Weekly eNews

January 10, 2025

This Sunday

Winter Weather What-Ifs

As we anticipate winter weather, St. Andrew’s will follow local guidance to ensure the safety of our congregation.

Our website, social media, and email will share updates on closings or delays. Please check these platforms before heading out, and stay safe!

Today’s funeral for Dean Barrett will proceed at 3 PM in our sanctuary and via livestream. If needed, overflow parking is available in the lot of First Christian Church Greensboro.

Funeral for Dean Barrett

Jan. 10, at 3 p.m. (Sanctuary)

Watch Online

Dean Barrett, a beloved member of St. Andrew’s, died Saturday, December 14, 2024. Our love and condolences go out to Dean’s wife, Belinda Barrett; his mother, Nancy Bishop; and their family. The funeral is today at 3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary, with a reception to follow in the Parish Hall.

If needed, overflow parking is available across the street in the parking lot of First Christian Church at 1900 W. Market St.

Join Us for Epiphany Worship!

Each Sunday we worship in person and online. We are always glad when you worship with us. Nursery care is available during worship, and we offer Children's Ministry time as well as activity bags to keep little hearts and hands engaged.

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. We will introduce Star Words as part of our service, distributing star-shaped cards, each with a word on one side. As we consider together what it means to Look for the Light, reflecting on these words can serve as a simple spiritual practice, inviting you to set your intention for the new year.

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Epiphany Celebration & Chalking the Doors

Jan. 12, after Worship (Parish Hall)

Our Epiphany Celebration continues after our service with Coffee, Conversation, & Chalking the Doors! We will have chalk available and instructions for those wishing to bless their homes in 2025 with Chalking of the Doors.

This practice consists of marking a blessing in chalk to invite God’s blessing on a home, church, or other entryway, and on all who enter its doors during the year. The markings are usually made above the front door in this pattern: 20 + C + M + B + 25. The numbers reflect the new calendar year. The letters have two meanings—as the initials of the traditional names of the three magi (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar), and as the initials of the Latin phrase Christus Mansionem Benedicat, or “Christ bless this dwelling.” The + signs are for the Cross of Christ. 

See the Epiphany Handout at the link below for a Chalking the Doors blessing and more information about Epiphany and this ancient tradition.

Epiphany Handout with Chalking the Doors Info

Let’s Celebrate Epiphany with Children’s Chapel

Jan. 12, during worship

Our children are invited to celebrate the start of Epiphany with Children’s Chapel during 10 a.m. worship this Sunday. We’ll have a story, a special offering, and—best of all—plenty of music and movement!

The Table is Set and Ready for Our Donations

Help Make an Abundant Life Meal!

Drop-Off Jan. 12 & 14

Community Dinner Jan. 14

Each month, St. Andrew’s partners with other Episcopal churches to cook for Abundant Life’s community dinners at the Church of the Holy Spirit. Our next turn is January 14, and we are now seeking cooks! To help, simply fill a 9x13 disposable pan with a favorite dish and drop it off in the church freezer on the morning of January 12, or at the home of Barbara Cooke on January 14. Please sign up using the link below (use tab for current month). Contact Barbara with questions at 336-521-0040 or by email at the link below.

Sign Up to Bring a Meal
Contact Barbara Cooke

EYC Epiphany Edition

Jan. 12, 5 p.m.

Bring Canned Goods for Sharing & Greens for Burning

This Epiphany the youth are going to party like it’s 1999—or 567 AD! All youth are invited to share the light on January 12 with the ancient ceremony of the Burning of the Greens. Hang on to your greenery (Christmas trees, wreaths, and garlands welcome!) and bring it to church at 5 p.m. We’ll celebrate Jesus’ light coming into the world with bright, blazing fires of greens and a brief ceremony, followed by s’mores and hot chocolate. Like the magi who arrived a little late to the stable in Bethlehem, bring a gift to share—but instead of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, we ask that you bring canned goods to help stock the food pantry at Urban Ministries. In order to share the light and maximize on the gifts, we’re inviting other Episcopal youth from around our city, so be ready to welcome new friends!


Start the New Year with ECW

Jan. 13 at 2 p.m. (Parish Hall)

The St. Agatha and St. Mary’s Chapter of Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will meet on Monday, January 13, at 2:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Deacon Pam will present information about our Daughters of the King chapter at St. Andrew’s. Please invite a guest and join us on this date and the second Monday of each month. Contact Janice Cox Pollard for more information.

It’s Time for Breakfast at Green Valley Grill

Jan. 17 at 8:30 a.m.

All are invited to an informal breakfast gathering at Green Valley Grill on January 17 at 8:30 a.m. We look forward to sharing food and fellowship with friends of St. Andrew’s.

Please RSVP by noon the day before to Jonathan Stephens at 615-480-3804 or by email.

Join Your Parish Family in Remembering Our Saints in Light

Funeral for Judy Hackett

Friday, January 17 at 11:00 a.m.

Our love and condolences go out to the family of Judy Hackett. The funeral for Judy will be on January 17 at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary, with a reception to follow in the Parish Hall.

Funeral for Marilyn Simpson

Thursday, January 23, at 11:00 a.m.

Our love and condolences go out to the family of Marilyn Simpson family. The funeral for Marilyn will be on January 23 at 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel.

Let’s Celebrate Together at Our Annual Meeting

Jan. 26

Our Annual All-Parish Meeting will be held after worship on Sunday, January 26, 2025. We look forward to gathering for a joyful reception to reflect on the ways we have been growing in love Together in our church, our community, and our world this year. We will give thanks for our outgoing vestry members and hear important updates about parish ministries and finances.

We Need Your Burgundy Bag Donations!

Our weekly Burgundy Bag food donations are an outward and visible sign of St. Andrew’s mission of “feeding the hungry.” Each week, our donations are delivered to the One Step Further Food Pantry to support their vital efforts to relieve food insecurity in Greensboro.

Most Needed Food Items include rice, pasta, beans (dried and canned), canned vegetables, and canned meats and fish.

If you do not have a bag, please pick one up when you are at church for your household to use going forward. Bags can be picked up and dropped off in the Sanctuary narthex and the hallway by the Chapel. Thank you for helping St. Andrew's feed the hungry.

To learn more about St. Andrew's Mission & Outreach efforts, contact Doug Sanecki.

Families of Preschool–Elementary Kids: Let’s Gather for Our 2nd Sprouts Brunch Bunch

Jan. 19 after Church & Service Project

Taco Mama (2168 Lawndale Dr.)

Our Sprouts families will be meeting up for brunch at Taco Mama (2168 Lawndale Dr.) this month! Join us on January 19 after church and our all-parish service project for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Please email Martha-Wade Chaires if you know you can make it, but last-minute arrivals are welcome too!

EYC Evening of Service for MLK, Jr. Day

Jan. 19, 5 p.m. (Herman Hall)

All Middle & High Schoolers are Invited

In honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, our EYC will be making no-sew blankets and scarves for our neighbors who are living outdoors in these cold temperatures. All supplies—and a yummy dinner!—will be provided. Join us at 5 p.m. on Sunday, January 19. 

Conversation Series: "About the Second Amendment"

Thursday, January 23, 7 p.m., via Zoom


The Second Amendment and the “right to keep and bear arms” are two of the most commonly cited arguments in any conversation concerning gun safety and ownership. But the citation, and the Second Amendment itself, is often misused and misunderstood. 


Professors Joseph Blocher and Darrell Miller, authors of The Positive Second Amendment and co-founders of the Duke Center for Firearms Law, will take us through the origins of the Second Amendment, as well as its journey through the courts and public perception to where we are today. Nonpolitical, balanced and fact-based, this webinar will help attendees to understand what the Second Amendment is and is not, the intentions and factors that went into its creation, and how and why it has changed over the centuries. Informational and educational, this presentation is appropriate for anyone with an interest in American history, conversations about gun safety or the facts about this key amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


The evening is an offering of the diocesan Gun Violence Prevention Task Force as part of its ongoing Conversation Series.

Register Here

Martin Luther King, Jr., Day is January 20

Observances in Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, January 20, 2025

All are invited to the following worship and community events.

Sunday, January 19, 10 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship Service & All-Parish Service Project

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 2105 W. Market St. and on YouTube

Morning worship and Eucharist with The Rev. Pamela Haynes, Deacon, preaching, followed by an all-parish gathering in the Parish Hall to make comfort bags for our houseless neighbors.

(See announcement above about EYC Evening of Service.)

Friday, January 17, 7:30 p.m.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Shabbat Service

Temple Emanuel, 1129 Jefferson Rd., and on Facebook

A very special MLK Shabbat Service featuring honored guest Frank McCain and musical guests, the choir of Presbyterian Church of the Cross, where Frank’s wife, Rev. Vicki H. McCain, is pastor.

Monday, January 20, 12 p.m.

20th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Worship Service

St. James Presbyterian Church, 820 Ross Ave., and on YouTube and Facebook.

With live music, dancers, and messages from our local leaders! Rev. Dr. Phanta Lansden, Senior Pastor. Guest preacher Rev. Paul Ford.

Monday, January 20, 7:00 a.m.

Greensboro Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Event 

Sheraton Greensboro / Koury Convention Center, 3121 W. Gate City Blvd.

Hosted by Greensboro’s Human Rights Commission, this year’s event theme is “A Future of Service,” with keynote speaker Marcus Gause, Ed.D., principal of James B. Dudley High School.

(Tickets are sold out. See Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast | Greensboro, NC for details.)

The Corner Farmers Market

There's S'no Market This Weekend ❄️❄️❄️

Jan. 11 - CLOSED

From the Director:

"Like you, we've been watching the weather all week. ... It looks like we are in for a bit of a mess Saturday morning, so we have made the tough decision to close the market this week. We're bummed, but, you know, safety first and all that. We'll be back on the 18th (and we've got exciting new vendors joining us!)"

Corner Market Website and Newsletter Signup
Follow the Market on Facebook

Supporting St. Andrew's

We Welcome Your Financial Gifts

We are grateful for your continued gifts that sustain the mission and ministry of St. Andrew’s. 

If you have questions about your giving this year, setting up or changing a recurring draft, or making gifts of stock or other funds, email Ray Marsh or leave him a message at 336-275-1651, ext. 3. 

To make a new gift or to continue your pledge, please give online or mail your check to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Bookkeeper, 2105 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403. 

You may still submit your pledge for our Together Campaign for 2025 online or request a pledge packet.

Every pledge matters. 

Give to St. Andrew's
Submit Your 2025 Pledge 
Email Ray Marsh, Bookkeeper

May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 15:5–6

May we give generously and joyfully together so that St. Andrew’s can continue to grow in Christ’s love and make that love visible in this church, this community, and this world.  

We Pray For

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Church of the Province of West Africa

Ghana’s Diocese of Kumasi has entered its second half-century. Pictured here is its celebration of its 50th anniversary at Saint Cyprian Cathedral in Kumasi.

From Half centenary leads to great thanksgiving in West Africa’s Diocese of Kumasi in Ghana

Simply put, the Anglican province of West Africa contains everybody except the Nigerians, who have their own province. This province includes Sierra Leone, since 1852 the historic center of Anglican mission work in the region, with its Fourah Bay College preparing generations of West African intellectuals and church leaders; Ghana, the strongest Anglican presence in the region these days; Liberia, one of only two territories in Africa that was never colonized, and which has historic American church ties; and the Gambia, the tiniest of them all. In post-independent West Africa, these Anglicans initiated missionary dioceses in nearby French-speaking nations; and Cameroon, Guinea, and Senegal, along with the former-Portuguese Cape Verde islands, are now part of the province.

Diocesan Cylce of Prayer: St. John’s, Battleboro; Church of the Holy Comforter, Burlington; St. Paul’s, Cary

Western North Carolina and all those impacted by the Fall 2024 hurricanes

Those on our parish prayer list: Mary Stalter; Norma Bullock; Moira Ermentrout; Maria Wilmoth; Jimmye Olivey; Patrick Miller; Ed Morea; Julie Dameron; Traci and Erik; Charles Claunch; Barbara Van Cleve; Jeff Cummer; Charles Kelshaw; David McGraw; Betty Atwell; Rich and Maria; Liz Wert; Carol Phillips; Ed Phelps; Mack Baker; Lauren; Downs Brown, Jr.; Martha and Jim Kaley; Nancy O’Donnell; Tina Sink Gangi; Heather; Victoria; Johnetta Shablack; Erik Flak; Frank Tatem; Pauline Tatum; Jim Tatum; Pia; Henry, Christine, and Emily Davis-Potter; Linda Heller; Katelyn Flowers; Jeannie Phillips; James; Jim and Sue Ligon; Madeline Colavito; Hilary Towle; Kayla Alford; Charlotte Lloyd; Sarah Sellers; David; Jack; Mary Rose; Sue Keith; Irina and son; Anne Franklin and family; David Stokes; Myra Stephens; Marilyn McManis; Rhonda Weaver; Amanda Avery; Lynda Sanecki; Maria Alicia Huarcaya Hermoza and Kathy Hinshaw; Daniel; Buster Lewis

Those serving in our military: Tom Stauffer, Paul Zeigler, Stephen Johnson, Benjamin Phillips, Kenneth Gearhart, Alex Reyes, Michael McNeil, Jordan Payne, Catharyn Nosek

The departed: Mary White, mother of Arthur White; Wayne Ford, stepfather of Catherine Clifton Hardman

Birthdays: Mike Cronin, Linda Cummer, Shirley Keel, Charles Kelshaw, Pat Stultz, Lindy Taylor

Please send prayer requests to Susan Frye, Parish Administrator, by email or at 336-275-1651, ext. 1. Names remain on our parish prayer list for six weeks. Please let Susan know if you would like a name to continue to be listed. Please also contact Susan with birthdays and anniversaries for the bulletin. 

St. Andrew's Weekly Calendar

Sunday, January 12

Epiphany Sunday

Worship, Nursery, & Children's Chapel, 10 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Epiphany Celebration, 11:15 a.m. (Parish Hall)

Buildings & Grounds Committee, 11:15 a.m. (Library)

EYC Epiphany Edition, 5 p.m.

Monday, January 13

ECW St. Agatha & St. Mary Meeting, 2 p.m. (Parish Hall)

Tuesday, January 14

Staff Meeting, 10:30 a.m. (Cloister)

Chapel Open for Prayer, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Abundant Life Meal Drop-Off (Home of Coordinator)

EfM, 6:30 p.m. (Library)

Wednesday, January 15

Hearing the Gospel, 10:30 a.m. (Parish Hall)

Choir Rehearsal, 7 p.m. (Sanctuary)

Friday, January 17

Breakfast Gathering, 8:30 a.m. (Green Valley Grill)

Funeral for Judy Hackett, 11 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Reception to Follow (Parish Hall)

Saturday, January 18

The Corner Farmers Market, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. (Kensington Parking Lot)

Sunday, January 19

Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Third Sunday Early Worship, 8:30 a.m. (Chapel)

Worship & Children's Ministry, 10 a.m. (Sanctuary)

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day All-Parish Service Project, 11:15 a.m. (Parish Hall)

Sprouts Brunch Bunch, after Service Project (Taco Mama)

Sacred Ground Circle, 3-9 p.m. (Parish Hall & Library)

EYC Evening of Service for MLK, Jr. Day, 5 p.m. (Herman Hall)

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

standrewsgso.org  parish@standrewsgso.org 336-275-1651

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