September 20, 2019
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Upcoming Events
October 8 — Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
October 9 — Kings Homecoming 5K & Fun Run, 5:15 p.m., Kings Stadium.
October 11  â€” Last Day of the Quarter.
October 11  â€” Kings Homecoming Parade, 5:30 p.m., Starts at KME.
October 15 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

More event information can be found at:

The Kings Local School District spent two years in a Master Planning process to create a fiscally responsible facilities plan that meets the needs of our students, staff, and community.

The main reason for the plan is to accommodate the increased enrollment in our District. We are running out of instructional space in many of our buildings! The increased enrollment is challenging our building capacities. In fact, 3 out of 6 of our school buildings are over capacity based on the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission formula.

The increased enrollment is a combination of new housing developments, more empty-nesters downsizing and selling homes to families, and the number of new, young families moving into the District. We embrace the growing enrollment but we are in need of more space.

During the planning process, we wanted to make sure that our community had a voice in the plan. We reached out on three different occasions during the process to get community feedback. Our community stressed the importance of keeping class sizes low, building for future growth, keeping schools close to athletic facilities and on the same campus, and making sure that the plan is cost-effective and sustainable for the long term.

Many adjustments have been made in every school building to accommodate the current enrollment growth, but, again, we are quickly running out of room in many of our buildings. The Final Master Plan for facility improvement is in place to accommodate the current and projected enrollment.

Please visit to educate yourself on the facts.
Join Us for Community Bond Information Nights
Join us to learn more about the upcoming bond issue.

We had a great turnout at our first of three Community Bond Information Nights. There are two more opportunities to get the facts regarding the upcoming bond issue on the ballot on Tuesday, November 5, 2019.

Kings Superintendent, Tim Ackermann will give more information and answer any questions our community may have regarding the upcoming bond issue.

The passage of this 4.96 mill bond will finance the first part of the District’s master facility plan to address growing enrollment and will cover the costs of school construction and renovation.

Please join us on either Monday, September 23 in the KJH Multipurpose Room or Thursday, September 26 at South Lebanon Elementary from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and feel free to invite your friends and neighbors, especially those who don't have children in the schools.

We hope to see you!
Kings Food Service Offers Breakfast Daily
Did you know that Kings Food Service offers breakfast every day in all of our buildings? Click here for menus.
Community Learning Series Returns
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Community Learning Series. Topics include anxiety, suicide prevention, and drug education.

Learn more about the upcoming Community Learning Series for 2019-2020.
KHS Kindness & Art Club Auction
Kings High School Kindness Club and Art Clubs are dedicated to helping students service their community and others through the use of kindness and their artistic talents.

Students in the clubs have made ceramic platters that they have placed in a silent auction where all proceeds will benefit Stepping Stones . Stepping Stones' mission is to help people with disabilities find pathways to independence that will improve their lives and enable them to be more fully participating members of their communities.

To bid on these beautiful platters, click here and then click the platter you are interested on bidding. Please do not change other peoples bids. Starting Bid is either $6.00 or $10.00 Bidding ends on October 13. GOOD LUCK!
Grief Groups Offered at KHS and KJH
Kings High School and Kings Junior High will be working with Fernside Center for Grieving Children to offer support groups for students who have experienced a significant loss in the family.  

The grief support group is a structured group that uses expressive arts activities to help children and adolescents understand the intense emotions they are feeling and develop skills to help them cope with these feelings. Students will meet one period each Wednesday for six weeks. So that students don't miss the same class each week, the group will rotate among 2nd, 3rd and 4th period.

If you feel your student would benefit from this opportunity, please complete the paperwork and return it to your student's counselor as soon as possible. Forms may be found  HERE   or in the KJH and KHS counseling offices.  For questions regarding participation, please contact the appropriate school counselor below:

Heidi Murray at  (KHS Students -- 9th-12th grade), 
Erin Hackman at  (KJH Students -- 7th grade)
Megan Apple at   (KJH Students -- 8th grade)
Super Saturday for Gifted Students
The Super Saturday Program is a quality enrichment program for intellectually gifted children, ages 4-14, in the Greater Cincinnati area. Registration is open for the Fall, Winter, and Spring Term. Classes are currently held at the  Scarlet Oaks Campus .

Click here for more information.
Kings Foundation Fall Fundraiser
The newly formed Kings Foundation will host a fall fundraiser on Sunday, October 6 from 12:00-3:00 p.m. at Sonder Brewing, 8584 Duke Blvd., Mason.

The day will be packed with fun activities such as a kids costume parade (starting at 1:00 p.m.), face painting, games, silent auction, split the pot, and more!

Ten-percent of all food purchases and $1 for every drink purchased will be donated back to the foundation.

The Kings Schools Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization comprised of parents, alumni and members of the Kings community. This volunteer organization is dedicated to promoting excellence in education and encouraging classroom innovation by providing grants in academics and the arts to teachers that enhance the education of all students in the Kings Local School District.

For more information visit .
Kings Kloset Seeking Donations
The Kloset is still in need of school supplies as well as warm clothing for Fall/Winter.

To make arrangements for drop off click here for more information.
Substitute Para-Professionals Needed

The Kings Local School District is seeking substitute Para-Professionals (special needs aide). Click here to apply.
Kings Homecoming Parade
Kings Homecoming is only 5 weeks away. This year's Homecoming Parade will take place on Friday, October 11 beginning at 5:30 p.m. The parade will run from KME to the KJH parking lot.

To participate in this year's parade groups must submit a permission slip and release of liability. For more information click here .
Kings Homecoming 5K & Fun Run
The  24th Annual Kings Homecoming 5K Run and Walk will take place on Wednesday, October 9 at the Kings Stadium. The event is sponsored by the Kings Cross Country team. The kids 1 mile fun run will begin at 5:15 p.m. and the Walk/Run will begin at 5:30 p.m.

Cost for early bird registration is $20 by October 2 which includes a t-shirt. Kids entry is only $10. Stay after the race for an after party and Homecoming celebration that includes food, music, and entertainment.  

New this year is online registration! Click here for more information and to register!
Sign-Up for Warrior Run
On Saturday, October 5 a group of Kings Employees will be participating in the Warrior Run, a 1 mi walk or 5K run that raises awareness for suicide prevention. The fundraiser is to raise money for the District's mental health and suicide prevention programs.

The Kings team would love to have any and all join them! If our Kings team would happen to win, they would receive $1,000. The winnings would allow would offer our Hope Squad Team the opportunity to do many things to encourage and come along side our students to make a difference! To j oin the race or donate directly to Kings Knights click here .
Free and Reduced Meal Applications Now ONLINE
Free and Reduced Meal Application can now be completed online! Applications for students who took advantage of the program last year are due on September 27!

The Kings Local Food Service Department is a member of the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. With this program, these services for a free or reduced meal program are available.

Free or Reduced-priced meals for breakfast and lunch are available to families who believe they may qualify. Factors considered in the application process are household size and total household income. To learn more and apply online click here .
Kings Students Star in "Matilda" the Musical
Several Kings Local School District students are starring in Acting Up's upcoming production of "Matilda" the musical. "Matilda" is written by Roald Dahl and is the captivating masterpiece that revels in the anarchy of childhood, the power of imagination and the inspiring story of a girl who dreams of a better life.

Acting Up’s production includes over 50 local, talented young performers from all across the tri-state area. 

Reserved seating tickets are only $12 and are available at . Four shows are held over one weekend. Friday, September 20th at 7:00; Saturday, September 21 at 2:00 pm (sign-language interpreter will be provided); Saturday, September 21 at 7:00 pm; and Sunday September 22 at 2:00 pm. 
Follow Us on Social Media
Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
We can't possibly put all of the news in the weekly newsletter so we hope you will join us on our social media channels where we will be posting great things happening in our District daily.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram to keep in the loop!
Supercuts Give Back to Our Schools
Don't forget that Homecoming is just around the corner! Does your child need a haircut? Supercuts has partnered with the Kings Local School District and has committed to donate $5 from every haircut back to the District. Just mention your school to your stylist and they will make sure that it gets credited back! Also, 15% of products or services get donated back, too!

Valid at the Kings Mills, Tylersville, and Bowen Drive locations only.
We have gone green and eliminated flyers going home in backpacks.

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on the latest activities within the District and Community such as:
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website ! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Rumble for the Ribbon
On Friday, October 25, Kings and Loveland will come together for the annual Rumble for the Ribbon Game.
The annual match up is to recognize families battling breast and women's gynecological cancer. Pink Rumble for the Ribbon t-shirts will be sold for the game.

Proceeds from the event will be donated to Pink Ribbon Girls. This local organization provides FREE direct services such as meals, housecleaning, transportation and peer support to families.Help us turn the RED SEA into a sea of PINK in honor of all who have been impacted by breast cancer!

Click here to fill out this pre-order form and return it to your student's homeroom/team teacher (high school students should drop off forms to Athletic Dept. Office & Junior High
students should drop off forms to KJH office) no later than Thursday, October 10 .

T-shirts will be delivered to students the week of 10/21. Shirts are long sleeve and they are $12 each.
Girl's Golf Senior Night
Senior Night for the Lady Knights Golf Team took place on Wednesday, September 18, at Belwood Country Club.
Kings staff members and board members were on site to cheer on lone senior, Kayla Matson, on one of her final rounds of her Kings career.

The Lady Knights ended up beating Turpin that day and won the Eastern Cincinnati Conference tournament on Thursday for the second year in a row! The team will compete at OHSAA Sectionals on Monday, September 30 at Walden Ponds.

Pictured L-R: Tim Ackermann, Kings Superintendent, Doug Leist, KHS Principal, Kayla Matson, Peggy Phillips, Kings Board of Education, President, John Karabinus, Coach, and Kings Athletic Director, Tyler Miller.
Spring Boys Lacrosse Registration

Registration has begun for Spring boys lacrosse. Early Bird registration ends on October 31. For more information click here .
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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