Estate Planning Summer 2023

Summer's Almost Over... Time to Look

to The Future

Summer has flown by -- we hope you were able to get in some RnR. Whether you braved International travel or opted for a staycation, it's almost time to refocus and prepare for Fall.

Getting back to reality often means making certain your affairs are in order, with that - we've got some new Estate Planning information to share which includes some new blogs posts and updates.

  • Don't get stuck with a burdensome and costly trust administration dilemma. Our most popular blog -- and most important blog for married couples -- has been updated, To A/B or Not to A/B, That is the Question.

  • Updated eBook: Understanding Long Term Care Medi-Cal. This free eBook contains invaluable information on long-term care estate planning and specifically the Medi-Cal program and how to protect your assets.

  • See below for links to new blog posts.

Have any estate planning questions? Need to review and/or update your current plan? Please don't hesitate to contact us (877- 585-1885), we are here for you.

The Team at Botti & Morison

We highly encourage our clients and potential clients to review their existing trusts and contact us should they wish to discuss these important issues further. Many of our surviving spouse clients seriously regret not removing the A/B or A/B/C provisions when they had the opportunity to do so. They are now forced to deal with a burdensome and costly trust administration. Do not let this happen to you and your family. The time to review your trust and act is now. Read more...

If you aren’t prepared to pay $300,000 for possible long-term care or would like to see how to avoid paying those costs, download our free Understanding Long-Term Care Medi-Cal eBook.

See how to achieve peace of mind knowing that you have taken all of the legal steps necessary to position yourself to successfully navigate a long-term care crisis without destroying your nest egg. Download free e-book.

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New Blog Posts

Alzheimer’s Disease and

Advance Health Care Directives

There are more than 5 million Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Projections by the Alzheimer’s Association ( are that by 2050 more than 14 million Americans will suffer from this disease. What can you do if you are medically diagnosed with Alzheimer’s? Aside from following the advice of your medical doctor a critical step in your overall estate plan is an Advance Health Care Directive to ensure your future wishes are met when you are no longer able to think or communicate clearly because of your disease progression. Having an Advance Health Care Directive that accurately and legally reflects your health care wishes and a Durable Power of Attorney for financial purposes allows you to focus on enjoying your life knowing you are doing all that you can to address your future circumstances.


What We Can Learn From Britney Spears Conservatorship

A conservator is appointed by the court to care for and protect a person who is deemed unable to care for themselves. Among the conservator’s responsibilities are managing the conservatee’s health and wellbeing as well as preserving their assets. While most people’s lifestyles and fortunes are decidedly different from Ms. Spear’s, the problems she had are a cautionary tale for all of us who do not name a durable power of attorney for financial matters and an Advance Health Care Directive. In the absence of these legal documents reflecting your wishes should you become incapacitated, family members must petition a court to appoint a conservator to manage your well-being in the event you are incapacitated. Yet, as in Britney Spear’s case, some who are under the direction of a conservatorship have no desire to be there.


Preserve Generational Wealth With 3 Tips

Have you considered what is required to preserve generational wealth and your legacy? Or the impact an inheritance will have on family members in different stages of life after you are gone?

You may worry that children and grandchildren will lose motivation and work ethic after they inherit. Some beneficiaries may experience favoritism, or relationships could dissolve over trivial disputes. How can you ensure their inheritance contributes to generational wealth and is used to achieve a better future?

Your loved ones must be ready for this new responsibility. Ideally, an inheritance will improve their lives while ensuring its use follows your wishes and values. Their wealth is intended to support family initiatives and possibly extend to their communities. Below are three tips to ensure your legacy is protected and you are prepared to preserve generational wealth.


Blog Post Archive

Here is a listing of the blog posts we've featured

in past eNews editions:

Factors to Consider When Naming a Trustee

Caring for Aging Parents Need Not Split Sibling

Medi-Cal Eligibility & Nursing Home Care

Estate Planning: Joint Revocable Trusts

Benefits of an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust

How to Avoid Family Disputes and Litigation Over Your Will

Controversy in the Determination of Death

New Year’s Resolution: Make or Update Your Estate Plan

Why Millennials Are Writing Wills More Than Ever Before

Drastic Updates to California’s End of Life Option Act

The HJTA Responds to Prop 19 with an Initiative to Repeal the Death Tax

6 Common Estate Planning Mistakes

Estate Planning Checklist: 5 Ways to Prepare

A Guide to Estate Planning for Singles Versus Married Couples

Estate Planning and Divorce 

Digital Assets and Estate Planning

Benefits vs Disadvantages of a Living Trust

How to Choose the Right Guardian for Your Children In Case of Death

What Happens If You Die Without a Will?

Pitfalls of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Estate Planning

Is a Handwritten Will Valid in California?

Questions? Email Us

Or please visit the resource section of our website.

Estate Planning Videos

Looking to watch a video on a particular Estate Planning topic? Visit our YouTube Channel or website to choose from our educational series. Topics include:

  • How Botti & Morison Makes Estate Planning Easy
  • How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax in California
  • A/B Trusts
  • Health Care Directives
  • A Properly Crafted Comprehensive Estate Plan
  • How a Durable Power of Attorney Avoids Financial Conservatorship
  • How a Trust Avoids Financial Conservatorship
  • What is Conservatorship
  • How a Health Care Directive Avoids Medical Conservatorship

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