November 1, 2019
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Upcoming Events
November 2 — Kings Kloset, 9:00-11:00 a.m., KEC Second Floor.
November 12 — Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
November 19 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

More event information can be found at:
Election next week!

We've been providing you with information about our facilities and upcoming bond issue for months. The election is next week on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. The Kings Local School District has a 4.96 mill bond issue on the ballot. This bond will finance the District's master facility plan to address growing enrollment.

In the last five years, the Kings District has seen an increase of over 600 students which equates to one elementary building of students. Projections show that at least 500 more students will enroll in our schools by 2024.

Kings is simply running out of space. It takes three years for the planning, designing and construction of new school buildings. That means buildings financed by a bond passed in November will not open until 2022 at the earliest, with hundreds of new students continuing to arrive in the meantime.

We are thankful to our community who gave us feedback to help create a plan that will accommodate the current enrollment and the growth to come!

The 4.96 mill bond will cost the Kings property owner approximately $15 per month per $100,000 of TRUE property value.

Please watch the video below that outlines the process, the plan, and the costs.

For more information on the Kings Master Plan and Facilities Bond, please visit
Kings Offers Screening of Anxiety Documentary
Don't miss Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety , a brand- new documentary that is sparking a global conversation about anxiety.

On November 7, 2019, Kings Local School District will host a special screening of the documentary and to open up a dialogue between local families, community leaders, and experts. The event will feature a viewing of the 56-minute film, followed by an informative panel discussion. Parents and students are encouraged to ask questions. 

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health challenge in the U.S., impacting 54 percent of females and 46 percent of males, with age seven being the median age of onset, according to the World Health Organization. While anxiety disorders are highly treatable, only one-third of those suffering receive treatment. Everyone involved in the development of “Angst” has a personal experience with anxiety – from the producers to the interviewees.

The screening will be held in the Kings High School Auditorium, 5500 Columbia Rd, Kings Mills, OH 45034 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  This viewing is FREE and open to the public.

On Friday, November 8 join Kings Superintendent, Tim Ackermann , Kings High School Counselor, Heidi Murray , and Social Emotional Health Coordinator, Kim Sellers for Coffee and Conversation as a follow up on the Angst screening.

Join them in the Kings High School Learning Commons from 8:00-9:00 a.m.
Kings Kindness Rocks
Students at Columbia Intermediate School are participating in a national project called, "The Kindness Rocks Project."

The project founded by Megan Murphy, encourages people to leave rocks painted with inspiring messages along the path of life. Murphy was so impressed by what the students at CIS are doing, she featured the CIS Kindness Rocks Project Club on her Project's Facebook page .

CIS Intervention Specialist, Brandy Caramico is advising the project. Students have painted rocks with uplifting messages and are left outside to be picked up by anyone who needs a kind word. Caramico said, "These kids are WISE beyond their years and bring shear joy to community!"

To learn more about The Kindness Rocks Project click here .

Halloween Happiness

The students in Brittany Casseday's class at Columbia Intermediate School practiced their communication skills this week by trick or treating throughout the halls of CIS. 

Over 40 staff members participated in passing out treats and gifts. Mrs. Casseday said, "This has become a favorite event for the students and teachers at Columbia!"
SLE News Station
This week, South Lebanon Elementary kicked off their new SLE News Station! 

Twelve hard working students were chosen to work on the station with 4th grade teacher, Susie Burdine. The students do everything from researching information, typing it into the teleprompter, running the video, choosing the background for the green screen, and uploading it to the news station. Information shared in the news includes the specials rotation, lunch menu, the Pledge of Allegiance, the character trait of the month, student and staff birthdays, and a joke of the day. 

SLE Principal, Belinda Atkins approached Mrs. Burdine about starting a student-run news station at the beginning of the year. Mrs. Burdine reached out to Kings Innovation Coach, Chris Chamberlain to help get things started. 

Close to 70 fourth graders applied for the positions of news anchor, news reporter, tech crew, teleprompter typist, and special news/joke of the day. 

Mrs. Burdine said, "I am so proud of the hard work that these students have put into getting the news station started and look forward to seeing what else they come up with this year!"
KHS Senior Yearbook Pictures Due
The deadline to submit senior pictures for the Kings High School yearbook is Tuesday, November 26. Click here for directions on submitting photos.
Community Art Night a Success
Kings High School Junior, Katie Hill, performed in the Winner’s Recital at The University of Toledo on Saturday, October 19, after winning first place in the High School Music Theatre Treble Voice category at Ohio NATS - National Association of Teachers of Singers.

Katie prepared three contrasting musical theatre pieces and performed for a panel of judges. She will now move on to The Great Lakes Regional NATS competition in March with finalists from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Ontario.

Good luck, Katie!
Kings Kloset Open Saturday
The Kings Kloset is OPEN on Saturday, November 2 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. They are located on the 2nd floor of the Kings Education Center.

The Kloset is in need of winter clothing and shoes for ALL ages.
JFB Candy Drive for the Troops
It’s that time of year again! J.F. Burns Elementary School's Annual Candy Drive for the Troops. Our goal is always to exceed the previous year's haul. Last year we collected over 3000 pounds of candy and treats for deployed troops.

This is the 9th year that J.F. Burns Elementary School will collect Halloween candy to send to the troops overseas. All candy is sent via the Yellow Ribbon Support Center.

The candy drive will begin on Monday, November 4 and run through Wednesday, November 13. Candy (and monetary) donations can be brought to J.F. Burns Elementary There will be a drop box located in the main hallway for after-hours donations.

All types of candy and snacks (including chocolate) will be accepted (no candy shaped like body parts please). If possible, please send the candy into the school in a zip-lock baggie. We will also gladly accept donations of quart size zip-lock baggies! There will also be a drop box located at Mac's Pizza Pub Landen!

Monetary donations are accepted to help cover the cost of shipping. You may send a check made payable to "The Yellow Ribbon Support Foundation" or make donations via PayPal .

All donations are tax deductible. If you have a loved one deployed in harms way, please email Keith Maupin at or you may send a private message to the Yellow Ribbon Support Center via their Facebook page. Questions should be directed to Hope Cantrall at .
Kings Band Boosters Need Your Help!
Coming up on Saturday, November 9, the Kings Band Boosters will host the Kings Marching Band MSBA Class AAAA Championships. Approximately 14 bands from Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky will compete for awards.

14 marching bands x all of their guests = WE NEED HELP!

Kings students can earn service hours working this event, which runs from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There are opportunities for concession help and parking help.

Kings PowerPack Program Community Pack
The Kings PowerPack Program provides weekend food for nearly 250 students every week. The program is sponsored by Joshua's Place.

The next community-wide pack day is Saturday, November 2. The packing will begin at 10:00 a.m. at the South Lebanon Community Center.

All are welcome! Bring a friend!
Kings U Knights Helps for the Holidays
Kings U Knights is a 501(c)3 organization that helps provide holiday gifts to Kings students in need. Each child receives 3 gifts (2 clothing and one fun) with a total value of approximately $75 per child.

In 2018, with the help of the Kings Community, Kings U Knights were able to provide gifts for 100 families with 266 children. Since 2015, they have sponsored 917 children in 336 families.

If you would like to help this holiday season, please contact .
Kings Ski and Board Sign-ups
Kings High School and Kings Junior High Ski and Snowboard Club will begin sign-ups have begun and will continue through November 3.

The Club will travel to Perfect North Slopes on 4 consecutive Wednesdays in January and February. The Club is offering a 30% discount to  ANYONE  in the Kings District.

Visit  Kings Ski and Board Club  for more information.
Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
We can't possibly put all of the news in the weekly newsletter so we hope you will join us on our social media channels where we will be posting great things happening in our District daily.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram to keep in the loop!
We have gone green and eliminated flyers going home in backpacks.

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on the latest activities within the District and Community.
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website ! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Join us on Saturday, November 16 at 6:00 p.m. in the Kings High School Gym for our annual Winter Kickoff! There will be fun, food, games, and MORE at our festival style Knight Madness!!

Kings Dance Team would also like to invite guest youth performers to perform with them at Knight Madness. Practice will take place on November 10. Click here for more information.

You can pre-order your t-shirt  HERE ! $15 includes shirt, entry, food and raffle ticket, and souvenir cup! See you at Knight Madness! 
Cross Country State Qualifiers
On Saturday, November 2, Brooke Garter and Sara Doughman will begin their State Championship race at 12:30 p.m. and Alex Justus will race at 3:00 p.m.! The Knights will compete at the OHSAA State Championship Meet at National Trail Raceway and all state tournament coverage can be found  HERE ! If you can't make it watch the live results  HERE

Good luck to Brooke, Alex, and Sarah!
Spring Boys Lacrosse Registration

Kings Youth Lacrosse is inviting Boys in grades K-6 to register for Spring Lacrosse. Registration ends on November 30. Click here for more information.
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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