Together, we proclaim and embody God's unconditional love for the sake of the world.

OCTOBER 26, 2023

a reconciling in Christ Synod

FALL CONFERENCE GATHERINGS - PLEASE select a Gathering to attend and mark your calendars - we need your participation and input!

Discerning and Electing a New Bishop in 2024

The Rocky Mountain Synod will meet in Assembly April 25-27, 2024. At the Assembly, voting members will elect a new Bishop to serve a six-year term.

You are invited (laypeople and rostered leaders) to a time of prayerful discussion and discernment this fall with your synod conference. The questions "Who are we?" and "Whom do we seek?" will guide our conversation. Speak with your pastor or deacon for more information about your conference's gathering.

Be part of this Spirit-led process as we continue to live out the Rocky Mountain Synod Mission Statement:

Together we proclaim and embody God's unconditional love for the life of the world.

Upcoming conference listed below. Contact your Conference Dean(s) listed below, or your local clergy for more information:

Metro West Conference

Mountain West

Saturday, Oct 28, 10:30am-12:00noon

Hybrid meeting: in-person at Good Shepherd Lutheran, 1630 Grand Avenue, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 + Zoom (#TBD)

Pastor Jeffery Carlson ([email protected])

North New Mexico Conference

Saturday, October 28, 9:30 am, All Saints, Albuquerque, NM

Pastor Joene Herr ([email protected])

Wyoming Conference

Date & Location TBD

Pastor Paul Rosin ([email protected])

Please visit the Rocky Mountain Synod website for more general information about the Bishop Election (here)

ELCA & RMS news and events

Brave Experiments Round 2

Our first experiment with the Brave Experiments Zoom event clearly resonated with folks so we are going to do it again. We are looking for congregations and ministries that have conducted a brave experiment and might be willing to share at our next event. Do you or someone you know have something worth sharing? 

A brave experiment is something that came about because of a recognized need, required some risk and took a thoughtful process of making changes to adapt to new realities. Our first event highlighted new partnerships, targeted strategic planning and creative uses of property. The actual experiment is not as important as the process by which the idea was conceived and attempted. The goal of Brave Experiment is to guide us all in conducting our own ministry experiments that suit our specific context. 

Please use this form to share your ideas.

Look for the next event next year before Lent! 

If you missed Brave Experiments Round 1 (October Event) and you'd like to view the recordings click HERE

Produced by the Rocky Mountain Synod Church Ministries Committee



"What is a Qualified Charitable Distribution?"

NOTICE: If you are 70.5-years or older (or plan to be), currently have retirement assets (or plan to have them), and give an offering to your church (or plan to give an offering to your church)...


I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Katie. She has been attending the ELCA Lutheran church in her neighborhood, and just received an invitation to fill out a pledge card during the fall Stewardship initiative. Last week, Katie and I were chatting on the phone when she shared how important her church is in her life - in between the worries and excitement she has about the future. And, almost like a gift from God, Katie shared the most innocent and casual comment that changed our whole conversation, she said... “I sure wish I had the ability to give more.”

Katie’s desire to be more generous is not unique – most people report they would be more generous if they were given the opportunity. However, there are some common situations where we actually could be more generous with the assets we already have... and decrease our taxation at the same time. Let’s take a look!


Katie is 75 years old, and she has an IRA valued at $425,000 with a current annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) of $16,000. After state and federal tax withholding, approximately $12,000 will be deposited into her checking account this December. Katie has been giving $1,000/month to the church through the congregations online giving platform that pulls those offerings from Katie’s checking account – for an annual offering of $12,000. Katie certainly understood that her Required Minimum Distributions are... required, so not taking that distribution was not an option. Also, by receiving that RMD she was obligated to pay income tax on the distribution. And honestly, Katie is like most people, and she was spending the RMDs she was receiving, so she hadn’t actually considered an alternative... but there is another option! Instead of taking the RMD, Katie – can instruct her investment advisor to send that money directly to her congregation through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), which will not impose a tax on Katie – or the congregation! Now here is where it gets fun! Since Katie’s financial plan was already taking into consideration the RMD’s, but the QCD is eliminating $4,000 in direct taxes and maybe even more by reducing her taxable income – instead of sending the original $12,000 to her congregation, Katie is able to increase her pledge to $16,000 (the full RMD amount) with no financial impact to her overall financial plan!

Let’s evaluate how a QCD might enhance your generosity, schedule an appointment today!


CONTACT: Tina Kvitek, RMS Assistant to the Bishop for Generosity [email protected].

Download this article and read some QCD Fun Facts

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Education Event

January 7-12, 2024

RMS clergy and congregation or social ministry program staff are invited to participate in an Immersion Trip to the Alabama Civil Rights Historic Trail.

The group gathers in Montgomery where they will visit the Memorial for Justice and Peace, the Legacy Museum, Rosa Parks Museum, and Freedom Rides Museum. There will be travel to Birmingham as well as traveling from Selma to Montgomery. We hope this pilgrimage will help you to experience a deepening of your faith as you continue the commitment to racial justice that you may take back to your congregation.

It is our expectation that by participating in this pilgrimage, you will return to coordinate this or a similar experience with your community. 

Participants will need make their own flights to Montgomery Regional Airport Dannelly Field (Airport code: MGM)

The days will have scheduled activities, along with some flexibility. Each evening we will share dinner together for devotions and to debrief the day. Included in your costs are housing, breakfasts and dinners, transportation in Alabama, and admission to all sites. Cost is $850 for double occupancy and $1250 for single occupancy.

The deadline to sign-up is October 31 or until the 20 spots are filled - don't miss this opportunity - register TODAY!

This trip will include a substantial amount of walking and standing. ADA accessible public transportation is limited in the city of Montgomery. 

Tentative Itinerary 

Sunday: Gathering meal and preparation for the week.

Monday: Freedom Rides Museum, Rosa Parks Museum, Dexter Ave Baptist Church

Tuesday: Birmingham Civil Rights Institute,16th street Baptist church, Kelly Ingram Park

Wednesday: The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, and The Legacy Museum

Thursday: Selma to Montgomery, stop at the three sites

Friday Morning: Tuskegee Airmen Historic Site Museum (depending on departing flight times)

This event is sponsored by the Racial Justice Tithe of the RMS Next Faithful Steps Campaign. For more information email Deacon Shanna VanderWell HERE or Pastor Barbara Berry-Bailey HERE

Register NOW!

Thriving Leadership Formation (TLF) is a program that brings ELCA leaders together with the intent of creating nurturing and empowering times, spaces, and relationships. Cohorts are intended to foster spiritual and contemplative practices to enrich life and ministry and help the church and its leaders thrive. Cohorts meet virtually for 12 sessions using a curriculum of spiritual practices. There is no cost for participation in TLF, as it is funded by a generous grant from the Lilly Foundation. Participants in TLF also have access to 6 sessions of coaching or spiritual direction at no cost. Visit for more information.


The Rocky Mountain Synod has several leaders who will be starting TLF cohorts this Fall. If you would like to participate in a group, please contact the leader directly.


  • Pastor Monica Butler is forming a cohort for women-identified leaders in their 20’s and 30’s. This group will meet virtually about twice per month on Monday afternoons 3:00-4:30pm starting in October. If you have questions or would like to sign up to join this cohort, contact Pr. Monica Butler at [email protected].
  • Pastor Chad Kohlmeyer will be leading a cohort centered on gathering folks in their first decade of ministry. He will offer the 12 sessions in three blocks of four weeks: four sessions in Advent, four sessions in Epiphany, and four sessions in Lent on Wednesday or Thursday mornings. Final time TBD once the group forms more fully. If you are interested you can reach out via phone (720-862-7645) or
  • Pastor Diana Linden-Johnson is creating a cohort for lay professional ministry leaders. This cohort will meet by Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month beginning October 23rd. Please contact Diana at [email protected] or 720-280-0998 for more information.
  • Pastor Michael Tekrony will lead a cohort for all Siblings in Christ focused on “Beginning with the Holy.” This cohort will gather on Monday mornings and include those who are eager to start the week in intentional time with the Holy while in holy community. Please contact Pastor Michael at [email protected] for more information.


There are also cohorts lead by leaders from outside the Rocky Mountain Synod who are forming the following groups:


  • Amy Cavalleri will be leading a group for rural leaders. Register here.
  •  Antoine Cummins will be leading a cohort for black, indigenous, and people of color. Contact Antoine at [email protected]
  • Darryl Kozak will lead a cohort for LGBTQI+ leaders. Meetings will be Wednesdays 10:30am-12pm Pacific time. Contact Darryl at



In response to our recent check fraud crisis, the synod has launched an ACH Direct Deposit system. Modeled after the process by which money is transferred to Portico, Clergy Financial, and ELCA Churchwide, congregations may enroll in our ACH Direct Deposit system. Once banking information is received and verified, the congregation will be set-up in our bank's secure ACH system and can start initiating electronic payment for all synod related payments.

Mission Support Remittance forms will be received via email. You will receive a Mission Support Remittance template to be completed according to your billing timeline in order to make a monthly mission support payment. Each congregation will continue to receive monthly contribution statements by email to verify that the correct funds have been withdrawn and distributed. It is extremely important to reconcile your monthly contribution statement to ensure that all transactions are recorded correctly. Discrepancies should be reported immediately.

ENROLL in the ACH Direct Deposit system by clicking the link below. To report missing contributions or if you have any questions, please contact Jon Johnson, Finance Director at [email protected] or Yvonne Wilken, Administrator at [email protected].

ACH - more information and instructions
Enroll in RMS ACH Direct Deposit NOW!

The Southeastern Synod is hosting a training for congregational Treasurers and Financial Chairs led by ELCA Treasurer Lori Fedyk. She will be going over best practices, what to do and not to do, and important and healthy habits. And it’s free!

Register for "Tending the Treasure"

Join the RMS Hunger Network’s

Water in the West

Tuesday, November 14 at 6:30 pm

Zoom Link is:

 Dr. Darell D. Zimbelman

Long Time Water Resources Engineer speaking on:

Water Resources, especially in Colorado

An Update on the Colorado River Basin

Impact on Towns and Farms

An update from Kinna -

Hello RMSFFNET! For those who don't know yet, I am in Tulsa, OK for a new call and my time with the Synod is drawing to a close in December. Since the Bishop's term is coming to an end, the decision has been made not to have a new Faith Formation Coordinator for the remaining few months. 

THIS MEANS our young people (especially) need YOUR HELP! We are most in need of: 

  1. Volunteers for the RMS Youth Gathering - Presidents Day weekend.
  2. A NEW SYNOD CHAMPION for the ELCA Youth Gathering. 

PLEASE EMAIL ME ASAP if you are feeling called to serve our Synod in these ways. 

Thank you for your friendship, your support, and participating in God's ministry, especially for the sake of young people in the First 3rd of life!

Get all the latest RMSFFNET Updates HERE!


Created to Be!

New Orleans, LA

July 13-16, 2024: MYLE & the tAble

July 16-20, 2024: ELCA Youth & Young Adult Gatherings

Get the latest updates, here!

Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp Senior High Retreat

Friday, November 17 to Sunday, November 19

The Senior High Retreat is specifically geared for high school youth. This retreat can be an opportunity to connect on the real struggles that high school presents, explore what life after high school might look like, and how we can live faithfully through it all.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be immersed in community on the mountain, in which we will discover and affirm the gifts that God has given us. November in the mountains can be chilly, but also refreshing both physically and spiritually. Join us and other senior high youth in the Synod for a faith adventure in the mountains!

Sr High Retreat - Get more info and sign up!

Rainbow Trail

Summer 2024 Registration

Opens November 1, 2023!

DON’T WAIT! Registration for the 2023 Summer season at Rainbow Trail opens on November 1st for Rocky Mountain Synod congregations. All of our summer weeks fill quickly; by January 1, registration is open to anyone. Register online starting November 1!

Register now!

Sky Ranch High School Retreat

November 10-12

Escape to the mountains this fall to Sky Ranch during one of the most beautiful seasons in the Rockies. Join other high schoolers at camp where the goal is to relax and connect with each other and creation. Students will be presented with opportunities to recharge and relax, while at the same time being encouraged to find ways to be kind and gentle to themselves and their friends when they return to their busy lives down the mountain.

Sky Ranch HS Retreat

Sky Ranch Advent Retreat

December 1-3

Come join us in wonder and anticipation as we celebrate the season of Advent together! Our theme for this year’s retreat will be the Gifts of Advent: Love, Hope, Peace, and Joy. We will spend time in community as we worship, create, eat, and have fun together!

Sky Ranch Advent Retreat

Paint & Pour with Sky Ranch!

Join us on December 9th as we give thanks for and explore the creativity that lives inside of each of us!

If you have any questions, contact Bekah at [email protected]!

More info and register!

Sky Ranch Recap of 2023 Coyote Howl Confirmation Retreat

2024 Dates Coming Soon!

What a wonderful weekend it was as we welcomed nine middle school campers up the mountain for our Coyote Howl retreat. Staff were in solid agreement that the sound of laughter, games, and fun that children bring to this place had surely been missed! We spent time together in community, worshiping, playing, and learning about what it means to be made in the image of God. Made in God’s image, we are creative, unique, loved, and equipped to share God’s love with the world. We talked about the unique gifts that we all bring to the table, and how being in community helps us to see a fuller picture of who God is. Campers challenged themselves as everyone went up on the high ropes course despite our varying comfort levels, and grew in community encouraging one another along the way. They also hopped right in on worship leadership—playing drums, reading verses, and praying! We are so grateful for all those who joined us on the mountain for this awesome experience!

Coyote Howl Confirmation Camp Recap

RMS Advocacy network

Lutheran Advocacy releases 2023 Colorado Voter Guide

Our 2023 Voter Guide is here! This Voter Guide from Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Colorado offers recommendations on how to think about our two statewide ballot measures. Read more here.

Election Day is November 7, 2023. Your ballot will be arriving in the mail soon. Remember, in Colorado, you can register to vote up to 7:00pm on Election Day!

You also received one or more "Blue Books" in the mail. One describes statewide measures; others would describe local measures on your ballot. Copies of the Blue Book in English and Spanish are also available online at

New Mexico Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Updates for October!

Greetings to you during this beautiful New Mexico Fall! You are invited to the 2023 Fall Advocacy Conference that takes place on Saturday, November 18 from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Again, the conference will be hosted by All Saints Lutheran Church in Albuquerque. The format for this year's conference will be very similar to last year's. Our guest speakers will represent several of our key advocacy priorities this coming year. We are hoping to have a guest legislator or two as well. More details will be included in the registration email that will be sent later next week. Please invite all from your congregation or faith community who are interested in public policy advocacy at our state level.

Read the October LAM-NM Update!


RMS Environmental Advocacy

Saturday, November 11 at 10:00am

Peter Severson, Director of Lutheran Advocacy Colorado, and Kurt Rager, Director of New Mexico Advocacy, will join us to inform us about upcoming environmental issues at the state capitals and share with us ways that we can engage with our representatives.


in our prayers

OCTOBER 29, 2023

Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost

or Reformation Sunday

Prayer of the Day

O Lord God, you are the holy lawgiver, you are the salvation of your people. By your Spirit renew us in your covenant of love, and train us to care tenderly for all our neighbors, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

In God's Hands

Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches

29 October - 04 November Canada, United States of America

Join us in daily prayer

ELCA Prayer Ventures are daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.

ELCA Prayer Ventures (monthly) and Living Lutheran (daily) Prayer ventures

RMS Prayer Cycle


Utah Conference

Zion Evangelical Lutheran

Salt Lake City, UT

Pastor Michael Tassler


St Matthew's Lutheran

Taylorsville, UT

Pastor Brigette Weier


Andrea Kragerude

Bethlehem Lutheran, Longmont, CO

Saturday, November 11 at 10:00am

Color of the day is Red


Bekah Boatwright

Bethel Lutheran, Windsor, CO

Friday, November 17 at 5:00pm

Color of the day is Red


Pastor Andrea Kragerude

St. Paul's Lutheran, Cheyenne, WY

Sunday, November 19 at 3:00pm

Color of the day is Green

Pastor Dan Carlson

American Lutheran, Grand Junction, CO

Sunday, December 17 at 9:30am

Color of the day is Purple

Monthly Prayer Cycle

around the synod



Colorado Chorale & Augustana Chancel Choir in Concert

7:00pm on Friday, October 27

Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 E Alameda Ave

Cost: $25 general, $20 senior, free child/student

“Tuvayhoon” in Aramaic is “blessed.” Immerse yourself in a mesmerizing choral journey as the Colorado Chorale collaborates with the Augustana Lutheran Church Chancel Choir to present Kim André Arnesen’s ethereal masterpiece.

This extraordinary work begins from the biblical Beatitudes and responds with new poetry that sheds light on who among us might be in need of blessing. The texts––ancient and new––are woven into a colorful tapestry of music inspired by a variety of traditions, highlighting the universality of the human experience.

Tuvayhun is more than a concert. It’s a celebration of the human spirit, expressed through the unifying power of music!

Tickets for Tuvayhun and more info

FREE !!!

Christian Film Festival

Friday, Nov 3 & Saturday, Nov 4

FREE Admission

Blissfest333 and Glory of God Lutheran Church presents the Colorado Christian Short Film Festival. CCSFF is focused on spotlighting the best Inspirational and Faith-based short films from around the world.

Opening Reception: Friday, November 3, 6:00pm

Glory of God Lutheran Church, 12200 W 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO

Full Schedule and more information at


Sounds of Stratus & Music Encounters

Saturday, Nov 1 at 1:00pm

Aurora First Presbyterian Church

1585 Kingston St., Aurora

Dive into a mesmerizing blend of harmony and skill as the Stratus Chamber Orchestra and Music Encounters students come together for a dynamic musical celebration. Delight in the timeless elegance of Bach's Brandenburg Concertos, interwoven with other beloved classics.

Pay What You Choose Tickets!

Reserve your tickets here!

our life together


Warm Coats Needed!

We are starting to see the temperatures drop in Colorado – for our new arrivals from South America and Cuba the cold weather has caught them by surprise. Even though we have coat drive as part of the Angel Tree program this year, we are finding ourselves in need of warm coats. For this drive we are accepting gently used or new coats. Drop off will be at our office – 1035 Osage Street. We can accept donations at any time. We are looking for both adult men and women, small, medium, large and Xlarge and children and infant sizes. 

Colorado Gives Day

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Give to these organizations through the Colorado Gives Day website:


Colorado Gives Day is an annual day of giving to non-profit organizations all across Colorado. Whether you live in Colorado or not, you can donate to Rainbow Trail on Tuesday, December 5. Each donation helps RTLC receive additional funds from Community First Foundation through a sum that's divided among all participating non-profit organizations and prizes at the end of the day. You can even make your CO Gives Day gift NOW so you won't forget to donate! Gifts made in November on the Colorado Gives website will count toward Rainbow Trail's Colorado Gives Day total on December 5. Help us reach our goal of $110,000 for Colorado Gives Day!

Support Rainbow Trail now!

"Poetry as Theology" Slam Poetry Workshop Series at Luther House UNM & CNM

October 11 to November 8

Please join Luther House UNM &CNM and First Congregational United Church of Christ for our

"Poetry as Theology" series -- a FREE series of Slam Poetry workshops designed to develop and express Young Adult Theological Perspectives.

Please join us for the following events!

  • Wednesday, November 1 from 5pm-7:30pm

Slam Poetry Writing Workshop and Performance Practice!

Comic-Con themed event for Halloween!

Luther House: 1805 Las Lomas Rd. NE

Free parking in back

Free dinner at 5pm!

  • Wednesday, November 8 from 5pm-9pm

Burque Revolt Open Mic and Poetry Slam

Support our folx who want to perform!

Canvas Artistry: 1 Central Ave. NW

Free drinks and snacks!

Please reach out to Pastor Rhonda Newby-Torres with questions at [email protected] or at (505) 615-2688.

The Cornerstone Chorale & Brass presents a Powerful Message Of Reconciliation and Unity

Friday, November 3


Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 6322 South Lakeview Street, Littleton, CO

The program features a unique combination of traditional choral and instrumental

music with narration woven together with newly composed musical themes. The 2023 Tour program offers a unique faith experience reflecting on the pervasive fear that underlies our everyday lives, and focusing on the message that “Perfect love casts out fear.” ( I John 4:18 )

Cornerstone is the creation of its conductor, DR. BRUCE VANTINE, and consists of 30 professional vocalists, instrumentalists, narrator and staff currently on a 3½ week tour including 20 performances in 12 states across the Midwest and Southwest. Members of the ensemble include experienced professional performers from all over the United States. The group has presented more than 480 performances since 1988, offering unique and uplifting programs which often help raise awareness and funds for charities in the local sponsoring community. (Read more here)

Join Rejoicing Spirits Sunday, November 19, at Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church 21755 E Smoky Hill Rd. Aurora, CO 80015 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.

We will unite in activities, singing, laughing and loving God. Rejoicing Spirits is an inclusive worship space for people with cognitive and intellectual disabilities, their caregivers, families and anyone who seeks an open, joyful and creative worship experience.

We will gather at LOTH on the third Sunday of each month in 2023.

If you would like more information regarding the Rejoicing Spirits experience or volunteering, please contact:

Pastor Margot at [email protected]

Pastor Ann Hultquist at [email protected] or

Karen Ullestad [email protected]

“We will know what it is to be created in

God’s image when all are included.”

Join us at the Stanley Beer Hall (2501 Dallas St. Aurora CO) to celebrate the meaningful values of Urban Servant Corps!

Recently, the USC Board of Directors met with a consultant to help with our big picture visioning for the life of the USC community. We are excited to share about this conversation and would also love to hear your feedback!

No ticket purchase necessary, but please RSVP to [email protected] so we can reserve the appropriate number of tables!

Food and beverage will be available for purchase. Bring your creativity of thought and generosity of spirit! We are grateful for your support!

Urban Servant Corps, Denver CO

get to know our synods

Sierra Pacific (2A)

"The Sierra Pacific Synod covers central and northern California and northern Nevada."

Jeff R. Johnson was elected September 17, 2023 to serve a six-year term as bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod, a rite of installation is scheduled for December 9.

See the Sierra Pacific Synod Data Toolkit 2021, visit, and on Facebook.

Click here to view a Bishops and Synods map of our 65 ELCA synods and 9 regions.

employment opportunities

Director of Music and Worship (part-time)

Ascension Lutheran Church - Cheyenne, WY

High School Program Director

Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp - Fort Collins, CO

Congregational Administrator

Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church - Los Alamos, NM

Audio-Visual Technician (Livestream/part time)

Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO

Chancel Choir Director

Trinity Lutheran Church - Fort Collins, CO

Church Accompanist (part-time)

Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church - Centennial, CO

Executive Director, Service and Justice

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - Chicago, IL.

RMS Property Committee Volunteer

(1-year or 2-year term)

Rocky Mountain Synod - Denver, CO

Office Administrator (part-time)

All Saints Lutheran - Albuquerque, NM

Custodian (part-time)

First Lutheran - Longmont, CO

Director of Handbell Choir

Trinity Lutheran - Fort Collins, CO

View all RMS Employment Opportunities

If your employment opportunity has been filled, please send email to advise Andrew Nakatani so your ad can be removed.

quick links

Submit an eConnection article or job ad

Subscribe to eConnection

eConnection: past issues

Find a Congregation

Rocky Mountain Synod Website

Congregations in Transition

Excellence in Leadership

Better Together Campaign

Give a Contribution

Deacon Sarah Bjornebo, Assistant to the Bishop for Communication and Innovation

Andrew Nakatani, Communications Assistant

Contact Andrew Nakatani or Sarah Bjornebo with questions and comments about eConnection and our website! Submit eConnection items here.

Rocky Mountain Synod

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
