Home Learning Programs
for Students!

During this challenging time with the schools closed,
We partnered with Being Da Vinci to offer a unique curriculum usually only offered as an enrichment program with prestigious private schools across the country.
Art , Culinary , STEAM & Outdoor programs designed to creatively occupy your children with self-directed learning!

Tailored to match your child’s common core standards: 
Pre-K through 1st grade & 2nd -5th grade.
Visual Arts Guide
Artist Techniques
& Studio Material
Culinary Arts Guide
Cooking Without Recipes
& Experiments in Food Combinations
STEAM Project Guide
Repurpose, Design, Build
& Experiment
Outdoor Learning Guide
Nature Based Learning in
Your Backyard
Discounts currently available on all placements!
How It Works.

  • Receive an easy to follow 12 week program to continue learning at home! Sent to you as 2-week increment curriculums.
(Purchase covers 12 weeks for $400)

  • Video Demo & Phone Support
Being DaVinci can guide you or your nanny on how you may
implement programs into your child's schedule.

  • Supplies List Included
Material needed for programs can easily found in your home!

  • These programs ignite wonder, experiments, exploration, ideas and creations!

We're here to help!

We have nannies , tutors & teachers available on a temporary or permanent basis to help you through this time. 

They can conduct the curriculum while assisting your older children with their remote learning. Programs can also be conducted at a local park, or in your yard, weather permitting.