"A post-Covid world must genuinely value care, embrace vulnerability,
and attack existing structures of privilege."

Covid recovery and radical social change

The view that radical societal change has been taking place during the Covid-19 pandemic has been expressed by progressive figures and organisations. For example, George Monbiot has recorded a series of solidarity, bottom-up community actions to...

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"We need to release the iron grip of heritage and romantic sentiment on the rural environment and begin to imagine how else it might look in the future. 
Perhaps we need to rediscover that most unfashionable of mindsets: utopianism.

Among the mostly tragic and catastrophic consequences of Covid 19 there is a glimpse of a more utopian vision of the Lake District, one in which the complex environment is given the chance to thrive. This is not William Morris’ vision of a utopia realised far in the future, in News From Nowhere. This is news from now, here."

Reimagining the Lake District

It's time to imagine a more resilient future for the Lake District and all its communities, a future in which wild nature and thriving biodiversity is central.

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Towards a great forest transition - part 1

Industrial expansion has resulted in the loss of some 420 million hectares of forest overall since 1990, and the decrease of old-growth primary forest worldwide by over 80 million hectares.

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Towards a great forest transition - part 2

A fundamental sea-change is required in the global approach to tackling deforestation, and it requires a new focus on engendering institutions of cooperation rather than competition.

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The view from the Amazon

The story of deforestation is also the story of the globalisation.

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Museums and a greener future

Museums have a responsibility to speak out about the climate and ecological emergency.

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Covid Impacts
Iraq on the brink

Tens of thousands of Iraqis took to the streets in October 2019 for what was arguably our country's biggest ever grassroots socio-political mobilisation. The protests were borne of years of frustration and despair:at rising poverty and...

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Covid and climate disasters in South Asia

Response measures have forced coastal communities in South Asia to choose between a super cyclonic storm or shelters with no physical distancing.

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Deep Adaptation
Is Deep Adaptation flawed science?

Jem Bendell's popular self-published paper has been platformed by Extinction Rebellion, but relies on pseudoscience to come to inaccurate and harmful conclusions.

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Is Deep Adaptation good science?

'Deep Adaptation is not just a paper, but a living body of research and social enquiry.'

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Labouring for the green economy

Can we find emancipation and construct a sustainable economy through the labour process?

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Protestors' guerrilla tactics hinder HS2

Activists have taken to the trees to halt HS2 construction that threatens to fell tracts of north-London nature reserve.

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Climate Action network grows to 200 groups

The antidote to being powerless alone is taking action together.

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Which will tip first - us or the planet?

We may be on the verge of a massive, non-linear social transformation to a decarbonised economy. The question is which will tip first - us or the planet?

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Met Office chief: time for action is now

Professor Penny Endersby, the chief executive of the Met Office, talks to The Ecologist about Earth system modelling in a time of worsening climate extremes - and how the time for urgent action is now. Nick Breeze (NB): We regularly hear climate...

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