September 9, 2022

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September 13, 2022 â€” Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

September 20, 2022 â€” Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

September 21, 2022 â€” Kings Homecoming 5k/Fun Run, 5:30 p.m., Kings Stadium.

September 30, 2022 â€” Kings Homecoming Parade, 5:30 p.m.

More event information can be found at:

Kings Operating Levy Information

The Kings Local School District has a 6.4 mill Operating Levy on the November 8, 2022 ballot.

Last week we explained the difference between an operating levy and a bond levy. This week our question is:

Why does Kings need an operating levy?

  • Kings has a declining cash balance in our operating fund, and we are projected to have a deficit in June 2024. The May 2022 5-Year Forecast projected cash balances of $5,750,000 on June 30, 2023, and negative $1,100,000 on June 30, 2024. To put these numbers in perspective, each month, the District spends $3,000,000 in payroll alone. In the 2021-2022 school year, the District spent over $58,000,000 or nearly $5,000,000 per month. 
  • The District is under fiscal oversight by the Ohio Department of Education due to our declining fund balance.
  • We do not anticipate additional state funding based on the current funding model adopted by the state of Ohio. State revenue is our second largest source of revenue: property taxes being our main source of revenue.
  • Funds from a levy passed in 2022 will not be fully collected until the end of the calendar year 2023.

The District has found over $1,600,000 in cost-saving measures for the 2022-2023 school year without impacting services for students. The measures include health insurance changes, the personnel savings plan, dental insurance changes, and reductions in administration. 

Community members are encouraged to visit our Levy FAQ page to learn more. We will continue to add questions to this page as we receive them. 

If you would like to learn more about the Operating Levy, please contact Kings Treasurer, Mike Morrow at

Kings Culture Conversations

The District hosted Derek Avera from the Focus 3 organization this week. He presented to students in grades 7-12, as well Kings Coaches, members of the community, and members of the Kings Culture Team.

Avera introduced The R Factorâ„¢, which is a resource that equips people with the mindset and skillset to be intentional about the way they think, make decisions, and take action. The R Factor is built on a simple, powerful equation: E+R=O; simply put, event plus response equals outcome. 

He explained that choosing how you respond to an event can produce better outcomes. He gave examples of taking ownership of our own 20 square feet and how that can improve how we can become the best version of ourselves. 

For the last three years, the Kings Culture Team has been working behind the scenes to create the Kings Culture Blueprint. Culture is what we believe, how we behave, and the experience our behavior produces for others. Using the Culture Blueprint as a resource, our vision is to use these strategies to strengthen our learning community for students, teachers, and parents.

Mr. Sears Nominated for Education Award

Congratulations to Kings Superintendent Greg Sears, who has been nominated for the 2022 Gems of Excellence in Education award from Mason Deerfield Chamber. The award is given to an educator who demonstrates exquisite brilliance as a gem in the Mason-Deerfield community.

Each year the Chamber awards 11 individuals or companies in a variety of categories, including MADE Business of the Year, Community Partner of the Year, and the Excellence in Education award.

Sears said, "I am proud to serve the students, staff, families, and community members in Kings Schools."

Awardees are nominated by and voted on by Mason Deerfield Chamber members. Winners will be presented at the 2022 Gems of Excellence on Thursday, October 27, at the Manor House Event Center. 

Good luck, Mr. Sears! We think you're a winner!

Neighborhood Bridges Looking for Volunteers

Two years ago, the Kings District partnered with an organization called Neighborhood Bridges

Since the partnership, our community has quietly and directly helped over 100 neighbors with donations ranging from clothing to beds/mattresses, washers/dryers, car tires, and immediate help with rent or medical bills.

We need your help! As we embark on a new school year, Kings Neighborhood Bridges is looking to add two volunteers as area co-Directors. Co-Directors will help promote our program in the community, organize donation campaigns and maintain a social media presence so that subscribers are aware of the good work they are doing.

If you or anyone you know would be interested, please contact 

Becky Lemon, Kings Resource Coordinator and NB area co-director at or 513-398-8050, x15011, or Kim Sellers, Kings Social Emotional Health Coordinator at or 513-398-8050, x10056.

Learn about more opportunities for kindness in the Kings Local School District here

Kings Homecoming Parade

Kings Homecoming is in 3 weeks! The ever-popular Kings Homecoming Parade will take place on Friday, September 30, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The parade will run from KME to the KJH parking lot.

All groups are welcome to walk in the parade. To participate in this year's parade, groups must submit a permission slip and release of liability.

**Due to construction, the parade route will be altered from years past. It will begin at KME and travel down College St., turn right at Church St. to right on Walnut St., and then left on King Ave. and will end at KJH. See the map below.

For more information, click here.

Kings Board of Education Information

Board Members

Kings Board of Education (L-R): John Skerl, Board Member; Janelle Groff, Board Member; Peggy Phillips, Board Member; Deb Cowan, Vice-President; and Stacie Belfrom, President.

The Board of Education meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for a Work Session at 5:30 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesday of every month for a Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

2022 Board Meeting - Agendas & Minutes

2022 Board Meeting Recordings

The next Board of Education Meeting, the September Work Session will be held on Tuesday, September 13 at 5:30 p.m. Click here to watch live.

All meetings are live-streamed on the Kings Youtube channel.

Suicide Prevention Month 

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-14 and the 3rd leading cause of death among people aged 15-24 in the United States.

World Suicide Prevention Day is celebrated annually on September 10. The day focuses attention on the issue, reduces stigma, and hopes to raise awareness with a singular message that suicide can be prevented. 

Kings Social and Emotional Health Coordinator Kim Sellers would like to share this information for parents and caregivers on youth warning signs. 

Additional Suicide prevention and crisis resources include:

  • 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: call or text 988, or chat at 
  • Línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis: llama al 988 o envía un texto al 988, o chat via (en inglés)  
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing: for TTY users, use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988 
  • Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 

We are fortunate to have a mental health team and Hope Squads at Kings. We can all play a role in supporting those experiencing a suicidal crisis or those bereaved by suicide.

Kings Kloset OPEN on Saturday

The Kings Kloset is OPEN on Saturday, September 10, from 9:00 -11:00 a.m. The Kings Kloset is located on the second floor of the Kings Education Center, 1797 King Avenue, Kings Mills, Ohio 45034.

They have very limited space and are only able to take donations that meet the needs of the families they serve. Please refrain from dropping donations at the Kings Education Center. If you have donations, please email 

Kings Homecoming 5K 

Don't miss the 27th Annual Kings Homecoming 5K Run/Walk and Kids Fun Run! It will take place on Wednesday, September 21 (the week before Homecoming). The Kids Fun Run begins at 5:30 pm and the 5K begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Kings Stadium. The event is sponsored by the Kings Cross County Team.

Register online here or scan the QR code below.

Digital Flyers

In an effort to be "green," the District does not send paper flyers home. We use a platform called Peachjar that houses flyers of community programs and resources. 

Parents receive approved flyers via email, and they are posted on our digital flyerboard for easy retrieval. Any organization can distribute information to our community by creating an account!

Join Our Team!

The Kings Local School District is in need of full and part-time employees.

Kings Kids Before and After School Childcare is still hiring! Wages start at $14 an hour! They are looking for staff that would like to work with children and get their foot in the door in a school district.

Working hours work perfectly with a college student's class schedule and for anyone who is looking for flexible hours during the day. Interested candidates much be 18 years or older with a high school diploma. Available hours are Monday-Friday, 6:30-9:00 a.m. and 3:00-6:00 p.m.

There are openings available at all three elementary schools. There are also opportunities for extra hours throughout the week. If you or anyone you know may be interested, please contact Jessica Gorman at

We are also still hiring bus drivers, food service workers, substitute teachers, and substitute nurses. 

If you know anyone who might be interested in the following, please ask them to apply online through our website.

Free Books for Children Birth to Age 5

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Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 

Tonight at the Castle

Tonight’s Football Game is both Military Appreciation Night and the Pink Ribbon Girls Cancer Awareness Game. We are excited to host Loveland High School for the 7:00 p.m. game.

If you are planning on attending, join us as we recognize active military and Veterans at 6:40 p.m.

Additionally, Pink Ribbon Girls will recognize Kathy Corrigan from Kings and Michele Stahl from Loveland as honorary Cancer survivors. If you didn't get a pink shirt, extra shirts will be available for purchase near the concession stand. 

The Kings Athletic Department is hosting a Soldier Care Package Drive at the front gate. Please consider bringing and donating any items listed below.

The Knights are 3-0 and looking to get another victory against the Tigers tonight! See you there!

Follow Kings Athletics on Social Media

If you aren't following Kings Athletics on Facebook and Twitter, or Instagram you're missing out on some of the great things our student-athletes are doing!

Like and follow them today!

Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
click here to subscribe.

Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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