Dear ITP,
I recall George Leonard telling us that the most important thing to learn from our study of ITP is the practice of balancing and centering. From a grounded and centered place, he would say, we can make better choices on how to respond to life - the challenges, joys, the world around us and inside us.
For a brief moment, take a full, nourishing breath. Now let's balance and center. Notice how you feel in this moment. What's alive for you now?
In the dynamic world we share together, how can our practice support, heal and enliven us? How can we radiate the peace and harmony we seek in the world?
Perhaps balancing and centering and an open heart can begin to pave the way!
We feature ITPI's Ki of Cooperation practice in this newsletter to provide greater insight and practical tools for navigating the astonishing times we experience as citizens of planet Earth today.
Our newsletter contributors are students and facilitators of this emerging practice aimed at building confidence and capacities for greater understanding and harmony across divides, be it in our relations, in the workplace, communities and inside ourselves, as well.
What does cooperation mean to you? What happens when it's working and when it's not? Explore and share the possibilities with us in this practice, through our KoC trainings and free online community house.
Thank you for your presence in our ITP community. Together we can imagine and co-create a world that enlivens and nurtures all of life.
Blessings of peace, love and joy,
Pam Kramer
ITPI President