October 8, 2021
Visit us at www.kingslocal.net
October 12, 2021 â€” Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Conference Room 2, Kings Education Center.
October 13, 2021 â€” Kings Celebration, 7:00 p.m., Kings High School Auditorium.
October 14, 2021 â€” Last Day of First Quarter.
October 15, 2021 â€” NO SCHOOL - STAFF IN-SERVICE DAY.
October 18, 2021 â€” NO SCHOOL - FALL BREAK.
October 18, 2021 — Diversity & Inclusion Task Force Meeting, 5:00 p.m.
October 19, 2021 â€” Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings High School Auditorium.

More event information can be found at: http://kingslocal.tandemcal.com/index.php
Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 15 for Staff Inservice and Monday, October 18 for Fall Break. Knight Nation will return on Friday, October 22. Enjoy your long weekend!
This Week's COVID-19 Dashboard
Kings School Board Candidate Forum
The Kings Education Association along with the support of Kings High School PTO, District Parent Council, KHS Student Council, and KHS National Honor Society hosted a School Board of Education Candidate Forum on Tuesday, October 5 in the Kings High School Auditorium.

Eight candidates running for the Kings School Board answered questions moderated by KHS Alumnus, and Assistant Warren County Prosecutor, Derek Faulkner.

There are three open seats on the Kings School Board. Election Day is Tuesday, November 2, 2021.

As a community service, we are sharing the recording from the Candidate Forum (below), and here is a link to the candidate questionnaires. The District was granted permission by all candidates to share this information.

Pictured above L-R: Karen Burton, Kim Chambers, Deb Cowan, Ray Gaier, Janelle Groff, Scott Schitter, John Skerl, and Sara Spencer.
Kings PowerPack Program
Thank you to those of you in the Kings Community, including members of the Kings High School Swim Team who volunteered last Saturday at Joshua's Place to assemble PowerPacks .

The Kings PowerPack Program is essential to help families who are suffering from food insecurity. Many children in our district rely on the weekend food that is provided through the program. #KingsStrong
Congratulations Kings Marching Band!
The Kings High School Marching Band traveled to Toledo, Ohio last week to compete in the Bands of America competition. They placed 2nd in Class AA and received Outstanding General Effect in the Prelims. They also earned a Top Ten finish in Finals which was the first time they qualified in BOA Finals since 2012!

The Band will be performing at the Mason Invitational on Saturday, October 9 and have several more competitions this fall. Keep up the great work!
Social-Emotional Health Update
Kings Social Emotional Health Coordinator, Kim Sellers addresses questions from students regarding returning to school after quarantine.

Hello, Kings Parents and Caregivers-

We have had some frequently voiced concerns from our students when they have returned to school from quarantine. We wanted to provide you with the following information in the event your student has to be quarantined. Please share this information with your child should they have concerns during or coming back from quarantine.

Q: What should I do when I first come back?

A: The student’s parent/guardian will be provided specific guidelines, from the Contact Tracer, for the documents needed before a return to school. 

The student checks in with the nurse when they return with their negative test if they get tested and then returns to class. 

Q: Will I still have friends when I return? (A sometimes voiced concern from younger students)

A: Yes. It is a very normal and often mentioned concern, but we’ve seen time and time again that friends are welcomed back and relationships are quickly re-established. They are happy to see you again, just like you are to see them. 

Q: How will I keep up with my classwork?

Check your Google Classrooms daily
Set aside time to complete as much of the work or reading as possible.
While you work, take note of questions you'll need to ask your teacher.
Check-in with your teacher with questions and updates
Check with friends in the same class to learn more about what's going on in class and stay in contact
Check-in with your teachers and follow up with after-school tutoring when you return 
See your school counselor if you need help transitioning back.

Q: I have been struggling with my overall mental health during this time and could use some support. Who should I talk to?

A: Please reach out (or parents can reach out) to either my school counselor or Kim Sellers, Social Emotional Health Coordinator by emailing (ksellers@kingslocal.net) or calling 513-398-8050, ext.10056. 
Kings Board of Education
The Kings Board of Education will meet for their monthly Work Session on Tuesday, October 12 at 5:30 p.m. in the Kings Education Center. To watch live visit the Kings Youtube channel.

The Board of Education meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for a Work Session at 5:30 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesday of every month for a Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. This month's Regular Meeting will take place in the Kings High School Auditorium.

Find details about upcoming Board of Education meetings, including notices, agendas, and minutes by clicking here.
World Mental Health Day - October 10
October 10 is World Mental Health Day. Seven of the most common mental health conditions include anxiety, bipolar disorder, psychosis, eating disorders, depression, PTSD, and addiction/substance use disorders. Each condition coincides with Mental Health America's free online screening tool.

Taking a mental health screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether someone is experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Click here to learn more about Mental Illness Awareness Week. 

You can also check in with yourself. For a free, anonymous, and secure mental health screen, click here.

Remember to take care of yourself!
KHS Student Volunteer Hours
Congratulations to the students at Kings High School who have volunteered nearly 8,000 hours since June!
FREE Kings Community Art Night
Don't miss the next Kings Community Art Night! It is a FREE event sponsored by the Kings Art Program that is dedicated to spreading kindness through art to adults and children of all ages.

During this free art night, you will paint two ceramic stars and/or moons. One is for you to keep while the other will be installed in a hanging installation at the local Kings School buildings. Participants will also have the opportunity to make thinking of you cards for our troops overseas. The cards will be sent in conjunction with the candy donated to J.F. Burns for the Troops project!

This Free Art Event will give families the chance to bond together while creating something for themselves as well as part of a community art installation. It will take place on Wednesday, October 20 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Kings High School Cafeteria.

The event is open to the first 150 people who sign up by clicking here.
KHS Academic Achievers
Kings High School Parent Teacher Organization would like to announce the most recent Class of 2022 Academic Achievers of the year.

Week 7 KHS PTO Academic Achievers are Celia Ball and Aiden Leamer. Week 8 Academic Achievers are Jackie Cunningham and Kevin Glennon.

All KHS Academic Achievers are recognized during halftime of the home football games.
Community Learning Series
The Kings Local School District is dedicated to strengthening the family-school-community partnership as a part of the District's #KingsStrong Strategic Plan - Relate. Create. Innovate. This year, the District is bringing relevant, meaningful, and thought-provoking topics to a community forum for the purpose of promoting student well-being, academic success, and community support.

The Kings Community Learning Series engages a variety of presenters to help our community become proactive and informed about topics affecting today’s families. These sessions will provide knowledge and practices that can help parents, educators, and members of the community work together to enhance and actively support Kings students.

Don't miss ENDING THE SILENCE, the next Community Learning Series on Thursday, October 28 at 6:00 p.m. Location/link TBD. You can register for the event here.

Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation about mental health for middle and high school students, parents, and school staff. Specifically, Ending the Silence for Families is a module designed for parents and caregivers of young students. 

Learn more about the upcoming topics by clicking here.
Kings Ski and Board Club Sign-Ups
It's that time to start thinking about the winter weather. The Kings Ski and Board Club has begun sign-ups for this year's season.

Please visit KHSskiclub.com to register. Bus seats are first come first serve. Registration ends November 7.
If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news!
Make sure to follow us on social media!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on our newly added activities and fundraisers such as Kings Youth Baseball & Softball Evergreen Sale.
Kings High School Senior, Alex Deutsch created a fundraiser four years ago called Socktober, a sock drive to support U.S. Military through the Yellow Ribbon Support Center. Over the years, he has collected thousands of pairs of socks.

Throughout the month of October, Alex is asking our community to donate socks for our military troops. If you are interested in donating, please drop your socks in the SOCKTOBER box at Kings High School.
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Fall Youth Hoop Clinics
Kings Boys Junior Varsity Basketball Coach, Jeremy Walker is hosting Fall Hoops Clinics for boys and girls in grades 3-8.

The clinics are open to any skill level and are designed to prepare players for the upcoming season.

The clinics will take place on Saturdays, October 9, 16, and 23 at Kings Junior High School. Grades 3-5 clinics will take place from 9:30-10:45 a.m. and grades 6-8 will take place from 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

The cost is $35 per clinic. Please contact Coach Walker at 513-680-2495 or jwalk1024@gmail.com.
Youth Wrestling Registration
Kings Knights Youth Wrestling Registration is open! Children ages 5-13 are eligible although there are limited spots for 5/6-year-olds. Visit Knights Wrestling Club to register. Registration closes on October 11.

If you are interested in coaching or have additional questions contact thewrestlingknights@gmail.com.
Kings Boys Youth Lacrosse Training
Kings Boys Youth Lacrosse will host a lacrosse training event on Sunday, October 17 at Kings High School. The training sessions focus on shooting, dodging, agility training, passing, defense, communication, and lacrosse IQ development.

The training will take place from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. for K-4th grade; 1:00-2:00 p.m. for 5th-8th grade; and 2:00-3:00 p.m. for 9th-12th grade.

Pricing: 60-minute K-4th grade lacrosse training session: $59 - 60 minute 5th-8th or 9th-12th grade lacrosse training session: $79

Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at
dgould@kingslocal.net or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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