It started with volunteer superstar Pete Jeffrey announcing he would "retire" from Pantry duties at the end of last year. Pete retired from his real job as an American Airlines pilot, erm, let's just say a while ago, and has spent a good amount of his time since then helping out at Daily Bread, among other worthy causes.
Anyways, because computers and phones know our every thought, the next time I was wasting time on YouTube, the algorithm gods recommended an obscure, hardly listened-to song by someone called Danielle Ate The Sandwich, which is possibly not her real name. You can listen to it if you want, but here are the lyrics:
The last coffee, The last tie
The color of the morning on the last drive
The last left turn, The last goodbye
The red stapler, in the cardboard box
The last break room cake and song
The last smile you weren’t sure of
The last memo, the last note
The gurgle of the water cooler’s throat
The last time you shut the door
The last small talk, the last step
The last nod to the security man
The last view of this sunset
And what's next?
Who could say
After I've written
This last day
The first morning, no alarm
Make the coffee with no tie on
What comes next?
it could be anything
I was moved to write this in the comments:
Danielle, I help run a food pantry in Danbury, CT. Among our 200+ active volunteers, retirees figure prominently. Without them, we could not serve the thousands of individuals who receive food from us every week. What comes next? It could be anything - but the time to give back to your community in retirement is a precious gift. I hope this lovely and poignant song leads others to think about what really matters, and how they wish to be remembered
If you've got this far, you may be wondering where I'm going with all this. Well, we need more volunteers, and recent retirees who have not yet filled up their dance cards with post-retirement activities are prime targets. If you know of such a person, hit 'em up! As a reminder, we have an application form on our website here.