In this issue:
- Know Vape: Anti-Vaping Project
- New Early Learning Outreach in North Idaho
- CIV-ED: A Guide to Idaho Politics and Civic Engagement
- Sleep: Science Trek
- Storytime, STEM, and Spool-Racers, Oh My!
- LaVon Rhodes, Challis Public Library
Anti-Vaping Video Project for Idaho Teens
Deadline to enter: April 1, 2023.
Winners announced May 1, 2023.
In response to Idaho’s teenage vaping crisis, Idaho Public Television has launched a statewide campaign designed to provide awareness about the dangers of teen vaping. The KNOW VAPE campaign will include an anti-vape video contest for Idaho 13- to18-year-olds.
“The teen vaping epidemic in Idaho is poisoning our kids and disrupting our schools and families,” says IdahoPTV executive producer Jennie Sue Weltner. “We think teen-created stories will be a powerful tool to let Idaho youth know that vaping is extremely addictive and dangerous.”
More than $10,000 in cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. Winning videos will be broadcast on IdahoPTV and shared across social media channels.
New Early Learning Outreach Coming to North Idaho
Idaho Public Television has been awarded a planning grant to engage local partners and extend the reach and impact of PBS KIDS early learning resources in communities throughout North Idaho. We'll receive approximately $10,000 through the CPB-PBS Ready to Learn Initiative, funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
“We are very excited to receive this grant and training from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,” says Kari Wardle, IdahoPTV Education Manager. “With the help of this grant funding, we will be able to launch our work in North Idaho by conducting an assets and needs assessment to help us learn how we can best serve the communities. Having a full-time person working in the northern part of the state has long been a dream of mine, and this grant is helping to make that dream a reality.”
CIV-ED: A Guide to Idaho Politics and Civic Engagement
We've launched a new series of videos to help kids and adults alike learn more about Idaho politics and civic engagement, from voting to the state budget. Check out CIV-ED:
How a Bill Becomes a Law in Idaho
Public Participation
in Idaho Government
Sleep: November Science Trek
We spend a third of our lives doing it. So what happens when we sleep?
Storytime, STEM, and Spool-Racers, Oh My!

We had a blast at Storytime and STEM events in October in Salmon, Payette, Rexburg, and Boise.
At the storytime in Payette, we showed several clips from Daniel Tiger and Curious George to talk about community helpers. We then discussed how each of the students could be helpers in their own community and school.
Held at Boise State University, the Girl Scouts STEM Exploration Day is a yearly event for Girl Scouts of Silver Sage. BSU STEM clubs, Discovery Center, Reuseum, FIRST, and IdahoPTV Education were there, and we hosted a spool racer activity to demonstrate energy conversion, persistence, and scientific design process. So much fun!
LaVon Rhodes, Challis Public Library
LaVon Rhodes has worked as a librarian for the Challis Public Library for 5 years. The community of about 1,000 residents lies halfway between Stanley and Salmon, Idaho, in the mountainous eastern part of the state.
In 2022, Rhodes participated in Idaho Public Television’s Storytime in a Box program, which IdahoPTV designed for Idaho public libraries. This year, the focus was the five early literacy practices that provide preschool-aged children and their families the skills needed to start kindergarten ready to learn.
“The help, the inspiration from your program…we wouldn’t have made our reading program happen without you,” says Rhodes. “I’ve never participated in anything quite like it.” Continue reading...