April 9, 2023
Easter Sunday
The Ressurection of the Lord
The Resurrection of the Lord!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Happy Easter!

The joy of Easter is centered in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead. Friends, that is a startling statement. But that is truly what we celebrate. Specifically, we celebrate victory! Everyone gets sick. Everyone dies. But Jesus is victorious over death. Death is no longer the final answer to life. Death could not hold onto Jesus’ divinity or his humanity. And that is what gives us hope on this Easter Sunday. Pope Benedict said it well in his 2012 Easter homily:

“Easter is the feast of the new creation. Jesus is risen and dies no more. He has opened the door to a new life that no longer knows illness and death. He has taken humanity up into God himself.”

My seminary teacher, Abbot Jeremy Driscoll from Mount Angel, once put it this way:

“We can say this about Easter: the entire creation and the entire action of the living God in all ages have as their goal the Resurrection of the Son. And the Resurrection of the Son has as its goal our share in His divine sonship and our participation in the life of the Holy Trinity.”

On this feast of Easter, let us truly take this all in; ponder and pray. Let us accept the Lord’s gift of eternal life, allowing us to rise to eternal glory with him. Let us truly give thanks on this joyful day for such a gift reflecting God’s unconditional love for us!

Easter Blessings,

P.S. As a way to inspire your prayer during the Easter Season and the Easter Octave, please join us this coming Wednesday evening, April 12, at 6:30 pm for our monthly Source + Summit event: a family meal in the Church Hall; adoration, worship, and praise music, and individual benedictions in the Church. An excellent way for the entire family to encounter the Risen Lord in our community!
Source + Summit
Come together to grow in fellowship through worship, music, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This night is for you, your family, friends, and neighbors, young or old.

April 12
Every 1st Wednesday
except in April, due to Holy Week
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Patrick Catholic Church

—save the dates—
May 3, June 7, July 7, August 4, September 1
October 6, November 3, December 1

If Adoration sounds daunting, don't worry. We'll explain what Adoration is, grow together experiencing the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith, and meet Jesus where you are!

6:30 pm | Dinner in the Church Hall
7:00 pm | Silent Adoration
7:15 pm | Worship music begins
7:30 pm | Reflection topic presented
8:00 pm | Adoration ends
ALWAYS scroll to the bottom of The Cornerstone; you might need to click view the entire message if the email was clipped or view it as a webpage in the browser to stay informed about important news, events, and programs. You'll know you've reached the bottom of this edition when you see our photo highlight.
Reception of Holy Communion
After three years, the Blood of Christ will be distributed at Holy Communion beginning at the Easter Vigil at Saint Patrick Catholic Church and Easter Sunday at both parishes (and every Sunday after that) at the principal Masses:

Saint Patrick Catholic Church
9:00 am

Holy Cross Catholic Church
10:00 am
10:30 am on Easter Sunday
Easter Vigil
The Easter vigil is has four parts, Liturgy of the Light, Liturgy of the Word, Baptismal Liturgy and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Saint Patrick Catholic Church
8:00 pm with incense
Easter Sunday
Easter is the celebration of Christ's Resurrection from the dead marking the end of Holy Week and the end of the Sacred Paschal Triduum— Holy ThursdayGood Friday and Easter Vigil, and is the beginning of the liturgical season of Easter.

Saint Patrick Catholic Church
9:00 am with incense & 11:00 am
no 7:00 pm Mass

Holy Cross Catholic Church
8:30 am & 10:30 am
Mass in Samoan | 12:00 pm
Easter Egg Hunt
The egg can be seen as a symbol of the sealed tomb from which Christ emerged after his resurrection.

Holy Cross Catholic Church
April 8 | 10:30 am
age 18 and younger meet in the Parish Hall

Saint Patrick Catholic Church
April 9 | Easter Sunday
after the 9:00 am Mass
age 4 and younger by the statue of Saint Patrick and ages 5-12 in the Courtyard

From ancient times eggs were seen as a symbol of new life. And since eggs were one of the foods from which people fasted in Lent in the early Church, people looked forward to eating them again.
Meatless Fridays Entry Form
The Health Ministry's annual Meatless Fridays in Lent campaign ended on Good Friday.

Everyone who went meatless on all Fridays in Lent is eligible for a drawing to win a $100 Metropolitan Market gift card. Entries must be received by April 19.
CRS Rice Bowl
As we walk with Jesus through the sacred Triduum we call to mind the countless men, women and children who even today carry heavy crosses: crosses of hunger, of homelessness, of a lack of resources or security. In these brothers and sisters we encounter Christ, as he walks that long road to Calvary. In these encounters, it’s important not to forget an essential pillar of Lenten spirituality—almsgiving—which allows us to help those who are most in need.

As we prepare to celebrate Easter with joy, it is our responsibility as members of God’s one human family to share that joy with everyone, near and far.

Visit to learn more. Bring your gift to Mass on Easter mail it in or make your gift online using your parish Online Giving link.
Easter Offertory
Online Giving is a way to support our ongoing mission. It is time to unite to keep our faith and offer hope and healing to those around us. Online Giving allows you to make donations, payments, and pledges via your mobile phone, smart device, or computer to your parish. Your gift benefits sacramental preparation, liturgical programs, and religious education.

Prayerfully consider making a recurring weekly or monthly donation to the parish collection by creating an account. Thank you for your investment and continued support of our parishes!
Weekly Collection Needed
4/02/23 Collection
Needed Year to Date
Actual Year to Date
Weekly Collection Needed
4/2/23 Collection
Needed Year to Date
Actual Year to Date
Update your recurring gift in Online Giving to reflect your 2023 stewardship pledge.
Catholic Advocacy
All remaining bills have now passed out of fiscal and transportation committees, and the next bill cutoff date is for bills to pass out of both chambers by Wednesday, April 12. Now is a good time to contact your legislators and let them know which bills are priorities for Catholics before the legislature closes on April 23.

The Washington Catholic Conference of Bishops advocacy network makes it easy to contact your public officials and keep up-to-date on important issues facing the Washington State Legislature and United States Congress.

Check out the most recent newsletter for urgent action alerts and more.

Important Links


—Mass Times—
Saturday Vigil Mass
5:00 pm

Sunday Mass
9:00 am | 11:00 am | 7:00 pm

Daily Mass
Tuesday - Friday | 9:00 am
*No Mass April 18-21 for the installation of the new sound system

Saturday | 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
*except Holy Saturday

—Office Hours—
Tuesday - Thursday
9:30 am - 3:30 pm

—Mass Times—
Saturday Vigil Mass
5:00 pm

Sunday Mass
10:00 am

Mass in Samoan
12:00 pm | 2nd & 4th Sunday

Daily Mass
Monday | Thursday | Friday | 9:00 am
Wednesday | 5:00 pm
*Except Holy Thursday & Good Friday

Saturday | 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
*except Holy Saturday

—Office Hours—
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Parish offices are closed
on Easter Monday
Funeral Mass
—Frances Shensky—
April 13 | at 11:00 am
Holy Cross Catholic Church
$1.3M by April 15

A Note from Fr. Mulholland

Dear Parish Family,

I am asking for your help in raising funds for our school capital campaign, Today's Vision, Tomorrow's Classroom. The Archdiocese of Seattle has informed us that if we can raise $1.3 of our $ 2.7 million goal by April 15, we can begin Phase 3 construction this summer! Every child who walks through the doors of our school will benefit from this.

Phases 1 & 2 have been completed, including a new roof and fully abated asbestos in the 2nd and 3rd- floor classrooms and hallways. The Early Learning Center on the 1st floor has yet to have these same improvements. The Early Learning Center is integral to our school, providing essential educational resources and support to our youngest students.

In addition to asbestos removal, scheduled renovations will include the following:
  • Energy-efficient lighting
  • New ceiling acoustical grid
  • New Flooring (carpet or tile)
  • Fresh Painting
  • Upgrade all twelve 1950s-era bathrooms in our building
  • Providing necessary age-appropriate bathroom space in our preschool classrooms
  • Refreshing the center stairwell to bring it up to safety compliance
  • New furniture

Once complete, this will clear the way for replacing the single-pane lead-framed windows on the north side of the school in the summer of 2024, making our school 100% free of asbestos, safe for all who enter, and energy efficient.

I ask you again to please consider lending your generosity to this project. Our St. Patrick Catholic School is a shining testament to our Catholicism and together, we will succeed in leaving our legacy for generations to come.

Sincerely in Christ,
Father David Mulholland

To give now, click on the donate button above.

Information Receptions
If you'd like to learn more, join Fr. David Mulholland and Principal Barbara Bolaños to learn more about the Saint Patrick Catholic School capital campaign, Today's Vision, Tomorrow's Classroom.

Sunday, April 16 | 11:00 am
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Parish Hall

Thursday, April 20 | 7:00 pm
Saint Patrick Catholic School
Art Room

Friday, April 21 | 10:00 am
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Gathering Space

Saturday, April 22 | 6:00 pm
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Parish Hall

Join us to learn in detail about the progress of phases 1 and 2 and the work that still needs to be accomplished in phases 3 and 4.

Light refreshment will be served. Please RSVP for planning purposes.
Q & A Sessions
If you can't attend an Information Reception, join us for a brief Q & A session at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.

Saint Patrick Catholic Church
April 15 | 6:00 pm
after the 5:00 pm Mass
in the Gathering Space
for wine and cheese

April 16 | 10:00 am
after the 9:00 am Mass
in Church Hall
for donuts and coffee
Profile Update
Saint Patrick Catholic Church is implementing a new Parishioner Relationship and Engagement database at Saint Patrick Catholic Church this month.

As part of the preparation for data migration from our current database, we need to make sure your contact information is correct.

It is essential we hear back from everyone regardless of whether changes need to be made.

The letter and the online form include an option to indicate that the information is correct.
Partners in the Gospel
Partners in the Gospel is a strategic pastoral planning effort taking place across the Archdiocese of Seattle to re-invigorate and renew our local Catholic Church.

Today we face many realities that impact parish life and make it difficult to fully live out our mission. The archdiocesan-wide renewal effort, led by the Holy Spirit and grounded in prayer, will help us better support vibrant, sustainable, mission-focused parish communities across the entire Archdiocese of Seattle.

The Archdiocese has prepared a basic overview, questions and answers, and a glossary of terms to help navigate the initiative together, plus a monthly update!

Support Pregnancy Aid
Pregnancy Aid serves the well-being of families with children in and beyond the womb by providing material and emotional support.

Volunteers are needed on Saturdays.

The following items are needed
  • Size 4-6 diapers
  • 4T Pull Ups
  • Toddler clothing 2T to 5T

Donation Drop-Off
Please call 253-274-4100 to ensure a volunteer is available to accept your donation.

Monday, Wednesday & Saturday
10:00 am - 1:30 pm
902 Market Street

Follow their Facebook page for updates on urgent needs.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
In the atrium, the children of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd bury the Alleluia at the start of Lent.

Throughout the liturgical year, the Catholic Church makes certain changes to the Mass to reflect the liturgical season. Next to the change in the color of the priest’s vestments, the absence of the Alleluia during Lent is probably the most obvious. There is a long-standing tradition for suspending the use of Alleluia from Shrove Tuesday which is the day before Ash Wednesday until Easter Vigil.

The Alleluia comes from Hebrew Hallelujah and it means “praise Yahweh.” It is a term of great joy.

The readings in the Mass for Lent and the Liturgy of the Hours focus heavily on the spiritual journey of Old Testament Israel toward the coming of Christ, and the salvation of mankind in His death and resurrection. The practice of burying the Alleluia enriches and shapes prayer and the sense of discipline as we anticipate Easter. It is a kind of fasting, letting the “Alleluia” lie dormant before the burst of joyful affirmation of the Resurrection.

The return of the Alleluia comes triumphantly at the Easter Vigil, on the evening of Holy Saturday after sunset, when the priest chants a triple Alleluia before he reads the Gospel, and everyone present responds with a triple Alleluia.

The Catechesis of a Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based approach to faith formation where children aged 3-12 are formed using a hands-on approach in the Catholic faith in a sacred space called the ‘atrium.

To learn more about CGS at Saint Patrick Catholic Church, visit the atrium, serve or train as a catechist, email Kim Ward, CGS Coordinator, or call 253-274-4108.

Also, visit the national CGS Association website and the local consortium website, The Sheepfold, to learn more and watch a video for a glimpse into atrium life.
Bible Study
Join Deacon Bill Eckert in a bible study on the Gospel according to Matthew. You'll get an overview of the Church’s approach to scripture and interpretation. Bring your bible.

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
resumes April 11

Parish Hall
Women & The Word
Ladies of any age are welcome. Bring your coffee and join us as we reflect on God's Holy Word.

7:00 am - 7:45 am

9:30 am - 10:15 am

Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Parish Center
Catholic faith content on-demand. Get thousands of movies, programs, audio, and books instantly.

Check it out. It's free— as our gift to you. FORMED is available on your desktop, phone, tablet, and laptop. For access to all FORMED content, follow these simple steps:
  1. Go to
  2. Enter zip code 98403
  3. Enter your name and email

You can get the free FORMED app for your phone or another mobile device by searching FORMED in the app store.
Eucharistic Adoration
Rest in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist! It'll change your life. All are welcome. Signs up are required.

—CHAPEL at Holy Cross—
Perpetual Adoration 24/7
To sign up:

—Saint Patrick Catholic Church—
Mondays | 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Holy Hour for Life
Join us for Eucharistic Adoration, prayer, and confessions.

Every 1st Friday
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
except April due to Good Friday

—save the dates—
May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4
Council 16667 NEWS
The Knights of Columbus Council 16667 meets on the second Wednesday of the month. Share 

April 12 | 7 pm
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Parish Hall



Knight Tidings

Knight of the Month
Javier Alejandro

Family of Month
Niall & Ann-Marie Brady

New Members
Jesse Ernst
Mike Nolan

Supporting Care Net Pregnancy Aid
The Council donated $200 to Care Net Pregnancy Aid from Fish Bake net proceeds.

April 29-30

9:00 am - 11:00 am
April 30, 2023
July 30, 2023

—standing meetings—
Meetings are held at 6:30 pm in the Church Hall at Saint Patrick Catholic Church or virtually via Go to Meeting.

2nd Thursday of the month
except April, July & August

3rd Tuesday of the month

4th Tuesday of the month

To learn more, call 253-380-4000 or email the Knights. Follow on Facebook.
Holy Cross Sale
Shop Friday and Saturday 10:00 am-4:00 pm with a $5 bag sale on Saturday from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.

—upcoming sales—
June 2 & 3
September 8 & 9
December 1 & 2

Sale Preparation
Volunteers are needed to prep for upcoming sales!

10:00 am - 2:00 pm 
for celebrating a 130-year legacy of Catholic Education at the
48th Annual R.E.A.C.H. Auction

Our goal was to engage alums, celebrate enrolled families, cherish parishioners, introduce our school to prospective families, and raise $400,000 to support operating costs, tuition aid, and ongoing building needs. With your support, we raised $405,000.

If you have not had an opportunity to support the REACH Auction, please consider a gift to the Fund-An-Item. To learn more, hit the play button above to watch the appeal video, read Barbara Bolaños' recent letter Principal's Letter, and click the button below to make your generous gift!

—RAISED $117,000—

The Fund-An-Item supports a balanced external security system, improved incident response time, upgraded entry access control systems, advanced video surveillance, and exterior improvements to existing play structures. The following is planned:

  • 10 VerKada, cloud-based cameras monitoring points of entry
  • 5 VerKada keyless access systems on external doors
  • Certified design, labor, and electrical support included
  • 2-way radios, vests, and playground supervisor safety equipment
  • Engineered wood fiber playground mulch
  • Miscellaneous safety improvements to the existing playground include but are not limited to covering sharp edges on the main play toy, repairing and replacing broken rungs on the climbing wall, and covering rungs on the climbing ladder with safety materials
If you have questions or need to make arrangement to pick up your items, email our extraordinary auction chairs— Wynter Dait and Christy Johnson, at [email protected]. All items must be picked up by mid-April 2023.
Apply Now for Fall Admission
There are only a few spots left in most grades for the 2023-2024 year including Kindergarten!

Tell your friends and family to schedule a tour, classroom experiences and apply today.

High School Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry creates experiences for young people with one goal in mind: to help people grow in relationship with Jesus and each other.

High School Youth Group is focused on small group discussions for students in grades 9-12. The evening includes food and fellowship and ends with Adoration.

1st, 2nd & 3rd Thursdays
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Parish Center

—save the dates—
April 13* & 20
May 4, 11 & 18
June 1, 8 & 15
*tentative; subject to change

Email [email protected] to learn more.
Mass Consumption
Delve into the Word and faith share while discussing the daily readings.

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Parish Center

Men's Prayer Group
Men of all ages gather to read the day's scripture and a reflection from Word Among Us.

6:45 am - 7:30 am
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Church Hall

They also read and discuss books focused on faith. Past reads include Weight of Glory by CS Lewis, Mercy: What Every Catholic Should Know by Daniel Moloney and He Leadeth Me by Fr. Walter Ciszek, which was highly recommended by Fr. David. Share
April 11 | 9 am
for the repose of the soul of   
Mary Munoz

April 12 | 9 am
for the repose of the soul of
Dennis Schmidt

April 13 | 9 am  
for the repose of the soul of 
Carolyn Kurriger

April 14 | 9 am
for the intentions of   
Tom Veon

April 15 | 5 pm
April 16 | 9 am 11 am 7 pm
for the people of the parish
April 10 | 9 am
for the people of the parish

April 12 | 5 pm
for the intentions of
Keith Klappmeyer

April 13 | 9 am
for the intentions of 
Marianne McHugh

April 14 | 9 am
for the intentions of 
Fr. Tom Vandenberg

April 15 | 5 pm
for the people of the parish

April 16 | 10 am
for the people of the parish
We pray for our sick
Angie Olson, Robin Swift, Cliff Koontz, Bob Jamesonb, Lynn Swanson, Debbie Rupert, Ann Kormos, Jocelyn Jamora, Joe Olivadoti, Georgeann Cukjati, Doug Jones, Jlynn Callahan, Kenny Huntington, Theresa Gibbs, Patricia Smurro, Jan Smurro, Andre Franco, Michelle Devettori, Janet McIntyre, Norm Christenson, Jane Robinson, and Toni Mineo

We pray for our dead,
Frances Shensky
Every year, the eighth-grade class at Saint Patrick Catholic School plans, prepares, and reenacts before their families and parishioners of Saint Patrick Catholic Church a “living” version of the Stations of The Cross on the morning of Good Friday. They exit the church in silence after the devotion. Their dismissal from school is also silent on Good Friday.

The interpretation of the passion of Christ includes traditional narration and guiding questions for prayerful reflection and acting out of each station. View photos

Do you have a photo or video to share with us? Please email it to [email protected].
How to Reach Us
Email [email protected] or leave a voicemail at 253-383-2783. Messages are checked daily and routed to the appropriate staff person. If you need the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, call 253-383-2783, extension 4102, and leave a message.