January 21, 2024

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Church of the Nazarene

Online Giving

Service Times

Prayer at 8:30am

Morning Worship at 9:30 & 11:00am

Sunday School at 9:30 & 11:00am


Love God...Love Others

The Cover-To-Cover Challenge

The Beaverton Church of the Nazarene is excited to announce our plan to read through the Bible together in 2024. We invite you to take on the challenge and join us in this journey to deepen our understanding of God's word. 

Taking a year to read the Bible in its entirety allows us to step back and observe the full picture. We will see the larger story of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation in the midst of all the individual stories. This will help us to gain a deeper understanding of God's plan for humanity and our place in it. 

We encourage everyone to participate in this challenge, whether you are a long-time member of our church or a newcomer. We will provide resources and support to help you along the way. Let's come together as a community and make 2024 a year of spiritual growth and transformation.

Paper Reading plan
YouVersion App Bible Reading Plan

Grow Deeper

Pastor Hodge is dedicated to helping members of the congregation grow deeper in their faith in 2024. To facilitate this, he is sending out a weekly text to anyone who wants to receive guidance and inspiration on their spiritual journey. If you would like to be added to the list and receive these texts, simply text "I want to Grow Deeper" to 855-487-9991. We look forward to growing together in the new year!

Super Bowl Sunday

We are excited to announce that on February 11, we will be celebrating Super Bowl Sunday at church! We encourage everyone to wear their favorite team jersey to show support for your team. Whether it's football, basketball, baseball, or any other sport, any team is welcome! 

Let's come together as a community and enjoy this special day, both in church and in the world of sports.

See you on Super Bowl Sunday!

Adult Bible Study Options

Young Adults' Small Group - Jeff and Jenna McCummings, address: 5216 Dale Rd.

Contact Jenna at 989-615-8591 for more information.


9:30am - Sunday School Class - Paul Mikulcik 

11:00am - Sunday School Class - Richard Noll 

11:00am - Sunday School Class - Candy Johnson

11:00am -7th-12th Grade - Tom Johnson


10:00am - Ladies' Bible Study - Karen Wells

6:30pm - Men's Bible Study - Richard Noll


10:00am - Men's Bible Study - Pastor Hodge

Sunday School options for Kids
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Sunday School and Small Groups

We have a number of Sunday School classes and small groups for you to join.

View Your Options

January 20 Food Distribution

February 2-4 Youth Winter White Out

February 11 Annual Church Elections

February 17 Food Distribution

February 24 Kids Club

March 2 District Celebrate Life

The Bread Of Life

Healthy church communities and individuals are something God cares deeply about. In fact, much of the New Testament addresses life in and among the community of believers. Is there anything better than seeing people healthy, growing, and producing kingdom fruit? If that’s true, then how do we get there?

Rooted is a 4-week sermon series built to help answer that very question. Using the same agricultural imagery that Jesus so often used, Rooted will help you lead us through planting, growing, pruning, and harvesting. We will discuss both unhealthy and healthy practices in the life of a believer and the process of discipleship that leads to a fruitful life in Christ.

Sermon Notes

Crisis Care Kits

The Missions department is in need of some items so they can ship another box of Crisis Care Kits. We need the following items.

3 Shampoo 12-18oz.

6 Band-Aid 30 count - 3/4inch, all one size

4 Toothpaste 4-6oz

Annual Church Elections

Our church nominating committee has met and prepared the ballots for our annual church elections, which will take place on Sunday February 11, 2024. This is an important event where official church members will have the opportunity to vote for our church leadership for the upcoming church year. The new church year will begin on March 1, 2024. We encourage all official church members to attend and participate in this important event.

A sample church ballot is available in the foyer. We encourage everyone to take a few minutes to review the sample ballot and familiarize themselves with the voting process. Please note that the actual ballot will be distributed on the day of the election. Thank you for your participation and commitment to our church.

A membership list is available at the HUB.  Voting will only be open to official church members.  If you would like to become a member, please contact Pastor Hodge.

Would you like to become a member?

The Beaverton Church of the Nazarene offers a Pastor's Welcome Class for those interested in church membership or simply wanting to learn more about our church community. Led by Pastor Hodge and Pastor Rebecca, the class is offered every month and is a great way to become more familiar with our church and its mission. To learn more about the class and how to sign up, please contact Pastor Hodge or Pastor Rebecca directly. Alternatively, you can text "[Your Name] Welcome Class" to 248-978-5962 and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

The 11:00am Sunday Service will be broadcasted live and archived on our church Facebook Page.

Join us on Facebook

Ministry Opportunity

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Spread God's love to those in need by joining our food distribution team from 9:00am-Noon at the Gladwin Christ the King Lutheran Church on 600 S. M-18.


Communion will be served

the first or second

Sunday of each month.

The elements are prepackaged with both wafer and juice in a single two-part container.

Communion participants peel back the top seal to remove the communion wafer then remove the second seal to open the juice. 

Beaverton Nazarene has an active Senior Adult Ministry.

Our senior adults are essential to many ministries within our church and an important part of our church body. The purpose of this ministry is to promote spiritual, physical, intellectual, and emotional growth through a variety of wholesome activities that will stimulate seasoned adults and ensure they feel esteemed and included.


Beaverton Nazarene

Prayer Chain

Please join us on Facebook!

Bulletin Contact - If you would like something added to the bulletin, please contact Pastor Hodge.

FACEBOOK Prayer Chain
Request Permission to Join Prayer Chain

Children's Church - Beaverton Nazarene

The Bible Adventure curriculum helps preschoolers get to know Jesus in the context of small group relationships. Each hour-long experience includes simple in-room illustrations, a video -teaching-based Bible Adventure for small groups to go on together, and an in-room review time that inspires wonder.

Children's Church
Toddler's Church
Youth Logo.jpg

Students that are currently in grades 7th-12th are invited to join every Sunday night from 5:00-6:30pm for a time of games, fellowship and growing closer to God. Dinner will be provided.

Winter White Out: Feb 2-4 in Tustin, MI

Cost $120

See Pastor Rebecca for forms to fill out.

Are you a high school senior looking for a venue to hold your graduation party? Look no further than our local church! Pastor Hodge has generously offered the use of the gym for free. It's the perfect space to celebrate with your friends and family. Contact Pastor Hodge or Pastor Rebecca today to reserve the space for your special day.

Youth Newsletter
Visit our Website

Volunteer Opportunity

The Gladwin County Council on Aging is seeking volunteers to help seniors in the community. Specifically, we are in need of friendly drivers who can transport seniors to their doctor appointments and grocery store trips. Mileage reimbursement is available for volunteers who help in this capacity. If you are interested in giving back to your community and helping seniors in need, please consider becoming a volunteer driver for the Gladwin County Council on Aging.

Helping Hands Website

Volunteer Opportunity

The Helping Hands Mission, located at 116 W Brown St, Downtown Beaverton, is in need of volunteers to work in the thrift shop and warehouse. We are seeking individuals who have some free time and are willing to lend a helping hand. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Becky Cook at 989-424-1413 for more information. Your time and effort will make a huge difference in the lives of those we serve.

Church of the Nazarene


[email protected]

540 Lang Rd.

Beaverton, MI 48612

United States

Church Board and Committees
Contact Pastor Hodge