeks prior). She lived another year and a half. She was more playful and alive after her healing than before her seizures. And, I left corporate to do my own soul work and talk to animals – best decision I’ve ever made!

One of the reasons I will always do animal readings is because it leaves the human forever changed. The information that I receive – often specific and “unknowable” details about the owner’s life and particular facts about the animal’s medical history or the human’s emotional or physical health – leaves no room to wonder if the connection is real. It is most certainly genuine and divine.
YIN YOGA | Georgia Viret

Yin Yoga is a passive style of yoga high influenced by Eastern medicine. Most of the postures are on the floor and held passively for several minutes in order to access a safe and positive ‘stress’ on the deep layers of connective tissue in the body.

Saturday, August 21, 2021
10:00 am - 11:00 am

A quaint warm space where Sheri Davidson, acupuncturist and integrative health coach together with Candice Rogers, interior and well designer, share their passion for well-being and explore everyday living in health, wellness and design to help you thrive in your life.


Mindful meditation is the practice of being fully present in the moment without judgement. It can lower stress, focus your mind, improve relationships, reduce brain chatter and increase creativity. You’ll find yourself feeling kinder, calmer, and more patient. These shifts in your experience can generate positive changes in your life.

No Class this month
Word-of-mouth is our most effective and valuable marketing tool and we have you to thank!
Seventy percent of new clients come from your referrals.

In return, we would like to show you appreciation and gratitude for believing in
Element 5, Acupuncture + Wellness. If you refer three people, we'll give you
a complimentary 30 minute shiatsu for back and neck. 
Thank You!!!