May 6, 2022
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May 10 Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
May 17  Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
May 22 — KHS Graduation, 3:00 p.m., Cintas Center, Xavier University.
May 26 — Last Day of School for Students.

More event information can be found at:
Are you enjoying the new Peachjar Flyer Board? Don't forget to check it out for the latest events and opportunities for you and your child!
KHS Prom King and Queen Crowned
Congratulations to Sam Casto and Jackie Cunningham - 2022 Kings High School Prom King & Queen!

This year's prom was held at the Cincinnati Hilton - Netherland Plaza. A memorable time was had by all!

This year's Prom Court L-R: Grayson Alexander, Tony Milazzo, Kate Barrett, Carter Smith, Savannah Boatrite, Bryce Cannaday, Jackie Cunningham, and Sam Casto.
Congratulations Mr. Jenkins!
On Friday, March 25, Kings Mills Elementary Music Teacher, Matt Jenkins was recognized at the pre-concert reception of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra's Educator Appreciation Night as one of two recipients of the 2021 Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra's Music Educator Award. 

Attendees were joined by the CSO's Associate Conductor Francois Lopez-Ferrer. Following the reception, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra presented a concert featuring the Symphonie Fantastique by French composer, Hector Berlioz, and the GRAMMY Award winning ensemble, Eighth Blackbird, for a premiere performance from Kinds of Kings, a collective of four multi-faceted composers, and a newly commissioned fanfare by composer/trumpeter Wynton Marsalis.

Jenkins received a $250 stipend to use for professional development and a beautiful crystal plaque.

Congratulations, Mr. Jenkins!
Kings Parent Hosts Book Drive for SLE
The South Lebanon Elementary Media Center now has more books for students to read thanks to Kings Parent, Emily Smith.

Smith, parent of South Lebanon Elementary 3rd-grader, Tinley and Kindergartener, Piper, hosted a book drive at her work - First Financial Bank of Lebanon.

With approval from her employer, she donated two large boxes of books for SLE students. Jennifer Burkholder, SLE Media Specialist said, "The books are ready for the students to read and enjoy!"
KJH Students Win eCybermission Challenge
The 7th grade Kings Junior High students on Team 7 Red were presented with a STEM challenge through eCYBERMISSION, a web-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) competition.

Students were challenged to explore how STEM works in their world while working as a team to solve problems in their community and submit their findings online.

This year, KJH has a team that earned 1st in the State and was a Regional Finalist. Congratulations to Alayna Hammock, Kamilla Kuklinski, Ella Pachko, and Ava Spencer. For their project, they wanted to figure out how different air pollutants affect organisms. The team hypothesized that the smoke particles would be worse for the organisms. They made mini-ecosystems with soil, a worm, leaves, and living grass in Mason jars. They left one jar alone for their control and contaminated the other three jars each with a different particulate: mold spores, smoke, and baby powder to represent heavy chemicals.

The ladies discovered that their hypothesis was incorrect. The baby powder was worse because it covered plants which limited sunlight and gas exchange, while the smoke lingered longer in the air and wasn’t as thick and as detrimental to the grass. The mold didn’t seem to affect the grass. In the future, the team would like to run more tests with different pollutants and get the air tested by a lab.

KJH Science Teacher, Vonda Furhwirth said, "Each year I am truly inspired by the creativity and enthusiasm that students bring to this competition." They will each receive a $2000 U.S. Savings Bond for their hard work.
KHS Daylight Prom
After a 2-year hiatus, Kings High School students in the Multiple Disability classrooms attended the Daylight Prom.

This prom is held during the school day for Warren County students with multiple disabilities. It was first started by Patty Dever from Lebanon High School years ago and the tradition continues with the hard work and planning by Little Miami High School's Student Government.

This year's Prom was held on Friday, April 29 at the Savannah Center in West Chester. The Hollywood-themed event welcomed students in their prom attire to have fun in a safe environment and meet students from other districts.

Kings High School MD staff added their own personal touches for the students by giving them manicures and helping them to style their hair before the big event. The students' dog bone business proceeds covered the cost of every student's ticket to allow them to attend the prom for free.

Kings High School Assistant Principal, Ron Corradini rolled out the red carpet for the students to walk on their way to the bus. Watch the red carpet parade here.
KHS Symphonic Band Performs at Kings Island
The Kings High School Symphonic Band was invited to perform last Friday, April 29 at Kings Island's 50th Anniversary Celebration.

This day marked 50 years to the day since the Kings Band performed at the original Kings Island Opening Day on April 29, 1972. Kings Band Director, Brian McDonough said, "It is such a cool moment for the band, school, and community!"

We were live at Kings Island for their performance. Catch a few of their songs on the Kings Facebook page.

Members of the KHS Symphonic Band are: Jacob Allgeier, Jacob Atkins, Ryan Baker, Leilah Brown. Ethan Combs, Gabriella DeVage, Jacob Dickerson, Dominic Donile, Jackson Ewing, Andrew Froah, Brittany Gause, Connor Gibson, Rachel Goodwin, Andrew Guelpa, Tyler Harris, Jackson Hicks, Joshua Hudgel, Michael Ivanov, Masha Ivanova, Zachary Johnson, Laina Jones, Samantha Lawrence, Nicholas Marchal, Emily Mason, Carson Miller, Reagan Milthaler, Emily Moffett, Jacob Murphy, Kaitlin Niebauer, Joshua Niemantsverdriet, Abram Pasqualetti, Joshua Reed, Lauren Richard, Ellen Ritter, Alana Subramaniam, Ethan Townsend, John Ulm, and Ella Wilson.
KHS Students Receive National Community Service Awards
We were just notified that 210 students, nearly 65% of the current senior class from Kings High School are being recognized for community service as National Award earners and as inspirations for other students to get involved in their community. Three students received the top honor of Ambassador for completing over 100 hours of community service – Kanushi Navaneethakrishnan, Katherine Ripley, and Mali Robinson.

The 5th Annual National Community Service Awards connect student service activity to the UN Global Goals. This year, there is an additional recognition for students working toward a world of Zero Hunger and Zero Waste.

This award program has been designed to elevate and expand the awareness of youth leaders contributing time and talent to drive positive progress toward global issues.

Click here to view all of the UN Global Goal Service Impact Student Awardees from Kings High School
Mental Health Updatae
A mental health update from Kings Social-Emotional Health Coordinator, Kim Sellers.

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month! 1 in 5 children lives with a serious, diagnosable mental illness. This school year has been especially challenging for so many, but at the same time, more and more people are talking about mental health, decreasing the stigma around mental health struggles that no one is immune from. I am honored to work in a district and community that values the importance of mental health and wellness. 

There are many warning signs of serious mental health challenges to watch out for, including but not limited to:

Mood Changes
  • Feeling sad or “down” for long periods of time without a specific reason for that feeling like the loss of a loved one
  • Noticeable mood changes from very high, like euphoria, to very low, like deep sadness or depression
  • Constant or excessive worry
  • Feeling empty or empathetic
  • Outbursts of anger, hostility or violence
  • Having trouble relating to others' thoughts and feelings, or feeling empathetic and understanding of others

Behavioral Changes
  • Suicidal thoughts or behaviors
  • Engaging in self-injury behaviors, like cutting
  • Withdrawing from friends, family members or social activities that you once enjoyed
  • Experiencing hallucinations, or sensory experiences that feel real but are not. For example, hearing voices that no one else can hear of feeling things crawling on your skin

Physical Changes
  • Sudden sweating, nausea, increased heart rate, or troubled breathing along with intense worry or fear
  • Disturbed sleeping patterns, either sleeping too much or too little
  • Feeling fatigued regardless of how much sleep you get
  • Noticeable changes in eating behaviors

If your child is experiencing a mental health emergency, Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) is available 24/7. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 800-273-8255.
Kings Board of Education
The Kings Board of Education will meet for their monthly Work Session on Tuesday, May 10 at 5:30 p.m. in Conference Room 2 of the Kings Education Center. Watch the meeting here.

The Board will also meet on Tuesday, May 17, at 6:00 p.m. for their Regular Monthly Meeting. All Kings Board of Education meetings can be watched live here.  
All agendas and past meetings can be found here
School's Almost Out!
Last day of school for students is
Thursday, May 26!
Staff Appreciation Week
We just finished a great Staff Appreciation Week. Thank you to our parents and PTO's who definitely spoiled our staff. Kings Central Office visited every school building to show their appreciation to the staff, too!

Pictured L-R: Kim Sellers, Social Emotional Health Coordinator, Tim Spinner, Assistant Superintendent, Lorraine Hartke, Special Education Supervisor, Greg Sears, Superintendent, Dana Martin, Assistant Superintendent, Dawn Gould, Community Relations Coordinator, Matt Luecke, Director of Business, Deann Burns, Director of Technology, and Matt Freeman, Director of Teaching and Learning.
Kings Schools Foundation Needs Volunteers
After a brief hiatus during Covid, the Kings Local Schools Foundation is back and ready to help the staff and students of the District.

The Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization comprised of parents, alumni, and members of the Kings community. It was established in 2018 with a mission to provide high-quality opportunities, facilities, technology, and experiences to the faculty and students of the Kings Local School District.

This volunteer organization is dedicated to promoting excellence in education and encouraging classroom innovation by providing grants in academics and the arts to teachers that enhance the education of all students in the Kings Local School District.

The Foundation is in need of volunteers to keep its mission going. Positions that need to be filled are Treasurer, Fundraising Chair, Grant Coordinator, Social Media Chair, and Community Liaison.

To date, the Foundation has gifted nearly $9,000 back to our schools and teachers. If you are interested in being a part of the Foundation, please contact Elizabeth Burge at

The Board will begin to meet monthly this summer and are very excited to get things going again.
COVID-19 Dashboard
The District is now reporting daily numbers of positive cases and quarantines of COVID-19. Those numbers will be reported by the end of the school day each day. You can find that information on our website. We will continue to report the weekly totals, as well.
Road Closings Within the Kings District
Don't forget, Grandin Road, between the Little Miami Scenic Trail and Striker Road, will be closed to through traffic beginning Monday, May 9 for two (2) weeks, weather permitting. It is anticipated that daytime lane closures, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., will follow the 2-week closure for approximately 4 weeks. Access to the Peter’s Cartridge Factory and to Cartridge Brewing will be maintained at all times, either from King Avenue or from Grandin Road. 

The detour for the closure will utilize King Avenue, Columbia Road, Mason-Morrow-Millgrove Road, and SR 48.

Additionally, the Little Miami Scenic Trail, approximately 1,000 ft in each direction of the Grandin Road intersection, will be closed to bike traffic and pedestrians beginning Monday, May 9 for the duration of the 2022 construction season in connection with the King Avenue Bridge Replacement Improvements Project.

Be safe out there!
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If you're not following us on social media, you missed this...Kings High School Digital Media Art and Computer Information Technology students are in Dallas, Texas for the National Conference for Business Professionals of America.
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
ECC Champs!
Congratulations to the Kings High School Lady Knights Lacrosse Team who clinched an Eastern Cincinnati Conference Championship last night after their undefeated ECC season!

This is only the second-ever ECC Championship for the team.
Summer Athletic Camp Information is Here!
We are excited to release the Kings Summer Athletic Camp offerings- click link --> Kings Athletic Camps. The registration for Summer Camps will open in the next couple of weeks online
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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