Weekly eNews

February 8, 2024

Sign Up Now!

Deadline ExtendedSign Up by February 8—Today!for Women's Retreat: Living Your Story

March 1-2, Haw River State Park

We have set aside March 1–2 for Living Your Story: Celebrating Connection and Grace, an opportunity to celebrate the stories of who we are, what we can release and add in this blessed life, and the gift of how God holds it all.

Sign up at the link below today, February 8!

Payment can be made by check to St. Andrew’s (with “Women’s Retreat” as the memo) or online, via the Abundant giving platform (choose default fund–“Donation/Pledge Offering”–and be sure to write “Women's Retreat” on the memo line). 

Register by February 8 for Women's Retreat

About the Facilitator

We are delighted that Sarah Chowning will lead this time to share stories and song and reconnect to ourselves and one another. Sarah is a professional singer, private voice teacher, writer, and passionate life-liver. She is involved with voice work of all kinds through song and story and enjoys watching and guiding others to embrace their creative voice. After several seasons of challenge, Sarah has a renewed interest in how we connect, how we heal, how we hold God in the center, and how song and story are part of that weaving. 

TONIGHT! Group Forming to Examine Gun Violence Prevention

Join a Zoom Meeting February 8

In November we had an informative Community Conversation on gun violence prevention, with guest presenter Sara Smith of North Carolinians Against Gun Violence. It was very well attended, and it is now time to move forward! A small group is forming that will provide leadership for how St. Andrew’s might address this issue in our community. We are beginning with an interest meeting via Zoom on Thursday, February 8, at 7 pm. 

Please contact Kathryn Crowe to let her know if you can attend, or to ask any questions. Then join us at the link below, using code 910200.

Join Zoom with Code 910200

This Sunday

Join Us for Worship!

Sundays at 10 a.m.

Each Sunday we worship in person and online. We are always glad when you worship with us. Nursery care is available during worship, and we offer Children's Ministry time as well as activity bags to keep little hearts and hands engaged. 

Join Our Worship Online
View Our Bulletin
Support St. Andrew's

Lift Every Voice and Sing

Last Sunday the choir shared an arrangement of Lift Every Voice and Sing as the offertory anthem during worship. You can watch past worship services using the Join Our Worship Online button (above). To go right to the anthem from February 4, click on the link below.

Listen to Anthem from February 4

Join Us for Children’s Chapel, February 11!

This Sunday, our K-5 kids will process out of the church as usual at children’s ministry time, but they will head downstairs to the Children’s Chapel to celebrate the upcoming season of Lent with a special story, offering, and music.

Adult Formation Continues this Sunday, February 11

New recording available!

Ancient texts, manuscripts, geography, and history converge in this penetrating examination of the Bible as Holy Writ. If you missed the earlier classes, you can view recordings of the material at the links below. Then join us after worship this Sunday in the Cloister.

View Session 1 Recording
View Session 2 Recording

Invite-Welcome-Connect (IWC) Meeting this Sunday

February 11, 11:30 a.m. (Kids of the Kingdom Room)

All Invite-Welcome-Connect committee members and interested members are invited to join us this Sunday after worship in the Kids of the Kingdom classroom. We will be making plans for a March 10 Welcome event and preparing invitations. Please contact Jon Anderson or Jennifer Jones with questions.

Helping Hands Invited to Buildings & Grounds Committee Meeting

February 11, 11:15 a.m. (LIbrary)

Our first monthly Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting will be this Sunday after worship, in the Library. This is an open meeting for those who already have raised their hands and for anyone who has ideas or would like to help now and then with buildings and grounds projects. We will review the current needs of the church, take suggestions, and give you an idea of where and how you can help. More hands make lighter work!  Please contact Nick Klett with questions.

Order Your Soup!—We've Extended Our Sale through this Sunday, February 11

Volunteers Needed!

Which do you prefer? Something warm and tasty for lunch or supper? Or making a purchase knowing that your $$ will support a cause dear to your heart? Aha! The St. Andrew’s Soup Sale does both! 

Order right here!

Choose (this is the warm and tasty part) from three traditional favorites—Tomato Bisque, Corn Chowder, Italian Sausage and White Bean—or new and intriguing West African Sweet Potato Peanut. The cause dear to St. Andrew’s hearts is the Afghan refugee family we sponsor—parents and five little girls. Such an easy decision! 

We also welcome your help cooking, selling, or fulfilling orders for soup! Sign up at the link below.

Contact Fran Swan at 336-709-5147 with any questions.

Order Soup by February 11
Be a Soup Volunteer

Soup pickup is March 16 & 23 (Corner Market, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.) and March 17 & 24 (Parish Hall, 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.). Contact Fran Swan (see number above) if you need assistance with soup delivery. Soups not picked up will be returned to stock.

Affordable Housing is a Priority—Please Complete Assets Inventory Survey by February 11

As 2024 begins, the Interfaith Affordable Housing Initiative (IAHI) invites Greensboro congregations of all faiths each to prepare a letter stating their willingness to participate in the work ahead. For each congregation, a necessary next step will be the preparation of an inventory of relevant interests, skills, and knowledge among its members. No commitment is implied; the inventory serves both to introduce the possibilities for service to people of faith, and to inform leadership about where resources exist.

We are asking St. Andrew’s parishioners to complete a short outline of questions in an Assets Inventory. Please download the survey at the link below and respond to the survey questions thoughtfully and with a prayer in your heart.

Then put the completed survey in the labeled collection spot in the Parish Hall this Sunday, or hand it to Virginia Haskett. You may also mail your survey to the church. All surveys are requested by February 11.

Questions? Email Virginia Haskett. Learn more about IAHI at the link below.

Download Assets Inventory to Complete
 Interfaith Affordable Housing Initiative (IAHI)

Coming Soon

ECW St. Agatha & St. Mary Chapter Valentine Meeting

Monday, February 12, 7 p.m. 

Join us this Monday in the Parish Hall for Valentine making! Some supplies will be provided, but if you have any that would help (construction paper, empty envelopes, markers, glue sticks, etc.) please bring them. See you for a fun evening of creativity and fellowship. Refreshments will be served.

Calling All Pancake Lovers!

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

February 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Our Men's Fellowship is looking forward to the upcoming pancake supper. Join us for pancakes, sausage, baked apples, and great fellowship on Shrove Tuesday. 

You can buy your tickets Sundays after church or at the door. Price is $7 for individual and $15 for a family ticket. Door prizes included!

We also need your help to make it happen. Please click the button below to sign up as a volunteer.

Sign Up to Help with Pancake Supper

EYC Welcomes Jankoba Sambola on February 18

February 18, 5-6:30 p.m., Herman Hall

We will also serve supper!

On Sunday, February 18, Jankoba Sambola will join us to tell us about his life growing up in the church in Liberia, and we'll continue our semester-long film project on Discipleship and the many ways we find to follow Jesus in our everyday lives. We will provide supper on this night!

We hope you and your families also will be able to take advantage of the NCCJ interfaith tour offering on this date too. (See next announcement.)

Save these EYC dates!

  • Tuesday, February 13: Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Supper, with a job for everyone!
  • February 18: Evening with Jankoba Sambola will share with EYC about growing up in the church in Liberia. 
  • March 10 & 24: Details coming soon!
  • April 14: A visit from Charles and Shelley Kappauf
  • April 21: Second Annual Youth & Seniors Dinner Night

All Are Invited to NCCJ's Interfaith Tour

February 18, 1-5 p.m.

Dedicated to building bridges of understanding and respect between people of all beliefs, the NCCJ Interfaith tour offers an opportunity to explore some of our community's many vibrant faith traditions by visiting different houses of worship to connect with, learn from, and find common ground with each other. Together, we'll visit three local congregations at Jewish, Islamic, and Buddhist houses of worship.

Register now for this free, family-friendly program on Sunday, February 18, and please share this invitation with friends, family, and other folks at St. Andrew's!

Register for NCCJ Interfaith Tour

Let’s Gather for Breakfast, February 23

All are invited to an informal breakfast gathering February 23 at 8:30 a.m., at Green Valley Grill. We look forward to sharing food and fellowship with friends of St. Andrew’s. Please RSVP to Charles Kelshaw by email or at 336-549-7652.

Lent, Holy Week, and Easter 2024

Love Grows Here

Join us for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter 2024

Sunday Worship 10 a.m.

Feb. 13 – Shrove Tuesday

Pancake Supper, 5:30–7:30 p.m.

Feb. 14 – Ash Wednesday Services

7:30 a.m. & 12 p.m. (St. Andrew’s Chapel)

7 p.m. at Church of the Redeemer (901 E. Friendly Ave.)

Feb. 18 – Lenten Formation

Sundays in Lent, 11:15 a.m.

Mar. 1 & 2 – Living Your Story

Women’s Retreat at Haw River State Park

Mar. 10 – New Member Liturgy & Welcome Breakfast 

Mar. 16 – Lenten Quiet Day

Mar. 22 & 23 – Dismantling Racism: Reclaiming Our Baptismal Promises (Diocesan offering)

Holy Week

Labyrinth available in Chapel

The Way of the Cross available in Sanctuary

Mar. 24 – Palm Sunday Service, 10 a.m. 

Mar. 28 – Maundy Thursday Service, 7 p.m. 

Mar. 29 – Good Friday Service, 12 p.m.   

Mar. 31 – Easter Sunday Service, 10 a.m.

(Easter Egg Hunt after service)

Ash Wednesday Services Schedule: February 14

We will offer Ash Wednesday services with imposition of ashes at 7:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. in the Chapel.

If you would like to attend an evening service, we invite you to join the 50th Annual Convocation-wide observance of Ash Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 901 E. Friendly Ave.

Families of Toddler—Pre-K Kids, Let’s Celebrate Lent with Activity Eggs!

This year during Lent, the children in our pre-K playroom and nursery will be receiving Activity Eggs each Sunday, beginning on February 11. These eggs, each with a special activity inside, will help introduce our youngest children to one of the greatest mysteries of the church year. There are twelve eggs total, one for each Sunday in Lent, for Ash Wednesday and the days of Holy Week, and one more to kick off the Easter season. Simply show up to church on Sundays to receive your eggs, but if you have to miss a week or two you are welcome to email Martha to find a time to pick up your eggs.

Support the Altar Guild with Easter Flower Dedications

Submit by March 18

One of the duties of St. Andrew’s Altar Guild is to decorate our worship space for special services, including Easter. On this festive day, we would like the church altar to be full of beautiful flowers, especially lilies. We invite you to support the Altar Guild with an honorary or memorial Easter Flower Offering. The bulletin for Easter Sunday will list all donors and dedications.

Tributes and donations should be received by Monday, March 18, for inclusion in the Easter bulletin.

Tributes may be submitted:

  • online at the link below
  • at church using the special flower envelopes in the pews, or
  • by mail (see instructions below)

Payment can be made:

  • online in Abundant, choosing the "Altar Guild Donations" fund from the dropdown menu, or
  • by check to St. Andrew's, with "Altar Guild Flowers" on the memo line

Instructions for Mailing Tributes:

Please include the following information:

This gift is given by: ___________________________________

in honor of: ___________________________________________

 –– or ––  

in memory of: _________________________________________

And indicate:

___ I am enclosing my donation.

 –– or ––  

___ I will make my donation online.

Submit Easter Flower Tribute Online

Supporting St. Andrew's

Your Gifts Sustain Us

We are grateful for your gifts that sustain St. Andrew's. If you have questions about your giving, please email Ray Marsh, Bookkeeper, or leave a message at 336-275-1651, ext. 3. Ray is in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

If you would like to make a new gift or a payment on your pledge, please use your choice of these options:

  • Donate at abundant.co/standrewsepiscopalch/give.
  • Use the “Abundant Giving” app, choosing "St Andrew’s Episcopal Church" in Greensboro.
  • Mail a check to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Bookkeeper, 2105 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403.

Community & Diocesan Connections

Our Food Collection Ministry Is Year-Round

Thank you for filling the burgundy bags each week with your food donations.

Items that are especially in demand include: dried beans, rice, pasta; and canned vegetables, beans, meats, and fish.

Please leave donations in the church narthex and office hallway, and they will be collected and distributed to One Step Further food pantry by our Missions and Outreach Committee. Your gifts help carry out our mission to feed the hungry in our community.  

Register Now for Annual Celebration of Blessed Absalom Jones

February 10, 10 a.m.

The annual celebration of Blessed Absalom Jones is this Saturday, and registration is open! (See eNews for link.) This year’s celebration will take place at St. Augustine University, with the service in the chapel beginning at 10 a.m. The preacher this year will be the Rev. Ronald Byrd, missioner for African descent ministries for The Episcopal Church. At the luncheon, we will unveil the completed “Telling Our Stories” video. Please join us for this special day!

Sign Up for Absalom Jones Celebration

Congratulations on New Call

The Rev. Audra Abt has accepted a new call as the Canon for Innovation and Congregational Development in the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio. Audra's final day with Holy Spirit was January 28 and her final day with Abundant Life will be February 15.

Read Letter from Rev. Audra

Voting is a Service to Our Community: Early Voting Starts February 15

North Carolina Statewide Primary Election Day: March 5

Early Voting in Guilford County: February 15 - March 2

Early voting in Guilford County for the upcoming statewide primary election cycle begins on Thursday, February 15. You can find information on early voting locations and other Guilford County elections information at the links below.

Guilford County Board of Elections Information
Guilford County Early Voting Info (Feb.15-Mar.2)

“Cast your vote, not on a partisan basis, not based on your biases, but vote your values. Vote the values of human dignity and equality. Vote the values of the rock on which this country was built. Vote.”

- Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Meet Me at the Corner Market!

Saturdays, 8 a.m.12 p.m.

W. Market St. at Kensington Rd.

The Corner Farmers Market delivers the goods each Saturday in our Kensington Rd. parking lot. Stay up to date on weekly offerings at their website (sign up for a wonderful newsletter!), and Facebook page.

We Pray For

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan

The Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Anglican International Development, working together to provide clean water in Rokon, a city in the Central Equatoria region.

From Harvest Appeal for Clean Water – South Sudan - Anglican International Development

There have seemingly always been tensions in the historic nation of the Sudan, especially between the south (which identified with East African nations) and the north (which identified with North African Arabs and with Egypt). A long civil war ended with the creation of a new nation, South Sudan, in 2011, and six years later Anglicans created a new Episcopal Church of South Sudan, with perhaps 3 ½ million members. Sadly, they have serious ethnic divisions. The American Friends of the Episcopal Church of the Sudans, founded in 2005, tries to be supportive of Anglicans in the two Sudans.

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Michael and All Angels’, Charlotte; St. Peter’s, Charlotte

Those on our parish prayer list: Mary Stalter, Norma Bullock, Moira Ermentrout, Maria Wilmoth, Jimmye Olivey, Patrick and Margaret Miller, Ed Morea, Julie Dameron, Traci and Erik, Barbara Cernansky, Ella Janssen, Gabriel, Charles Claunch, Libby Eberhard, Gwen Snead, Ali Avery, Barbara Van Cleve, David Heflin, Jeff Cummer, Charles Kelshaw, David McGraw, Maureen Morea, Carolyn Ritchie, Betty Atwell, Eva Harris, Harold Johnson, Bob Emmaus, Judy Gecinger, Liz Wert, Wes Hood, Carol Phillips, Leslie Deaton, Ed Phelps, Tom Walton, Mack Baker, Amber Morales, Lauren, Phillip Marion, Downs Brown, Jr., Martha and Jim Kaley, Ben Dormus, Nancy O’Donnell, Tina Sink Gangi, Florine, Vickie, Heather, Victoria, Dean Barrett, Bob, Leslie, Johnetta Shablack, Doug Baker, Erik Flak, Bill Hill, Rob James, Little Vik

Those serving in our military: Tom Stauffer, Paul Zeigler, Stephen Johnson, Benjamin Phillips, Kenneth Gearhart, Alex Reyes, Michael McNeil, Jordan Payne, Catharyn Nosek

Those expecting: Megan and Ryan Waide

Birthdays: Ashley Angel, Rhonda Bentz, Jeff Chowning, Julia Davis, Thea DeLoreto, Timothy Feifs, Susan Frye, Judy Hackett, Rose Hood, Chuck Kennedy, Sarah Sellers, Johnetta Shablack, David Stokes

Anniversaries: Joe and Pat Stultz

Please send prayer requests to Susan Frye, Parish Administrator, by email or at 336-275-1651, ext. 1. Names are taken off of our prayer list after six weeks. If a name should remain on the list, please let Susan know. Please also contact Susan with birthdays or anniversaries for the bulletin.

In Memory of Jean Phelps, from her Family

Some of you have asked for a copy of the eulogy shared at Jean Phelps' memorial service by her daughter, Wendy Ward. We recently received permission to share this tribute with you, which you may download at the link below. Thank you to Ed Phelps and Wendy and family for sharing this.

Eulogy for Jean Phelps

Weekly Calendar

Sunday, February 11

Last Sunday after the Epiphany

Worship & Children's Chapel, 10:00 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Coffee & Conversation, 11:15 a.m. (Parish Hall)

Biblical Perspectives: Adult Formation, 11:15 a.m. (Cloister)

Buildings & Grounds Committee, 11:15 a.m. (Library)

Invite-Welcome-Connect, 11:30 a.m. (Kids of the Kingdom Room)

Monday, February 12

ECW St. Agatha & St. Mary Valentine Meeting, 7 p.m. (Parish Hall)

Tuesday, February 13

Staff Meeting, 10:30 a.m.

Chapel Open for Prayer, 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Abundant Life Meal Drop-Off, 1-3:30 p.m. (Home of Barbara Cooke)

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, 5:30-7:30 p.m. (Parish Hall)

EfM, 6:00 p.m. (Library)

Wednesday, February 14

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Morning Service, 7:30 a.m. (Chapel)

ECW St. Anne Chapter, 10:30 a.m. (Parish Hall)

Hearing the Gospel, 10:30 a.m. (Parish Hall)

Ash Wednesday Mid-Day Service, 12:00 p.m. (Chapel)

Prayer Shawl Ministry, 2 p.m. (Library)

Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 p.m. (Sanctuary)

Ash Wednesday Evening Service at Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 7:00 p.m. (901 E. Friendly Ave.)

Thursday, February 15

Handbells Rehearsal, 2 p.m. (Cloister)

Saturday, February 17

Corner Farmers Market, 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Sunday, February 18

First Sunday in Lent

Worship & Children's Chapel, 10:00 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Biblical Perspectives: Adult Formation, 11:15 a.m. (Cloister)

Coffee & Conversation, 11:15 a.m. (Parish Hall)

NCCJ Interfaith Tour (See announcement above to register.), 1-5 p.m.

EYC with Jankoba Sambola--and Supper!, 5-6:30 p.m.

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

standrewsgso.org   [email protected]  336-275-1651

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