November 15, 2023

Leaf Management

Once again it's leaf season and once again homeowners adjacent to the golf course are blowing their leaves onto course property.

In some cases, yard maintenance contractors are blowing leaves onto to the golf course. This practice is a NO-NO!

Please blow your leaves to your curb and/or remind your yard maintenance contractor to do so.

If you can't wait until Dec 4th, please make arrangements to have them collected at your own expense.

The annual GCA leaf collection begins

Monday, December 4,

once most of the leaves have fallen.


And remember, the golf course is for golfers!!

4th Quarter GCA Assessment due NOW

If you pay your annual assessment quarterly, it's time to pull out that coupon book, write a check and mail it to :

Glenmore Community Association

c/o Associa Community Group

P. O. Box 27898

Newark NJ 07101-7898


Use one of the secure and flexible options to pay on-line.

  • Set up a payment on with TownSq. Pay instantly with a one-time payment or setup recurring payments with auto pay (fee applies) by going to
  • Or you can use free of charge, to set up a fixed automatic payment or initiate and control each payment directly from your bank account.

To avoid a late payment penalty, please remit no later November 30.

Save the date

Saturday, November 25, 1-5 pm

Glenmore Holiday Shopping Fair

Small Business Saturday is 11/25 and this year the Club hosts a new event, the first annual Glenmore Holiday Shopping Fair. Start your holiday shopping by perusing wares from a variety of local crafts people. All Glenmore residents are welcome. RSVP here.

Friday, December 8, 2-4 pm

Holiday Tea

The women of Glenmore are cordially invited to the Annual Holiday High Tea 

hosted by the Glenmore Women's Club

 Friday, December 10, 2-4 pm, 

in the Ballroom of Club@Glenmore.

 Take a break from the madness of the season.

 Join friends, meet your neighbors and enjoy this holiday tradition.

Cost: Club members $31; non-members $33

Reservations: email Ruth Buys

Special Meeting of Glenmore Community Association Outcome

At the special meeting of the Association held on Wednesday, November 8 to announce the results of the vote on the proposal to change the term of office for Directors of the GCA Board from two years to three years. 64.04% voted with 479 yes votes and 114 no votes – required a 2/3 approval vote of those attending, so required 396 positive votes; amendment was approved.


The Board of Directors for Glenmore Community Association, Inc. has approved the attached budget for 2024 with a 10% increase over 2024. Assessments will increase from $315.70 to $347.27 per property per quarter on January 1, 2024. Click here to review the Operating Budget and explanatory document.


As the Holidays approach, and more people are out and about in the community--

  • Register your guests and deliveries with the Gatehouse.

  • Secure packages and valuables - Lock un-garaged vehicles.

  • Be sure to stop for school buses.

  • Keep all dogs on leash and make use of doggie-doo stations.

Quick Calendar

Nov 16: Regular Meeting of GCA Board of Directors - 5:00 pm

Nov 20: Recycling Pick-up

Nov 23: Thanksgiving

Nov 25: Holiday Bazaar @ Club 1-5 pm

Nov 30: Last day to 4th Quarter Assessment w/o penalty

Dec 4: Recycling Pick-up

Dec 7: Regular Meeting of GCA Board of Directors - 3:00 pm (if needed)

Dec 8: High Tea, Glenmore Women's Club, 2-4 pm

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