Welcome to 2024
I would like to take you on an imaginary journey to help you connect to the full reach of your abilities, and maybe to help you love those unique abilities better in 2024 and beyond. This one will take you over/out to “our neighbors” in the sky.
There are many cultural references to our deep connection to the Cosmos:
In Egypt, images on one of the walls of the Hathor temple in Dendera translates, “The Sky and the Stars are singing in you.”
The Algonquins in North America have a wisdom saying, “We are the Stars which sing. We are the birds of fire. We fly across the Universe. Our light is a song which sings.”
Insects are said to mimic the song of the stars. I feel this in a particularly vivid way. The Summer singing of the grasshoppers and crickets speaks to me of deep wisdom and remembrance.
Some cultures believe that a song tones at the moment of our birth that sings our personal music to the world.
Now I invite you to journey with me. You may travel with or without your body, in whatever way happens most naturally for you:
Begin with yourself here on Earth looking up at one of your favorite stars. You don't even need to know it's name, or anything about it. What you do instinctively know is how connecting with it makes you feel; curious, inspired, perhaps homesick.
You are looking up, reaching out, and also receiving feelings, thoughts, and helpful wisdom in return, from where and whom you do not necessarily know. That star is a light from another place and time. Remind yourself, often, that this is a 2-way connection and that it has always been meant to be that way.
Gently allow yourself to expand outward and travel the pathway. Ride the solar winds and the ringing tones to wherever they take you. At some point you may intend that you arrive on the surface of some distant planet or star. It may seem, at first, to be inhospitable to your Earthly existence. Calmly intend that you are safe in any and all conditions.
Now imagine our Sun, our Star and Solar System, and how it may look from another vantage point. You are now somewhere else, on another planet, asteroid, comet, or star, looking up at a star shining bright above you. Perhaps you feel amazingly drawn and curious. Maybe you explore further with some kind of telescope, or your intrinsic abilities, and marvel at this solar system on the short Orion/Cygnus arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is an unusual solar system in that it has a single Star/Sun rather than a binary(2) Sun system.
Your perception reveals an exquisite blue planet orbiting this star/sun. It is a beacon calling to you in a mysterious way. It communicates to you of another time and space, an exquisite puzzle that you feel compelled to understand. Somehow there is a critical connection yearning to be remembered. It whispers of love and friendship.This soul search may have lasted minutes, or eons. Time is irrelevant. Take all of it that you need and repeat this exercise as often as you like.
Imagine now that you are on a return trajectory and are back in your familiar body on Earth looking up at that favorite star once again. Perhaps you can extrapolate from the journey the sense that there are other sentient beings looking up at our Sun and its beautiful solar system and wishing upon OUR STAR! Perhaps it is a future, or past, version of you? Maybe it is a dearly loved star brother or sister. Maybe the strange communication you sense coming from the Cosmos is you speaking to you - another creation of your soul that is guiding you along on your journey. Let your imagination roam. If this feels comfortable to you, intend that this connection remain open and loving. You may count on it through all the days of your life.
Now let us get scientific. I am going to stimulate your imagination in another way - with scientific facts about your physical body.
We are now considering the physical reach of our eyes. Look to the western horizon in the early evening sky. The great square of Pegasus in our Winter sky has an extension that is the Andromeda constellation off of one of its corners. As you look up it appears off the upper corner star, called Alpheratz. It is the beginning of a long slim triangle shape extending upward into the sky. Travel with your eyes approximately half way out on the triangle. Look slightly above, or to the right, to the outside of the triangle’s side and you will be able to see a somewhat fuzzy looking cluster. This is the Andromeda Galaxy M31 that we can see with the naked eye on a clear night. That galaxy is 1.2 million light years away. Okay, what does that mean and how far away is that?
1 light year is 5.8 trillion miles
(This is how far light travels in one of our years.)
The Andromeda Galaxy M31 is 2.537 million light years away from us in distance.
Now convert time to miles and the Andromeda Galaxy M31 is 15.5 million trillion miles away.
That is 15.5 followed by 20 zeros!
15,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles away. THAT IS THE REACH, IN MILES, OF YOUR EYES!
Is that not astounding? Put another way, that is the reach of your physical field. Extrapolate from there and imagine how far the reach of your imagination, your emotions, your mental capabilities might be? I will suggest to you that your LOVE AND YOUR SOUL extends beyond all of that - into infinity.
You are truly amazing. How can you not find your Godspeed? It is only a matter of belief and time! May 2024 be a beautiful year for you!
(1/1/24 - 1/15/24)
The 4th, and final, MERCURY retrograde of 2023 ends on 1/1 at 22° in Sagittarius. It will spend 13 days making its way back along the recently traveled path through the latter degrees of Sagittarius. This path will take Mercury back into a direct conjunction with the Galactic black hole portal at 27° Sagittarius on 1/11, the day of the New Moon.
MERCURY is the messenger planet. Intend that you will receive messages of particular importance to you and that you will become consciously aware of those whisperings in the exact moment you need their wisdom.
New Year's Day also begins a GRAND TRINE in the Earth signs that will stay active through the 19th. That is almost 3 weeks of one of the most benevolent aspects in Astrology! This is an auspicious beginning for 2024. The planets and signs are:
*MOON & LILITH conjunct in Virgo
*SUN & PHOLUS conjunct in Capricorn
*JUPITER in Taurus ( this is active during the first half of the days.)
Then the GRAND TRINE continues with a shifting of planets and asteroids to:
*JUNO in Virgo
*URANUS in Taurus
*SUN in Capricorn
All of these signs and planets combine strengths in the divine feminine wisdom wielded with honesty and integrity while working in conjunction with our Earthly mother. Uranus may contribute some sudden, progressive steps that move us forward into a more benevolent future.
This formation is quite fortuitous in that it involves so many heavenly bodies for so many days. The great luck of the Grand Trine as we move further into the Aquarian Age urges us to choose love and light as often as we can. We have partners to assist us.
MARS moves into Capricorn on 1/4 and stays until 2/13. This position might normally lean toward aggressive, materialistic, war-like tendencies, and for some that will be their choice. However, the incredible Grand Trine spoken of in the previous segment will shine the light of the absurd on this choice. For the vast majority of the human kingdom yearning for Aquarian energies, this Mars in Capricorn strength will lean toward a noble expression that says ALL will be chosen. Opportunity and abundance will be available to the masses as we move forward. We all win and share our gifts with the world - and we are all better off because of this. This is an example of how a planet/sign expression in the Piscean Age will shift as that combination of energies moves more fully into the Aquarian Age.
Next up in a month full of delights is the NEW MOON in Capricorn on 1/11. The Grand Trine that is active is now joined with the qualities of any New Moon; new beginnings, new dreams, old dreams becoming more tangible, etc. This has another powerful partner. There is a huge STELLIUM of planets/asteroids in Capricorn this entire week. It begins with the familiar planets; Sun, Moon, Mars, and Pluto. Added to this are asteroids; Psyche, Pholus, and Cupido. MERCURY is directly conjunct the Galactic Center at 27° Sagittarius on this day, bringing the most uplifting messages from Deep Space.
Last, but not least, is a point I have not discussed with you previously. It is called the PART OF FORTUNE. On the world chart this is in Capricorn now. The POF is a calculated equation of the Sun, Moon, and Rising signs and is considered to be a lucky point.
With wars, political and cultural conflict, with entire groups losing rights that they have had for half a century or more, with these very uncomfortable breaking of institutions and structures, this is a great time for some communal luck!
Count them - 8 points of light in a Capricorn stellium. That sounds pretty good. Now let us add the universal energy of numerology with 2024 being an 8 year. (2+0+2+4)=(8). There are two main points to the (8) energy. Abundance and the Proper Use of Power. There is also additional numerology energy of the day that the New Moon falls on - 1/11/2024. That day's numerology is the master number (11), which speaks of spiritual power and strength.
I really can't think of a better beginning for our New Year. A Grand Trine, a Stellium, the numbers (8) and (11), a New Moon. This is fantastic creation energy.
JUNO'S retrograde motion begins in Virgo on 1/12. She moved into Virgo in October 2023 and will be there for a long time due to this retrograde interval. She is all about commitment and loyalty, even in the face of betrayal. This particular retrograde transit through Virgo will help you decide what to remain loyal to. You will probably concentrate on some of the minutia, the details of your old patterns that can use an upgrade, perhaps. This is a good place and time to hone in on the best parts of the essential you as well as your circumstances. Virgo/Juno can help you sift through the events, patterns, etc. of your life so that you may take the best of it forward in 2024.
MERCURY moves into Capricorn on 1/13 until 2/5. Thinking and action tend toward the practical with this placement. Honesty in communication is favored here. Ambition and materialism are strong, which also means care must be taken to act with integrity.
This year Mercury has the huge advantage of joining the STELLIUM mention before. Mercury is trading places with the Moon, who has moved on. That leaves the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Cupido, Psyche, Pholus, and the Part of Fortune in Capricorn for one more week.
The year begins with a great many positive creational influences. May you be able to work with them to find your Grace and your Joy.