2021 Irish American Heritage Month Hibernian Events
Please Join us and invite your family and Friends for our IAHM virtual events. All events are fee and open to the public. Special thanks to the Government of Ireland, Emigrant Support Programme, whose generous support has made these program possible.
The Hibernians Celebrate Irish American Month, and the contributions that Irish Americans have, and continue to make, to our Nation. COVID-19 can’t dampen our pride, and we will march again.
AOH Irish American Heritage Month

Brother’s we know that many of you as disappointed as us that COVID-19 concerns have put our traditional public St. Patrick’s Day celebrations on hold for a second year. Yet, the history of the Irish, and specifically the Hibernians, is to meet adversity and challenges head-on. This is the theme of our 2021 Irish American Heritage Month video. John F. Kennedy once stated “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis'. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity.”   
While we are all are saddened that we cannot hear the skirl of the pipes and see our neighbors at our parades, let us take the opportunity to focus in on the true meaning of St. Patrick’s Day and what it means to be Irish American. We are descended from a small nation whose chief export for centuries were is sons and daughters; sons and daughters whose impact has been felt in every corner of the world. We come from what was once one of the poorest nations in the world, and yet the repeated efforts of the most powerful nation of the world to crush us failed and we are in hope that in our lifetime we will see the final triumph of a reunification of the Irish Nation. 
When there is a crisis. the Irish, to use the famous words of the heroic Sullivan Brothers “We Stick Together”; we need to recapture that spirit. In a year without parades and St. Patrick’s day dances, let’s take the time to share our heritage with our families and particularly our children; they are not going to hear about their heritage from anyone else. The Gael Scoil videos are great opportunity to pass on the tradition appropriately sized for young attention spans. We have a full list of webinars, and a great list of speakers who present their topics in a lively and engaging method. 
Let’s show our community that we are “Irish American Strong”. Let’s share on social media our daily Irish American Profiles and educate the broader community on why we are proud to be Irish and why all America should remember in gratitude. Let’s put up out flags, banners and decorations and send a message that of St. Patrick’s Day is not canceled. If you can, make a special effort to patronize in a safe responsible manner our local Irish American businesses, many of whom are Brother and Sister Hibernians, struggling as our government continues to ask them to sacrifice for our well being.

Neil Cosgrove
IAHM Chairman

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Irish American Heritage Month: The Foley Brothers “No greater love than to lay down your life for another”

 “In these dark days of COVID-19, at this time of divisiveness in our Nation and as we approach the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 it is fitting to remember the sacrifice of two Irish American brothers and the Irish American values of Family, Duty and Sacrifice that united our Nation then and as a Nation, we need to recapture today.”

FDNY Firefighter Thomas Foley

"Responding to the attack on 9/11 as a member of the elite Bronx Rescue Company 3, Thomas Foley rushed to the World Trade Center; he and his entire Company would be among the 343 FDNY firefighters killed on that day when the towers collapsed."
FDNY Firefighter Daniel Foley

"Dan Foley, Thomas Foley’s younger brother was off duty on 9/11, but rushed to the site when it was reported that his brother Tommy was missing. When it became apparent that Tommy was gone, Dan Foley promised his parents he would not leave the site until he found his brother. Amazingly amidst the tons of rubble and debris, Dan Foley found his brother ten days later and carried the body of his body from ground zero; Dan kept his word, he brought his brother home."
Irish America and the 1916 Rising
Saturday March 6, 2021
1PM EST, 12PM CST, 11AM MST, 10AM PST - 6PM Ireland Time

Guest speaker from Ireland, Ruan O'Donnell, Head of the History Department at the University of Limerick.
On-line 17 Days of St. Patrick Program Will Teaching children about Ireland. 
Gael Scoil

Daily Videos

March 1-17, 2021
LAOH Interview with Muriel McAuley
 Sunday March 7, 2021
1PM EST, 12PM CST, 11AM MST, 10AM PST - 6PM Ireland Time

LAOH Interview of Muriel McAuley, granddaughter of Thomas MacDonagh, one of the signers of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic and great niece of Grace Gifford who the song Grace was written
Michael McGovern, the Puddler Poet,
IRB Man, AOH Man!
Saturday March 13, 2021
1PM EST, 12PM CST, 11AM MST, 10AM PST - 6PM Ireland Time

Guest speaker from Ireland, Leo Finnegan and former RTE correspondent Jim Fahy.
 LAOH Feast of St. Patrick Mass
Saturday March 14, 2021
1PM EST, 12PM CST, 11AM MST, 10AM PST - 6PM Ireland Time
43rd Annual Gaelic Mass in Honor of St. Patrick

Monday, March 15, 2021
7:30PM EST, 6:30PM CST, 5:30AM MST, 4:30AM PST - 11PM Ireland Time

Organized by the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America Co John Fitzgerald Division, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
Ancient Order of Hibernians in America
National St. Patrick's Day Mass

Wednesday March 17, 2021
2:00PM EST, 1:00PM CST, 12:00PM MST, 11:00AM PST - 7:00PM Ireland Time

AOH National Chaplain, Father John Keehner.
The Irish in the American Civil War

Saturday March 20, 2021
1:00PM EST, 12:00PM CST, 11:00AM MST, 10:00AM PST - 6:00PM Ireland Time

Guest Speaker Damian Shiels author and historian from Cork, Ireland.
Moore Street: Birthplace of the Republic
Sunday March 21, 2021, 2021
2:00PM EST, 1:00PM CST, 12:00PM MST, 11:00AM PST - 7:00PM Ireland Time
With Relatives of Signatories to the Proclamation as patrons. Featuring James Connolly Heron, great Grandson of James Connolly, and Patrick Cooney who initiated the "Save 16 Moore Street campaign in 2001.
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