December 1- 4 — Kings Theatre presents - All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Dec.1-3, 7:00 p.m., plus a 2:00 p.m. matinee on Dec. 3, and 12:00 p.m. show on December 4.
December 3 — Breakfast With Santa, 8:00 - 11:00 a.m., Kings High School Cafeteria.
More event information can be found at:
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We give thanks for all of our students, staff, and community. Remember, there is NO SCHOOL November 21-25. Knight Nation News will return on Friday, December 2, 2022.
Be safe and have a wonderful Thanksgiving break, Knights!
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Kings Football Team in Regional Final | |
The Kings Knights Varsity Football Team has advanced to the Regional Finals with an incredible win over the defending State Champion Winton Woods Warriors last Friday by a score of 23-16.
Our Knights played a phenomenal game, and our community packed the Mason visiting stands. Tonight, the Knights will play Anderson for the Regional title. We know it's going to be cold, but WE NEED YOU tonight at 7 pm at Mason. If the Knights win, they will be playing in the State Final 4 for the first time in school history!
Tickets can be purchased online GOOOOOO, KNIGHTS!
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Kings sure knows how to celebrate and honor our Veterans!
Last Friday, hundreds of our local Veterans were celebrated with breakfasts, lunch, desserts, and parades.
At KME, the Veterans celebrated with Donuts, a parade, and an assembly. The Kings High School Symphonic Band collaborated with KME's 4th-grade chorus to sing patriotic songs.
At JFB, Veterans walked in a parade, were honored at an assembly, and were treated to lunch at Mission BBQ.
SLE hosted a parade for the Veterans. One of their own Veterans, SLE School Resource Officer Phil Green, was surprised when he arrived at his office to find decorated purple hearts surrounding his space. Deputy Green is a Purple Heart recipient, and every student at SLE decorated a heart for him. Learn more about his story here.
At CIS, local Veterans were treated to a Chik-Fil-A lunch and enjoyed the company of 5th and 6th graders.
KJH hosted the Veterans for dessert and a parade through the school.
All school buildings were decorated with patriotic pictures, cards, and letters for the Veterans. We received many compliments and thank-yous from the Veterans who attended our events. Thank you for your service!
Watch the video below for some of the highlights from the day.
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JFB Receives Proclamation from Governor DeWine | |
This year on Veterans Day, Friday, November 11, J.F. Burns Elementary received a special proclamation from Ohio Governor, Mike DeWine.
Mr. Pete Lupiba, Founder of the Ohio Department of Education's Purple Star Award visited JFB to award the Purple Star School a proclamation from Governor Dewine for Military Family Appreciation Month.
JFB has been recognized for the award for supporting military families all year long.
Congratulations, JFB!
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KHS Be the Difference Day | |
Over 150 Kings High School students participated in Be the Difference Day on Thursday, November 3.
Be The Difference is a powerful, high-energy program in which student and adult participants are guided through a series of experiential learning processes. The overall goals of the program are to embrace diversity, increase personal power and self-esteem, shift negative peer pressure to positive peer support, and eliminate the acceptability of bullying and violence.
The program, run by the organization Changepoint, is designed to unite students with members of the school and community and to empower them to carry the themes of the program back to the greater school population. Topics focused on Attitude, Respect, Anger Management, Stereotypes, and Authenticity.
Several KHS staff members, along with junior and senior leaders helped to facilitate the day. Lunch was provided by the KHS PTO.
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Columbia Intermediate School was rocking on Thursday, November 17 when they held their annual Turkey Twist Dance Party Fundraiser!
The Turkey Twist is a dance party fundraiser that helps defray projects at CIS. It is sponsored by the CIS PTO. This year's Twist featured guest DJs from the Kings Central Office and one special DJ, CIS 6th grader Jordan Freeman who goes by the DJ name of Apollo X. Jordan has his own Youtube channel where he plays music. The CIS students LOVED it when Jordan played music for them!
The student's fundraising surpassed their goal of $15,000. Way to go!
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KME 1st Graders Learn About Gratitude | |
Mrs. Shepherd's first-grade class at KME practiced their strength of gratitude by creating Thankful Lap books. The children made lists of people, places, foods, and hobbies they are thankful for. Their gratitude for each thing was then made into an interactive book or pocket.
This is the second Lap book these crafty students have created. They are looking forward to completing another in the near future.
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KHS RAISE Members Treat the Staff | |
Kings High School Students who are members of R.A.I.S.E. Team (Respect, Accountability, Integrity, Service, and Enthusiasm) organized a Pie Day for the KHS Staff on Friday, November 18.
The staff was treated to pies, beverages, and a personalized note was left for every member of the staff.
They left a quote for the teachers that the late KHS Spanish teacher Jorge Gonzalez used to say. "If you don't eat dessert, how are you supposed to know when to stop eating?"
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After break, Kings High School Theatre will put on the production of All I Really Need to Know I Learned In Kindergarten.
This funny, reflective, heart-warming, and soul-filling show will kick off the winter holiday season right.
Purchase tickets here
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KJH Choir Performed in Columbus | |
Last week, we told you about the Kings Junior High School Treble Choir who performed at the Ohio Middle-Level Association State Conference in Columbus, Ohio, on Friday, November 11.
We missed the 8th-grade members. They are: Hosiyat Abdurahmonova, Anais Ajebe, Kiera Beck, Lilliana Beck, Lyla Cook, Kennedy Cooke, Vivien Eck, Sydney Fisher, Sophia Harris, Eulalia Hazenfield, Ava Honthy, Jaden Isaacs, Violet Isaacs, Jayla Likens, Bethany Lundy, Sierra Manson, Isabella Melfi, Bethel Oladele, Audrey Reeder, Grace Robinson, Siehenna Smalec, Emma Wagner, Philomena Walsh, and Emma Whittington.
Knight Nation News apologizes for the omission.
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An update from Kings Food Service...
Our suppliers are experiencing quality issues with iceberg and romaine lettuce. Farmers are experiencing excessive rain in thier fields, freezing and soil issues all hindering the ability to maintain a healthy crop. Due to this, Kings Food Service will need to make menu changes due to the limited ability to obtain these items. This is anticipated to last through the end of December.
We encourage staff and parents to monitor the lunch menus on the school website as there will likely be changes in our daily offerings.
HERE is a video straight from the fields.
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The ever-popular Breakfast With Santa will take place on Saturday, December 3, from 8:00-11:00 a.m. in the Kings High School Cafeteria. Cost is $7 per person or $25 per family of 4, which includes pancakes, bacon, juice, milk, and coffee. Pre-order online here. | |
Help a Kings Family this Holiday Season | |
For the last 7 years, Kings U Knights, a 501(c)3 organization, has helped provide holiday gifts to Kings students in need. Last year, KingsUKnights was able to raise enough in donations through corporate, faith-based, and individual sponsors to provide holiday assistance for 322 Kings children. The need today is greater than ever.
This year, we are working to see increased awareness and fundraising efforts within our buildings (PTO and club-organized competitions, etc). In previous years, sponsors would sponsor a child and purchase the gifts that were on their wishlist or donate money, and our KingsUKnights volunteers would do the shopping.
This year, we have partnered with Joshua’s Place to provide gift cards to those families benefiting from holiday assistance so that parents can choose appropriate, meaningful gifts for their children. We are hopeful that families, groups, or individuals who would traditionally adopt a family or individual at the holidays would consider donating towards the KingsUKnights initiative to help our own Kings families.
This revamped process will also allow Kings dedicated school counselors to continue their focus on supporting students' mental health, behavior, and academic needs, rather than managing the logistics of matching purchased gifts to students facing economic hardship. We are grateful for your generosity and appreciate your thoughtfulness in helping families overcome the barriers in their lives that cause instability.
Thank you for believing, like us, in these families’ tremendous value and work and in your commitment to helping to preserve dignity.
If you, your classroom, team, or club are interested in donating to help take care of our own students in the Kings School District, follow this link or use the QR code to donate.
All donations are tax-deductible. Questions may be directed to Becky Lemon, Kings Resource Coordinator at Deadline for donations is November 28.
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Kings FREE Community Art Night | |
Don't miss the next Kings Community Art Night! It will take place on Friday, December 9, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Kings High School Learning Commons.
Participants who sign up will get to create five craft projects and attend storytime with Elsa!
The event is FREE and open to the Kings Community. This event is sponsored by the Kings High School National Art Honor Society.
Click here to sign up!
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Kings Board of Education Information | |
Board Members
Kings Board of Education (L-R): John Skerl, Board Member; Janelle Groff, Board Member; Peggy Phillips, Board Member; Deb Cowan, Vice-President; and Stacie Belfrom, President.
The Board of Education meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for a Work Session at 5:30 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesday of every month for a Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
2022 Board Meeting - Agendas & Minutes
2022 Board Meeting Recordings
All meetings are live-streamed on the Kings Youtube channel.
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In an effort to be "green," the District does not send paper flyers home. We use a platform called Peachjar that houses flyers of community programs and resources.
Parents receive approved flyers via email, and they are posted on our digital flyerboard for easy retrieval. Any organization can distribute information to our community by creating an account!
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Free Books for Children Birth to Age 5 | |
If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news!
Make sure to follow us on social media!
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Kings Athletic News
Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues.
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Follow Kings Athletics on Social Media | |
If you aren't following Kings Athletics on Facebook and Twitter, or Instagram you're missing out on some of the great things our student-athletes are doing!
Like and follow them today!
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Send Us the News You Want to See! | |
Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at
Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
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Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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