Read UUC's Annual Report
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What's Happening at UUC Adult Religious Enrichment UUC and Beyond
Highlights of the April UUC Board Meeting
1. In order to post an event on the UU calendar please contact Carol Key in the church office or email her. Right now you cannot go online and sign up yourself.
2. The Annual Meeting will be held on May 21. In order to vote you must be a member and have made a pledge or a donation of record. Packets for the meeting should be available by May 2.
3. The General Assembly will be held in New Orleans on June 21-25. You can go online to UUA
General Assembly to register. We have named our delegates but you can still attend or be an off line delegate. In preparation for GA we will have a meeting on May14th from 12:30-1:45 to review the agenda. We will watch a video of the three candidates running for president and do a straw vote. There is a proposal to add an 8th principle to our existing 7 which we will discuss.
4. Maintenance. The pond has been cleared but in order to make maintenance easier the papyrus will be removed and replaced with bulrush and native plants. Also, the entrance doors for the Octagon have termite damage so they will be repaired and painted.
5. Emma's Revolution Concert is tentatively scheduled for Nov. 17. They are a smart and funny activist band. This will be a fundraiser.
6. The annual canvass continues.
7. Renovation of the Social Hall should start by the end of June.
Unitarian Universalists of Clearwater
2470 Nursery Rd., Clearwater, FL 33764 727-531-7704
Upcoming Events from May 5th to May 12th, 2017
--Open Issues, 9:30-10:30 am, Patio Room
Beverly Burton. “The Aging and Disability Resource Center”. Ms.Burton holds an MS in gerontology and has been the ADRC Director in Pasco-Pinellas since 1992. She oversees the federally funded "helpline" that provides information and referral to seniors, disabled adults and their caregivers. She wants us to know about the ADRC.
--Worship Service, 10:30-11:45 am, Octagon.
Service Leader: Rev. Patrice Curtis Title: "Unlocking the Door"
--Black Lives Matter Committee Meeting, 12:15-2:15 pm, Chorale Room.
--Environmental Action Committee, 12:15-1:45, Patio Room
May 9, Tuesday: Writers Group, 7:00-9:00 pm, Library
We are open to any writing genre: fiction, memoirs, poetry, essays and non fiction. We are a new group so if you are interested please feel free to show up, or if you prefer to bring a writing sample send it to Bill Foley, at
Don't Forget! May 21, Sunday is the Annual Congregational Meeting
for link to UUC's full May Calendar)
May 14, Sun: Open Issues 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM, Patio Rm May 14, Sun: Worship Service 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM, Octagon
May 14, Sun: New Member Recognition, 11-11:15 am, Octagon.
May 14, Sun: pre-General Assembly (GA) meeting, Patio Rm
May 17, Wed: Exhale/Soup Supper, Soup Potluck 5:30-6:15, Exhale 6:15-6:45, Post Soup Supper, 6:45-7:30
May 20, Sat: Members' Art Show Opening Reception, 7-9:00 pm, Octagon
May 21, Sun: Open Issues 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM, Patio Rm May 21, Sun: Worship Service 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM, Octagon
May 21, Sun: A Course in Mindfulness , 12:30-2:00 pm, Patio Rm
May 26, Fri: Fourth Friday in the Food Forest, 5:00-10:00 pm. Gazebo
Meet with Rev. Patrice Curtis
If you would like to meet with Rev. Patrice contact the office at 727-531-7704. If you wish to contact her, please call
(510) 852-9304.
May 7th, 2017
"Unlocking the Door
Service leader:
Reverend Patrice Curtis
Theme for May:
Pastoral Care Associates
UUC has a strong team of lay Pastoral Associates who offer confidential, emotional
support and spiritual companionship to fellow church members. You can access pastoral care by contacting Rev. Patrice Curtis at 727-531-7704 ext. 5 or
Please note that emails sent to the front office are not confidential; emails to Rev. Patrice are.
This week’s pastoral care associate is Susan Hegner and is available at 727-531-7704 ext. 5.
What Is 'Spirit Space'?
It's the space on the upper level of the Sanctuary where children can go during service for quiet activities. Be sure to go check it out with your little ones.
Open Issues
Sundays at 9:30 a.m.,
Patio Room
May 7th
Beverly Burton. “The Aging and Disability Resource Center”. Ms.Burton holds an MS in gerontology and has been the ADRC Director in Pasco-Pinellas since 1992. She oversees the federally funded "helpline" that provides information and referral to seniors, disabled adults and their caregivers. She wants us to know about the ADRC.
Flowers for Sunday Services
If you would like to supply the flowers for an upcoming Sunday service in honor of a special event or person in your life, please email Patricia
here. She will help you coordinate your contribution.
A Gathering for Sitting and Moving Mindfulness.
Third Wednesday of every month thru May 2017. Next Exhale and Soup Supper is May 17th
6:15 to 6:45 in the Sanctuary.
5:30 - pre service soup potluck
6:15 - 6:45 Exhale! service in Octagon
6;45 - 7:30 post service soup potluck
Love offerings are accepted to help cover shared costs.
Wednesday Soup Supper
pre and post Exhale! service
Extend the moments of nourishment for the body and spirit by joining fellow Exhale participants pre AND/OR post service at our Soup Supper.
It's easy. Just bring some soup to share, or bread or salad, maybe a dessert. Crockpots are great. Listing ingredients is very helpful.
To support ease of cleanup and to keep our footprint tiny, please plan on bringing your own bowls or help with cleanup.
UUC's Refugee Committee is Active in the Community
UUC hosted a packed house to view the film 8 Days, 8 Borders, following the
story of a single mother and her two children on their difficult journey from Syria
to Germany. Through telling the story of one family, we viewed the desperate
journey of millions of refugees as they seek a safer life. UUC also welcomed a
number of our Syrian, Iraqi and Somali neighbors to the viewing.
After the film, many attendees asked how UUC was assisting refugees. Two
years ago UUC sponsored an Iraqi family who is now independent; we continue
our relationship with the family. We have recently begun to assist a second
refugee family, this time from Syria. After spending five years in a refugee camp
in Jordan, the family finally received their papers to come to the United States. A
member of the Refugee Committee visits the family every week and they have
begun to learn a little English.
UUC has also begun a pilot English as a Second Language program for our
Middle Eastern neighbors in the nearby apartment complexes. Ten UUC
members volunteer in this program every Saturday morning, talking and
interacting with recent refugees. Some of the students struggle with basic English
while others enjoy the opportunity to comfortably practice their new language
with an English speaker. We will be ending the program at the end of May, but
continuing it this fall.
Some of our families have school age children. Please e-mail Barb Foley if you
know of any free or low cost summer activities, programs or day camps in
Clearwater within walking distance of Nursery and Belcher.
If you would like further information or would like to be involved in our refugee
Have you completed the Spring 2017 Info Update?
It's a salmon colored form on a clipboard in the narthex on Sundays or here in the UUC office Tues-Fri. 9-12.
We want to make sure your contact info is up to date AND -- very importantly -- what areas of interest you might want to participate in. This really helps us help you to find your happy place within the UUC community.
UUC In Action... Upcoming Committee Meetings
Please get your meeting information to NO LATER than one week before the next E-Octagram (publishes on Thursdays). If there are changes, they must get to the above email NO LATER than the Wednesday before publishing. Thank you.
--The UUC Writers Group, Tuesday, May 9, 7:00-9:00 pm, Library
We are open to any writing genre: fiction, memoirs, poetry, essays and non fiction. We are a new group so if you are interested please feel free to show up, or if you prefer to bring a writing sample send it to Bill Foley, at
-- Black Lives Matter, Sunday, May 7, 12:15-2:15 pm, Library
We will be discussing the book Waking Up White by Debby Irving and watching some relevant videos. For this meeting, please read sections 25 Years of Tossing and Turning (pp. 113-156) and Leaving my Comfort Zone (pp. 157-184). Ordering info at It is fine to come even if you haven’t done the reading.
-- Fourth Friday in the Food Forest, Friday, May 26th, 5-10:00 pm
ENJOY, FOOD, FUN, FROLIC and A GROWING COMMUNITY!!! We host these monthly gatherings to bring a diverse, intergenerational, multicultural, multiracial, interfaith crowd to our garden to share food , fun and community. It is FREE to the public, so invite all of your friends! This is also a POTLUCK, for those inclined to share food (optional). We also prepare produce directly from the garden to share. We are crowdsourcing ideas and energy to determine how YOU, our beloved community, would like to see our garden evolve and grow. Input from the invested will be directly incorporated into the planning for creation of the space that will best serve the needs of the growing local community. YOUR INPUT IS VALUED!!
Check out the facebook page for more information HERE.
Important Events on the Social Justice Calendar for May...
Clearwater/Upper Pinellas NAACP 43rd Freedom Fund Dinner and Award Banquet, Friday May 5, 2017, 6 pm reception, 7 pm program, Ruth Eckerd Hall, 1111 McMullen Booth Rd. Clearwater, FL 33756. Guest speaker, Adora Obi Nweze, NAACP Florida State President. Adult $50, child $25. Remit to Clearwater NAACP, P.O Box 2073, Clearwater, FL 33755. Form at Social Justice table.
7th Annual Hispanic Outreach Center Luncheon, Friday May 19, 2017, 11 am Silent Auction, 12 to 1:30 pm luncheon, Safety Harbor Resort and Spa, 105 N. Bayshore Drive, Safety Harbor, FL 34695. Invocation by Rev. Patrice Curtis. Keynote speaker, Wil. H. Florin, B.C.S. Florin-Roebig Firm. Adult $50. Remit to ICAI, 612 Franklin Street, Clearwater, FL 33756. RSVP by May 10, 727-445-9734, ext 211. Form at Social Justice table.
UUC FAST Ministry Rocks the Nehemiah
Kudos to all of you who made it to FAST’s Nehemiah Action :
UUC’s Justice Ministry Network Team, including our corps of regulars, new members, and invited friends & family!
And didn't Rev. Patrice's opening prayer make you proud?
As reported by the Tampa Bay Times, the turnout total was around 3,000, and according to the FAST ticket count, a record number from UUC attended. This year
120 people representing
UUC with 39 other spiritual organizations witnessed our call for justice to local Pinellas County officials -- including several Pinellas County Board Commissioners, the Police Chiefs of Clearwater & St Petersburg, St Pete’s Mayor and several members from St Pete City Council, and one School Board Member and add the 3 others who attended our Rally several weeks ago. Pretty impressive!
Although the responses to FAST’s pleas for more justice varied in tension with some responses positive and others disappointing...fact is, overall, we made progress in our goals to increase: 1) the use of civil citations by our law enforcement officials for first time misdemeanors, and so far the addition in two cities of a pre-arrest diversion program; 2) an allotment of monies garnered from the upcoming Pennies for Pinellas for the next 10 years (starting in 2020) to go toward building more housing for the county’s burgeoning homeless -- not close to what we were asking, but more than we would have gotten if we didn't ask; and 3) support from a majority of our school board members to.....reduce arrests & suspension rates, conduct an analysis of school suspension centers by school, race and offense along with recommendations for improving them, encourage principals to use tried & tested reading curriculum to improve low reading scores in over 30 of our elementary schools, and provide quarterly Community Accountability Reports to the community on all of the above.
Finally, most important is showing up to remind our officials that they represent us and need to listen to us…and you did that! Thank you for participating in FAST and helping make Pinellas County a better place to live for all of us…
The UUC FAST Team Leaders
Third and final FAST Event of the Series
We had the rally and then Nehemiah Action. Now for the Celebration...
3. The Celebration will be on May 15 th at 7:00 PM at Blessed
Trinity Catholic Church at 1600 54 th Ave .s,
St. Petersburg.
If you have any questions regarding these major social justice
events contact UUC FAST Team Leaders, Linda Stoller, Mark
Kanuck, Gretchen Craig or Theo Betjemann
From our Art Curator to all UUC artists...
The Members Art Show goes up May 18
This a special show that stays up
after Labor Day. All members of all ages, including children, are invited to participate (that includes friends and employees of UUC). Artists do not have to be professional. If you are proud of your work, we will put it in the show. All types of art, paintings, drawings, photos, sculptures, etc. are acceptable. Art may be for sale but is not required. UUC receives 30% of all sales. Our hanging system requires wire for hanging over a 1/4 inch hook.
Art must be delivered to Octagon by
12:00 noon
May 18
A reception will be
May 20
7:00-9:00 pm
Participants need to give me information for wall labels: Your name as you want it on label, title of art, medium and price if for sale. I need this by
Monday, May 15
Taylor Ikin & Friends continues til May 17th
Octagon Arts Center
Gallery Hours:
9:00 am - 12:00
and Sunday
12:00 noon - 1:00 pm
Unitarian Universalists of Clearwater
2470 Nursery Road
Clearwater, FL
Contact: Charlene Carnes
Text Link
Our Librarian, Bruce Gotts reports he has ordered the book, "A House for Hope" for the library. The UUC Library is across from the Social Hall entrance. It is open on Sundays after service and books are available for check out with a self-checkout system. For more information contact our Librarian, Bruce Gotts
We finish Against Empathy by Paul Bloom on April 28, and start Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead on May 5th. As usual, read half way and we'll finish it on May 12. We meet Friday's in Chorale Room 10:30-11:30. All are welcome.
Adult Religious Enrichment Presents
This course will begin by examining the common elements in mindfulness practices, how they address everyday psychological distress and how we can begin integrating mindfulness practice into a busy life. It will also address how to use mindfulness and meditation to engage with challenges such as alienation, aging, trauma, illness, and death. In addition the course will cover the role of wisdom and ethics in psychological well-being from both ancient and modern scientific perspectives.
Course contains 24 lectures for 12 individual sessions.Each session will discuss two 30 minute 'Great Courses' lectures featuring Dr. Ronald D. Siegel, a clinical psychologist on the faculty of Harvard Medical School.
These sessions will be followed by a discussion. Ruth Samuel, a member of UUC who has led the course at OLLI (Osher Learning Centers) for several years, will facilitate the series.
Lectures will be held in the Patio Room on Sundays starting at 12:30 p.m. Meets once each month, check calendar for specific dates.
SUUSI Catalog now available!
Click link for *the best* vacation week of youur life and join us at the second largest gathering of UUs in the world!
From Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - 01:00pm
To Sunday, June 25, 2017 - 05:00pm
Events are local time unless noted. WEBINARS are Eastern time.
Location TBD