January 2025

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Cor. 9:6-8

A Letter from the Director

Dear Faithful Reader,

2025 is upon us and we are excited to see what God will do with the Community Outreach Center this year!

The year 2024 ended with so much activity and so many things to praise God for. Our busiest client interaction time is October thru December. We are signing people up for Thanksgiving meals, Christmas meals, and Toys for Tots for their Christmas gifts. Then we have to get the supplies for each of those events and prepare and organize them for pick-up. We do all this extra stuff, while still helping clients in their day to day walk. The COC volunteers are amazing and do all these jobs with limited space and time. The clients that receive these holiday meals and Christmas gifts are asked to write a thank you note to the people that give to them and to tell Jesus ‘Thank You’ as they go to sleep that night.

God gives us “nudges “to do something for Him. He asks us to give time or gifts or prayers to sustain people that are working in His grace. The people that react to those “nudges,” use those gifts of time, resources and discernment, and try to answer needs in a client’s life (food for a good meal, a gift for under the tree, a financial portion to pay on a utility bill, a warm coat!) and that client gives thanks to God.

It is a “circle of life” that happens every day at the COC and You are part of it! Thank you for being faithful to the COC! Amen. ~Pam

Free Support for the COC

We received our 1st check from the King Soopers Rewards Program for 7/1-9/30. We have 11 households signed up and received a check for $53.66. That's "free" money for the COC! If you haven't signed up yet and would like to, follow the instructions below.

Holiday Meals Response

There was a generous response to support our clients with holiday meals. We distributed 35 turkey dinners with all of the fixings compliments of the Weld Food Bank. Additionally, you gave more than $1000 that was used to buy forty $25 gift cards given to families to allow them to purchase their holiday supplies.

Year in Review

2024 was a busy year for the COC, to say the least. With grateful hearts, we want to share both the big obvious and behind the scenes work our volunteers did, who walked through our doors, and how we stewarded the generosity shared by our supporters.


  • made the move towards being an independent non-profit organization.
  • filed with the IRS and Secretary of State of Colorado.
  • moved to 1100 11th Avenue.
  • developed our website, www.cocgreeley.com.
  • signed on with Google Search.
  • purchased and programmed software to communicate with our donors.
  • set up an on-line giving portal to generate and facilitate giving.

The number of clients we served increased an average of 10 people each day.

  • 4,708 households served in 2024 (3,985 in 2023)
  • 14,816 individuals served in 2024 (12,731 in 2023)

Some of our monthly expenses:

  • $1000 food, toiletries, gas cards, bill help
  • $3600 monthly rent, utilities, maintenance

A Christmas Story for You

Every Christmas season, for the last 20 years, a couple from Greeley asks for the name of two families that “need a good Christmas.” This couple gets the first names of the family members, along with the gender, age, and interests of the children. They shop and wrap these gifts, and we get to give these beautiful Christmas presents to VERY surprised families! This couple says, "It is the most fun and best shopping time of the whole year!” They sign it: Love, Mr. & Mrs. Claus.

This year a father with his two children, who had lost their wife and mother right after Christmas last year, received this “surprise gift.” In his words: “I tried to get some Christmas spirit for my kids. I tried to be excited for Santa to come. Christmas was my wife’s gift to my children. But I just couldn’t do it. I had no energy, no desire because Christmas made me miss her so much! But this (gift of presents and a very generous gift card) has just helped me realize I need to do this for my kids. Whoever this couple is…I want to thank them so much! We will have a fun time with each other because of them! And I know my kids will feel like their mom is still here with us!” Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. C!

It's Getting Cold Outside

Want to make an impact or feel like you made a difference? We have clients that don't have good heating in their homes or work and/or live outside. Consider donating your old blankets or a warm coat, hoodie, or sweater for a child, a mom, or a dad. Bring some gloves, mittens, a scarf, or a hat for someone that might be your age and standing out in this cold. Bring some warm socks tucked into some boots, so someone can have warm feet walking in this icy weather. Thank you! You can/did help!!

Donate Items

COC Open Hours: Monday 1-3:30pm Tuesday 2-4:30pm Friday 8:30-11am

Visit our Website
Donate Financially

Edited by Jennifer Suntych