January 15, 2021
Visit us at www.kingslocal.net
January 18 — NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
January 19 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
February 15 —NO SCHOOL, President's Day

More event information can be found at: http://kingslocal.tandemcal.com/index.php

Please remember that there is
on Monday, January 18 in honor of
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Enjoy your long weekend, Knight Nation!
Kings Board of Education News
The Kings Local School District Board of Education met Tuesday, January 12, for the annual Organization meeting to select Board leadership and establish meeting dates for the 2021 calendar.

Mr. Stacie Belfrom was elected President and Mrs. Rona Walter was elected Vice-President, both sworn in by Kings Treasurer, Cary Furniss. See below.

The 2021 Board meeting dates were also established. All Board Work Sessions will be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. and Regular Meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. All meetings will be held in Conference Room 2 of the Kings Education Center, 1797 King Avenue, Kings Mills, Ohio 45034. Please note: During COVID-19, all meetings will be held live via Zoom on the Kings Youtube channel and the video is made available on the Kings website following the meeting. Click here to view the dates.

Since November, Kings Treasurer, Cary Furniss has led discussions regarding the finances of the District. Feel free to take some time to review the Financial Stability Discussion presentation and/or watch them here.

The next Regular Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 19 at 6:00 p.m. in the Kings Education Center.
KHS Choirs Learn Through Combined Event
Through the combined teaching efforts of Kings High School Choir Director, Ms. Hope Milthaler and Valley View Music teacher, Mrs. Catherine Abner, the Kings High School Choir and Band students along with the Valley View Junior High School Choir students enjoyed a special combined day of learning last Friday, January 8, 2021.

A total of 175 band and choral students from both schools spent the day learning and experiencing music from both conductors via Zoom. Topics learned and discussed included: G.R.I.T-Gratitude, Resilience, Initiative, and Team; My Favorite Things-music and friends that connect with us, head, heart, body, spirit, and mind; Gladiator Mentality-training the mind and emotions for fortitude and strength during a battle; and Playlist Magic-the reality that music can and will always meet us where ever we are on life’s journey.

The bands and choirs have had some big obstacles to overcome due to social distancing and the restrictions of COVID. However, because of the GRIT of the Kings Music Department, they have prevailed. Ms. Milthaler said, "COVID-We’ve Got This!"
KHS 2021 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
We are proud to announce this year's Kings High School Award Recipients of the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition. This year, Kings High School students represent with 1 Portfolio by Jake Owens who received a Silver Key, 6 Gold Keys, 5 Silver Keys, and 15 Honorable Mentions.

Nearly 5,000 pieces of art were submitted by 229 educators for judging. Works were judged on originality, technical skills, and emergence of personal vision or voice. We wish the best of luck to our Gold Key winners, Mattie Foster, Maya Hicks, Savannah Silva, and Halle West (3 Gold Keys), as their work continues on to the national competition. Only 7-10% of all regional submissions are recognized with Gold Key Awards.

The students are under the supervision of KHS teachers, Angie GuilfoyleKelly ShieldsCassandra BarnesCarrie Cooke, and Stacy Hoffert.

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is the longest-running, most prestigious recognition program for creative teens in the U.S., and the largest source of scholarships for young artists and writers.

Check out all of the work of our talented students. Congratulations!

Pictured is Mattie Foster's Gold Key "Sticky Sweet."
COVID-19 Vaccination Information
The Warren County Health District (WCHD) is continuing its COVID-19 Vaccination Program for those individuals who are in Phase 1A as determined by the Ohio Department of Health. Phase 1A population groups are defined as healthcare providers and long-term care facility staff and residents who provide direct medical care.
As of today, January 15, 2021, they do not have additional availability of the vaccine. The vaccine that has been received up to this point has been allocated for Phase 1A. These are appointments are full. 
According to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), Ohio will be distributing 100,000 doses of vaccine statewide beginning next week for the next phase of Ohio’s vaccine distribution list. Warren County will receive 1,600 of those doses. 

Social-Emotional Health Tip on Sleep
Kings Social Emotional Health Coordinator, Kim Sellers offers some resources for sleep deficits.

We know that radical changes occur in adolescence, including hormonal shifts and significant brain development, which impact behavior. However, the physical, mental, and behavioral consequences of chronic sleep deprivation are profound as well.

Studies show that approximately 60-70%of American teens live with a borderline to severe sleep deficit. This can lead to a myriad of negative consequences including the ability to concentrate, poor grades, anxiety, depression, drowsy-driving incidents, and even thoughts of suicide.

Our partners at Mindpeace have created Sleep Kit Toolkits for parents of school-aged children and for adolescents.
D&I Task Force to Meet

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 19 at 5:00 p.m. for the first Kings Diversity and Inclusion Task Force meeting of the new year. 

All meetings will be held virtually. The Zoom link for all meetings can be found here.

For more information on the D&I Task Force click here.
Kings Preschool Registration
Kings Preschool Registration for next school year is just around the corner! The Preschool will begin accepting registrations of new students for the 2020-2021 school year beginning January 19.

For more information click here.
Kings COVID-19 Dashboard
We appreciate all of the patience and care shown by our Knight Nation while we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are continuing to monitor positive cases and quarantines. If you or your children exhibit symptoms or are waiting for a test result, please contact Kings Contact Tracer, Christy Salek at csalek@kingslocal.net.

For more information, you can refer to our daily health assessment and Decision Tree to help decide if you should send your child to school. Additionally, each week the COVID-19 Dashboard is updated with the number of positive cases and quarantines.

If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
Our social media conversation is growing and we don't want you to miss out!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on our newly added activities and fundraisers.
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Kings Athletics Community Pump Program
The Kings Athletic Department and Kings Athletic Booster Club have partnered with the Gilligan Company for a Community Pump program. Through December 2021, for every gallon of gas that is sold at the Kings pump (pictured), the Kings Athletic Department will receive 1 cent per gallon for the entire year!

The pump is located at the Shell Gas Station on Kings Mills Road (near I-71). Stop by and get your fill up at the Kings pump and help support our student-athletes!
KJH & KHS Women's Lacrosse
Kings High School and Kings Junior High School Women's Lacrosse programs are open for new registrations.

Interested students need to update their Final Forms account accordingly and then email the coaches below:

Kings Youth Baseball & Softball Registration
Kings Youth Baseball and Softball registration is underway. Boys and girls ages 5-18 are invited to sign up.

They are also seeking businesses or individuals to advertise on the windscreens at Landen Park.

For more information click here.
Kings Boys Lacrosse 2021 Registration

If you have a son in K-6th grade interested in playing Lacrosse this spring, visit www.kingsyouthlax.com. You can also find them on Facebook at Kyolax and Twitter @kingsyouthlax.
Kings Soccer Club Registration 2021
Registration is open for Spring soccer for all age divisions. Registration will run until January 10, 2021. Visit www.kingssoccer.org to register or visit Kings Soccer Club's Facebook page for more up-to-date information.
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at
dgould@kingslocal.net or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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