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The Prison Education Program (PEP) is excited to have these two phenomenal women teach the Entrepreneurship classes at our partner prison. Eastern University alumna (class of 2008) Iola Harper (l) is the City of Philadelphia's Deputy Commerce Director for the Office of Economic Opportunity. She is a nationally recognized, award winning advocate for small businesses and urban neighborhoods. Dr. Christa Lee-Chuvala (r) is an Assistant Professor in Eastern University's College of Business & Leadership. She also directs the Leadership Fellows Program.

A diverse group of 14 men are signed up for our Zoom class and they are ENGAGED! During the sessions, they use their own business ideas (e.g. food truck, laundry service, unisex hair salon) to work through concepts introduced in class. During the last session, the men will formally pitch their ideas and the top two presenters will win prizes.

Know that the men we serve are deeply encouraged by the caring and help that comes from outside of those prison walls. Keep the success of this work in your thoughts and prayers because know that:
  • 95% of people in state prisons are coming home;
  • formerly incarcerated people with gainful employment are less likely to be rearrested;
  • educational programs in prison prepare persons for reentry, reduce recidivism, increase employability, and transform lives.

On behalf of the students, THANK YOU for your generosity thus far! Many have contributed to PEP reaching its summer fundraising goal of $100,000. We are excited for $42,000 in gifts and pledges thus far! We have more to go. You can make a difference. Yes, YOU! If you haven't taken the opportunity to give, we invite you to support this important work. Recurring monthly gifts (of any amount) are especially appreciated as they provide a consistent and predictable stream of support. You can even sponsor a student. Would you, your organization, or your faith community become a PEP Partner and help us to reach our $100K goal? Click a button below.
But the LORD was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love.
Genesis 39:21