The ages of Aries and Pisces are when the astrology systems we use the most were created and popularized. If closely examined, many of the character traits assigned to the planets, signs, and associated Gods and Goddesses are quite dysfunctional! We are now in a different age. One that is altruistic and utilizes more wisdom from our Cosmic community. I believe the wisdom that states, “You get more of what you concentrate on.” This might be the perfect time to let all things Aquarius be our assistant.
For example, the US Constitution, with its 27 amendments; Is this wisdom static, or is it a living system that can evolve in its meaning and interpretation?
Do you believe your Soul evolves and becomes more of its full expression? If you do, then consider, might the divination systems humans use for assistance also experience similar growth? May they be added to in a way that celebrates our more divine traits?
This brings us back to Pluto in Aquarius again. Might a planet that was declassified as a planet by science actually grow in stature from a mystical standpoint?
I had a few things click into place in my mind recently that I'd like to share with you. ( I know from discussions that some of you have had similar experiences.)
I vividly remember the first time I heard whale song decades ago. I immediately thought, “we are supposed to know what they are saying.” I recently listened to a recording of gongs entitled, “Pluto Sound Bath.”
This recording connected some very important things for me.
Gongs have always sent me into “no time” and “no space.” By this I mean I can be taken to ancient and/or future times, and to the void almost immediately when I listen to gongs being played. The sounds on this recording mimicked whale song to an uncanny degree. The musician connected these sounds to Pluto. (It is not the only gong sounds that have sounded like whale song to me.)
I also thought of a new perception in my hearing that has some similarity. Many of you may know that I am a farmer. Listening to the sound of your equipment as it is running is very important. Any change in sound is a clue that all is well, or conversely, that something is about to go wrong. I have begun to detect a change in the sounds my equipment is making. In addition to the normal sounds, I sometimes hear what sounds like orchestral music! I am delighted to think that this might be because we have passed into the Photon Belt that I discussed with you in the 1/16/24 column. How do I connect all of these points together?
It has long been thought by many that whales are living carriers of the planet's akashic records. Many recordings of gongs sound, beautifully, like whale song. Now bring in our solar system's passage into the Photon Belt. Then add Pluto's ingress into Aquarius at the dawn of a new age.
Could all these things together be gifts to help us remember our divinity. That knowledge had previously passed out of our conscious awareness. Now, as the fractals of time, space, and the energetic fabric of our existence dance around us we are on the cusp of the age of enlightenment we have always hoped for.
That is an example of Plutonian energy in the Age of Aquarius, while in the Photon Belt. Don't be afraid of this small, powerhouse of a planet. Stick it in your pocket and make friends with it!
(Feb 1 - 8)
MERCURY moves into Aquarius on 2/5 until 2/23. This is a fantastic placement for Mercury. The intrinsic mental and philosophical capacity of Mercury takes on an added depth of perception. Innovative and altruistic, Mercury may usher in solutions and inventions that have not been considered before. This can be true in your personal circumstances as well as the world at large. You may find inspiration and a certain lightness of thought while under the influence of the Air element of Aquarius. Mercury joins the Sun and Pluto to form a stellium in Aquarius.
The Aquarian stellium will endure for several weeks, since by the time Mercury and the Sun move into Pisces, Venus and Mars will have joined Pluto in Aquarius.
PALLAS moves into Sagittarius on 2/6 until 11/30. Pallas is an agent of change, with significant strength in strategic intelligence. The combination is quite beneficial. Due to a retrograde later, this influence will be with us for almost 10 months.
CERES moves into Capricorn on 2/7 until 12/7. This 10 month transit will combine the Earth element with motherhood, agriculture, and nurturing. Attention to one of the most basic ways we care for ourselves may evolve to another level of understanding. For example; We might consider the multitude of life in the microbiome. How does the Earth Mother work with these life forms, and how might we expand our heart energy to appreciate the vital role they play in our survival.
VESTA stations direct again in Gemini. This asteroid is the sacred flame in your chart. She exhibits a devotion to your first, best destiny. In Gemini she encourages solutions that benefit all of society. Broad interest in the whole encourages win-win situations.
There is the beginning of what will be a sea change in humanity. Pluto's move into Aquarius and the long term trines between the outer planets will have an ever increasing influence on all of us. The conflict and duality seems extreme at the moment, but be heartened, because, “this too shall pass.”
May you find your Godspeed.
Aquarian energy in particular, functions as a tuning fork and a link between Earth and the Cosmic forces. That is even more pronounced now as we will be crossing the Photon Belt for most of the next 2,000 years. Those of us alive now will be looked upon as the pioneers of this new age. Do your best and be of good cheer. Remember your divinity and that of everyone around you, as often as you can.
With that in mind, how might you best navigate these years? To begin with, pay attention to any planets in your natal chart that are in Aquarius, and also to those which have significant aspects to Aquarius. Trines and Sextiles will contribute to your strengths, while Squares and Oppositions point to areas you are hoping to improve in some way during this lifetime. Also pay attention to the aspects of the North and South Nodes of the Moon in your natal chart, and how they relate to your chart's other major influences. When there is a stellium in any sign, it makes sense to compare your natal chart to the current transits. (This technique holds true to all the transits.) The other major influences are the houses where the planets are placed in your natal chart. Each house governs specific themes in your life. This will help you determine the specific areas of your life that a planetary transit will most influence. (There are multiple astrology sites that will help you understand the basics. I frequently use: and
(Feb 9 - 16)
There is a NEW MOON in Aquarius on 2/9 at 5:59 EST. As with any New Moon it is a great time for new beginnings. In Aquarius the emphasis is on the greatest good for the most beings. The emphasis is on FEELING, as well as thinking your way to a new creation. A lunar objective might favor picking a predominant feeling you wish to grow in your life; joy, grace, elegance, peace, etc. Then allow that feeling while putting few requirements on how that shows up. It is taking a leap of faith away from strictly manifesting, to allowing and receiving from a more complete part of your soul in a way that surprises and delights you. You are still the focal point of your creation, yet you are receiving from the “complete you” that includes parts of you that are not incarnate in the physical world.
This NEW MOON has another important characteristic. The planets form an extremely tight arc around the conjunct Sun and Moon. It is called a bundle alignment and involves all 9 planets, chiron, and the North Node of the Moon. A bundle emphasizes attention on the specific signs and their themes. This would include the later part of the Zodiac wheel shaping and influencing the beginning of the next cycle. The themes are taking your newest understanding and balancing that against the greatest good for all beings, while trusting that this includes you as an individual. Then you bring this prospective into the new cycle with you as the energies become more personal in nature. The planets are also lined up in the Eastern Hemisphere of the chart which puts the strength toward progress on a worldly basis.
MARS moves into Aquarius on 2/13 until 3/22. Mars is not generally comfortable in this sign, but can use it positively if they can turn their inherent strength toward helping groups who are not receiving equal opportunity. This may show up as extreme, so caution is appropriate.
VENUS follows right behind and moves into Aquarius on 2/16 until 3/11. Venus is happy in Aquarius. She will help bring beauty to altruism and innovation. She is within the arc of conjunction with Mars for quite some time at the beginning of 2024. They moved into range late in January and will travel within the effective arc until Mar 8th.
There are two ways this is likely to influence everyone. The more obvious way involves relations between males and females. How well we co-exist while still honoring the best both genders has to offer. Is there as much balance and respect as possible between us? The second way is finding balance between the polarity of the sexes within the self. This is more obscure, but the more inner balance we can achieve the easier our relations in the outer world may become.
There is another theme to 2024 that I want to tell you about. It is the Chinese Year of the Wood Dragon. This begins Feb 9, 2024 and continues through Feb, 28, 2025.
The Chinese zodiac has 12 animals in its wheel and 5 elements. The elements are: wood, fire, earth, metal(gold), and water. How it differs from sidereal and tropical astrology is that the elements shift every 12 years for each sign. Thus you have shifting themes throughout your span of years that is slightly different than in the other systems.
The Dragon is a Divine Being in Chinese culture. It is intelligent, honorable, righteous, and never an enemy. The Dragon is an all powerful, primordial being able to create growth, progress, and abundance. Dragon energy dreams of changing the world.
A few characteristics of the Wood element are: courage, optimism, idealism, imagination. Wood is associated with green and Spring. It is able to usher in the winds of change.
This year of the Wood Dragon is considered auspicious and will be our partner for over a year. May you find many a blessing in 2024!