December 17, 2021
Visit us at
December 17 — End of Second Quarter.
December 20- January 3 â€”NO SCHOOL - WINTER BREAK
January 11 â€” Kings Board of Education Organizational Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.

More event information can be found at:
Mask Mandate Will End in January
The Kings Local Schools Board of Education voted to remove the mask mandate for Pre-K through 6th grade beginning Tuesday, January 18, 2022.

The District will still continue to be mask-friendly and strongly recommend the wearing of masks while in our school buildings.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Kings Website Has a New Look!
The Kings website has been cleaned up a bit and it looks a bit brighter! We launched the new design TODAY. We will be making tweaks and edits and removing any "bugs" in the site over the Winter Break.

We hope you like it!
This Week's COVID-19 Dashboard
KJH Teacher in Running for NHL MVT
Congratulations to Kings Junior High School Science teacher, Vonda Fruhwirth who was named Teacher of the Month from the Columbus Blue Jackets!

Because of that recognition, she has been selected to be a part of the Most Valuable Teacher (MVT) program featured on and only one of the 20 nominees across North America chosen for January’s Future Goals MVT!

We will have more information on how you can help Mrs. Fruhwirth win! Congratulations, Mrs. Fruhwirth!
KHS Women in STEM
On December 14, nine Kings High School girls attended the virtual "STEM Goes Red" Digital Conference. STEM Goes Red is the local initiative of Go Red for Women sponsored by the American Heart Association to power the next great medical breakthroughs by investing in a younger generation of future researchers, biomedical engineers, and innovators.

This annual event's mission is to increase the number of women that pursue STEM careers. It is the second year Kings High School has hosted a virtual site. Students get to participate in a two-hour seminar but also have the opportunity to be partnered with a mentor in a STEM career field. Currently, only 24% of students participating in KHS Computer Science and Engineering classes are women. Teacher, Sam Mizener said, "This is part of my goal to increase that number to 50%."

Pictured below are: Breauna Gause, Renee Perpignan, Kayley Knollman, Kaitlin Niebauer, Maura Hart, Lily Mueller, Paige Dwyer, Katie Gabert, and Natalie Norgren.
Peach Jar
Peachjar is live on our website! In case you missed it last week, we will be using a new platform to distribute school-approved flyers.

Parents will receive a weekly email of the most up-to-date flyers posted on the flyer board.

Anyone wishing to post to the flyerboard will need to register at as a program provider and upload their pdf flyer and select schools for distribution. There will be a nominal fee for organizations that are for profit. All non-profit organizations whose event is to directly benefit children and who are not charging a fee for the event may use Peachjar free of charge. Peachjar’s cost is typically less than that of printing and distributing paper flyers.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure parents are well informed about school programs, activities, and events!
A Social Emotional Update
Our social and emotional community partners, 1N5 and MindPeace are working together to provide FREE QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention training to those in the best position to help save a life.

QPR is a program designed for anyone who may be in a position to prevent suicide. By learning QPR, you will come to recognize warning signs, clues, and suicidal communication so you can identify if a child/teen is in trouble and act vigorously to prevent a possible tragedy.

There are several dates into March offering virtual suicide prevention training. The next Parent-Focused QPR is January 12 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. 

Click here to register. 
KME 4th Grade Community Service
Kings Mills Elementary fourth-graders made the holidays a little easier for many families in our community! 

Students, staff, and their families donated cleaning supplies that benefited 125 families. There were enough items donated that will be given to Kings Kloset for families in need.

The KME Food Pantry received several donations that will allow KME School Counselor, Keri Perdrix to distribute food to KME students who need weekend food and food over the holidays.

They also delivered breakfast items to the Kings Food Pantry. KME 4th-grade teacher, Lynn Jenkins said, "The woman at the Food Pantry commented that our donation each year is one of the best and she really looks forward to it!"

Way to go, KME!
KJH Virtual Art Show #4
Enjoy this holiday edition of the Kings Junior High School's Virtual Art Show #4!

Click here to see the work of our talented students!

Pictured is work by Aaden Krieger.
Thank You from KingsUKnights
A special thank you from KingsUKnights...

Because of your generosity, we were able to serve 140 families (322 children) this year. Each family received a Kroger gift card, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, and a Christmas decoration. 

Each student received 3 gifts (2 clothing and something fun). The total value to the Kings community was over $40,000.  We could not do this without all of you!  

Special thanks to Organizer Missy Kowitz and her husband, Mick for their tireless efforts in coordinating this event each year! #KingsStrong
Buy Your KJH Yearbook Today

KJH Yearbooks are on sale now. The cost is $40 for a hardback book with 80 color pages.  The cost will go up after January 29. Order here.
KHS Knight Times
The Kings High School Knight Times is a student-run digital newspaper. There are some really great articles written by our talented students.

If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news!
Make sure to follow us on social media!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on our newly added activities and fundraisers.
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Coach of the Year
Congratulations to Kings Varsity Football Coach, Alex Garvin who was named Eastern Cincinnati Conference Football Coach of the Year, Southwest Ohio Division II Football Coach of the Year, AND Ohio Division 2 Football Coach of the Year!

Kings High School Principal, Doug Leist said, "Mr. Garvin is a fantastic Coach but an even better person! He is what Kings was, he is what Kings is, and he is what Kings will always be about! Thanks to his wife and family for sharing this gift with us!"

The Knights had an undefeated season for the first time since 2014 before being knocked out of the playoffs by Winton Woods who continued on to become the Division 2 State Champions.

Photo credit - Tony Tribble, Cincinnati Enquirer
Kings Youth Baseball & Softball Registration
Youth Lacrosse Registration
Kings Youth Lacrosse Registrations are now open. Register at
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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