March 16 — Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2. (Live on Kings Youtube channel)
March 29 - April 5 — SPRING BREAK, NO SCHOOL.
Kings Staff Covid-19 Vaccinations
Kings staff received their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccination today.
This vaccination is one important tool in our fight against the pandemic and to help our schools remain open.
Have You Filled Out the Transportation Survey?
As we told you last week, the Kings Board of Education has been engaged in discussions with Kings Administration to review District revenues and expenditures.
One of the largest expenditures of the District is transportation. This week, we sent a survey to our District parents and shared that survey on social media.
Our goal of the survey is to get feedback for the Board of Education regarding transportation and school start/end times since transportation schedules also impact school bell schedules.
In the survey, you will see two different transportation options that offer different school start and end times. Each tier also comes at a cost to the District. The 2 tier transportation schedule is already forecasted in the budget/five-year forecast. The 2.5 tier transportation schedule would actually save the District $500,000/year, which could mean a 1/2 mil off of a future operating levy. Please take a look at this transportation cost study that will show the cost of each transportation tier.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. Your feedback is much appreciated!
KJH SLT Bringing Positivity Through Painting
On Saturday, March 6, Kings Junior High School's Student Leadership Team (SLT) completed the first part of a two-step process to bring positivity and encouragement to the building.
The project, which is completely student-led, kicked off when members of the SLT painted bathroom walls to add some color.
In a couple of weeks, students will add some messages of hope and inspiration to the walls. Small acts of kindness can make a huge difference!
Special thanks to Ace Hardware in South Lebanon for donating all the paint for the project. Their generosity was much appreciated!
KJH 7th Grade Learn About Suicide Prevention
On March 9, Kings Junior High 7th graders participated in the Signs of Suicide (SOS) Program. SOS is a prevention program that incorporates both a curriculum to increase suicide awareness and a brief screening for depression and other suicidal risk factors.
In this program, students are educated on the signs of depression and suicide in others, as well as in themselves. Students are then taught to ACT-Acknowledge, Care, and Tell. Kings Jr. High had twelve therapists available all day for follow-up with students who may have had a need.
Thank you to our partners at Beech Acres for providing therapy support, and 1N5 for helping us bring the program into our District. A BIG shout out to the KJH PTO for providing food for the clinical team on Tuesday so they can remain available for the students.
Please reach out to Kim Sellers, Social Emotional Health Coordinator if you need resources for supporting your child at
Kings Social Emotional Health Coordinator, Kim Sellers leads a discussion with KJH 7th graders.
KJH School Counselor, Erin Hackman, teaching students about the signs of suicide.
Program Helps KJH 8th Graders Become Mentally Fit
Early this month, Kings Junior High School 8th graders participated in the Adapt for Life Program. Adapt for Life is a mental health and wellbeing program designed for students.
Adapt for Life has clinically trained facilitators who tackle topics on the continuum of mental health. The program helps young people become mentally fit by learning how to better manage everyday stress in times of crisis through developing healthier habits and skills. The facilitators also talk to students about mental illness, such as depression and suicidal behavior, to help young people who may be struggling with mental health.
The Adapt for Life program is an experiential, modular workshop that uses videos, mindfulness exercises, group activities, interactive surveys, moments for reflection, as well as handouts and workbooks to engage students. The curriculum covers contemporary issues that can lead to stress and help adolescents better connect and understand the concepts.
Resources are available on the Adapt for Life website for students, educators, and families that complement the program experience.
Social Emotional Health Update
A Social Emotional Health Update from Kim Sellers
Hello, Kings Parents and Caregivers-
As we embark upon the one-year anniversary of this pandemic and life as we know it changing drastically, the implications of mental health for not only our students but adults as well are far-reaching and will likely be a curve we cannot flatten for some time.
I wanted to discuss a heavy, but important topic now more than ever: suicide prevention. Many people believe that the holiday season and the gloomy winter months which give rise to Seasonal Affective Disorder are the most common times of the year for suicide. However, the danger zone is actually right about now. Data has consistently shown that spring, followed by summer are the most common times of the year for suicide.
As hope is on the horizon and restrictions are starting to slowly lift, statistics show that for young people who are anxious by nature, or feeling emotionally fragile already, the pandemic and its isolation have pushed them to the brink. Rates of suicidal behavior are up by 25% from similar periods in 2019, according to a just-published analysis of surveys of students coming into an emergency room. Many E.R. departments across the country are now seeing a surge in such cases, and our very own Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Psychiatric Intake Response Center has had filled beds and maximum capacity on multiple occasions recently.
Through most of 2020, emergency admissions were up 24% for young children and 31% for adolescents compared to the previous year. These young people are experiencing what psychologists refer to as “ambiguous loss.” Grief, but without a name or specific cause. The sudden and infinite suspension of almost every routine and social connection can leave a deep sense of loss.
Kings is committed to the whole child and their mental and social-emotional well-being is a top priority. We have had greatly increased programs, initiatives, supports, and resources the last two years, and have a mental health therapist in every building.
Virtual Community Conversation on Suicide
On Tuesday, March 16 at 4:30 p.m., 91.7 WVXU joins with the national Call to Mind Live and Well Beings efforts to present a free, virtual community conversation: Call to Mind Live: Preventing Teen Suicide in a Pandemic of Isolation. Michael Monks, host of Cincinnati Edition, will host this panel of local teens and mental health experts.
Kindergarten Registration for the 2021-2022 School Year has begun. All registrations will be completed online. Remember, your child must turn 5 years old on or before September 30, 2021.
Online registration for grades 1-12 for the 2021-2022 school year will begin June 1.
The Kings Band Boosters NEED YOU! This year's Pat Cope Memorial BANDcakes will still take place but with a COVID-friendly twist! Ticket sales are way down from last year and this annual fundraiser is needed to fund the music program.
This year's breakfast is Saturday, March 20, featuring CURBSIDE PICKUP with STREAMING PERFORMANCES, so you can enjoy your pancake breakfast & our talented musicians from the comfort of your own home!
Each breakfast platter is $8 (+processing fee). Get your tickets today contact your favorite Kings Band member, or click on the QR code below to buy your tickets. DEADLINE to purchase tickets is March 18.
Wear Purple for Women's History Month
To celebrate Women's History Month, we are asking the entire Kings Local School District students and staff to wear purple on Friday, March 19.
Internationally, purple is the color for symbolizing women. Since 1995, presidents have released a series of annual proclamations designating the month of March as the Women's History Month. These proclamations honor the contributions women have made to the United States and acknowledge women's particular accomplishments in several fields throughout American history.
Join us on March 19 to remember the women who led the way for women all over the world!
Warren County Imagination Library
Kings Seeking for Mowing Quotes
Kings is seeking quotes for mowing of our outer buildings. Please click here for more information.
Kings Kids Summer Camp Registration
Kings Kids Summer Camp registration has begun for children who attended Kings Kids Summer Camp in 2020. This fun-filled Summer Camp Program is for children ages Preschool through 6th grade. We believe children should have fun in the summer in a safe and enriching environment. Summer Camp begins in late May and runs into August, ending just before Kings Local Schools begin their school year. This is an all-day program offered 5 days a week at the Kings Education Center.
Registration opens to the community on March 15, 2021.
Please turn all forms into the Kings Kids office located on the lower level of the Kings Education Center.
Kings Board of Education Meetings
The Kings Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, March 16 at 6:00 p.m. for their Regular Monthly Meeting. You can watch the meeting LIVE here.
Kings Preschool Registration
Our 4-day and 5-day morning preschool classes are full. However, we are still accepting registration for the afternoon sessions and three-year-old classes.
There is limited availability in childcare. If you would like to register for Kings Preschool for the 2021-2022 school year click here.
We are continuing to monitor positive cases and quarantines. If you or your children exhibit symptoms or are waiting for a test result, please contact Kings Contact Tracer, Christy Salek at
Kings Firecrackers Jump Rope Clinic
The Firecrackers Jump Rope Team will host one more Sparklers Jump Rope Clinic on April 7 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the South Lebanon Elementary Gym.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best! The clinics are open to all 2nd-5th grade Kings students.
Elementary Spring Flower Sale
All of our Kings Elementary Schools have partnered with Foertmeyer & Sons Greenhouse for a Spring Flower Sale.
Foertmeyer & Sons Greenhouse has an online store that you can purchase plants through!
Foertmeyer & Sons Online Store:
● To visit their online store, go to, click the green “Online Shopping” button
● Credit and Debit card payments are accepted!
Order until March 15. For delivery dates, please follow up with your local PTO.
Thank you for supporting your local elementary school!
South Lebanon Community Clean Up Day
South Lebanon is looking for volunteers to help in their Community Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 10 from 8:00 a.m.- noon.
Individuals and groups are welcome. Students may use this activity for community service hours, too! Meet at Rogers Park between the baseball fields to be assigned to a location for clean-up.
Mobile Mammography Van at Kings
UPDATE - Dates have been changed!
The Mercy Health/Jewish Hospital mobile mammography van will be in the Kings Local School District on April 13, 14 & 15 to offer screening mammograms for our female community members.
Deerfield Township Seeking Camp Counselors
Deerfield Township Summer Camp is hiring camp counselors! If you know someone who is dependable, has strong leadership skills, and enjoys working with children, please visit, for a job description and application. Counselors must be at least 18 years of age by June 1, 2021.
If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
Our social media conversation is growing and we don't want you to miss out!
Kings Athletic News
Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues.
Virtual Knight to Remember
Despite the pandemic, nothing can stop the fun of a Knight to Remember! Knight to Remember is back for 2021, virtually. KTR is the Kings Athletic Booster Club's largest annual fundraiser, benefitting more than 1,000 Kings High School and Kings Junior High School student-athletes and 90 athletic programs. We hope you can join us for our virtual auction and event.
The FUN is expanded this year, as bidding will be available on all of our amazing items from this Saturday, March 13 to Saturday, March 20.
As always, we will have many of the great packages and prizes at Knight to Remember. Check out the website HERE and begin scrolling through a wide variety of basket raffles from local partners, sports and entertainment memorabilia, our always popular Knight Packages, Homecoming 2021 package, grand raffles, and more! Register today and begin your bidding this weekend!
The registration and bidding system will allow you to bid on items directly from your phone and expedite your checkout process. Pick-up of prizes and items will be on Sunday, March 21 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Address for pick-up is 7071 Overton Way, Maineville, OH 45039.
Youth Soccer Registration
Youth Spring soccer sign-ups are underway. Recreational soccer is open to boys and girls who live in the Kings School District between the ages of 5-18. Visit Kings Soccer Club to register today!
Kings Youth Baseball & Softball Registration
Kings Youth Baseball and Softball registration is closing soon! Boys and girls ages 5-18 are invited to sign up.
They are also seeking businesses or individuals to advertise on the windscreens at Landen Park.
Send Us the News You Want to See!
Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at
Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034