Volume XIII, Issue XV April 22, 2024

 Dear Erin,            

Updated Religion Curriculum for

PK 3 - grade 8 for use beginning July 1, 2024

Introducing our updated religion curriculum

After 10 months of work, I am pleased to share with you the updated religion curriculum to be used in our parish religious education programs and Catholic Schools beginning July 1, 2024. The committee was tasked with focusing on the key elements of the new Directory for Catechesis. We have maintained the spiral (circular) model while making each of the objectives student centered rather than instructor centered. While knowledge of the tenets of the faith will always be a main part of any curriculum, we have focused more on the integrating of these tenets into life.

Bishop Pohlmeier introduction letter read what our Bishop has to say on the purpose of curriculum

Superintendent and OCF Director outline the curriculum this letter provides a basic outline


Developmental Stages of Children (classroom)

Developmental Stages of Children (Parent Guide) This is a new component to help families understand how their children are developing in their faith with tips on how to foster this in the home.

Grade Level Prayers It is strongly urged that this document be provided to families so that they may build their domestic church on prayer.

Overview of religion curriculum for parents (brochure) This will also be available in Spanish, soon.

Catechetical Leaders~Save the date of May 14

End of the year celebration at the Hilltop Restaurant in Orange Park.

Invites next week.

USCCB has received approval for the OCIA

The Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has confirmed the revised translations of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults and the Ritual de la Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos.  The decrees of confirmation were issued on Ash Wednesday, February 14 and were received by the USCCB shortly after.


The final texts have been received and will undergo the review by the Secretariat for Divine Worship before an implementation schedule is recommended to the USCCB President. Those dates, implementation and mandatory usage, will be made known when they are available.

Some items to note so far:

The prayers and ritual language are updated to match the changes in the Roman Missal and other ritual books.

The option for Infant Baptism at the Easter Vigil has been added.

The revised RCIA/OCIA retains the same numbering as the prior edition. The only change to this is that instead of Part I (catechumens) and Part II (special circumstances) it is now 6 "chapters" with chapter one being for catechumens, followed by the chapters that preciously were listed as "special circumstances."

The National Statutes for the Catechumenate, formerly appendix III at the end ritual book, will now be in the front instructional pages.

The other two appendixes remain the same: combined rites and acclamations, hymns, chants, etc.

There is a strong attempt to clarify terminology and to keep that terminology consistent throughout the instructions. Some words were used interchangeably in parts of the current ritual, like catechumen, candidate, inquirer, etc.

The language of the instructions prior to each ritual have been updated to reflect better conversion language as expressed in the Directory for Catechesis.

We will have a full set of trainings on the OCIA when we have all information.

Youth Confirmation (links)

2025 Youth Confirmation Request

Administering Youth Confirmation 2024 (English document)

Administering Confirmation 2024 (Spanish document)

Outline of a Confirmation Retreat

Families and the Sacraments

We have been discussing at the last few catechetical leader gatherings ways of engaging parents/families more fully in sacramental preparation. One thing we have discussed a few times is how to help families engage more fully in the days leading up to the sacraments and on the actual day of the sacrament. Please find below some good resources I have found and one I created.

The two prayers below can be personalized for your location. The only difference between the two are the pronouns. These would be ideal for when parent/family members, etc are waiting for Mass to start.


Confirmation Day Prayer (Daughter)

Confirmation Day Prayer (Son)

First Communion

First Communion Day Prayer (Daughter)

First Communion Day Prayer (Son)

Spanish translations of the above coming soon. You are free to copy these with an acknowledgement to the Diocese of St. Augustine, Office of Christian Formation

Some other resources that I have found:

Parents Prayer for First Communion (courtesy of Loyola Press)

Ways Parents can Prepare their Children for First Communion (Courtesy of Teaching Catholic Kids)

Novena to the Holy Spirit for Families (courtesy of Good News Ministries)

Pray More Novenas website

I am looking for host sites for the all in two weekends Basic Certification offerings for 2024-2025. Volunteers?

"Catholic School Special"

June 10 -13, 2024

San Juan de Rio Parish Hall, upstairs meeting room hosted by San Juan del Rio School

Monday, June 10, 2024 Faith Development and Catechetical/Legal

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 Role of the Catechist and Practical Skills

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 Scripture and Church

Thursday, June 13, 2024 Liturgy/Sacraments and Basic Beliefs

Jotform to register

New Spiritual Direction Program being offered by the Diocese of Orlando

San Pedro Center, Diocese of Orlando, has partnered with Mayslake Ministries to provide an intensive ten-month program for men and women to equip them with the spiritual formation and necessary skills to answer God’s call to the ministry of Spiritual Direction, while earning a professional certificate in Spiritual Direction.

The program is staffed by a team of practicing Mayslake Ministries Spiritual Directors and affiliates who for decades, have accompanied spiritual seekers on their journey to grow closer to God. Our facilitators are skilled in Theology, Philosophy, Sacred Scripture and other disciplines, as well as a wide array of spiritual traditions including: Ignatian, Franciscan, and Benedictine spirituality.

What is Spiritual Direction? Spiritual direction is an excellent pathway to help people renew their faith. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the director prayerfully listens as a person shares the joys and struggles of his or her faith life. Through shared dialogue, the director and directee discuss the action of God’s spirit working in their life.

Sacred Presence at San Pedro


Bishop Barron Youtube on Pentecost/Holy Spirit (15 minutes)

Catholic Icing Pentecost Activities

Holy Spirit Novena (there's an app for that)

Real Life at Home: helping children recognize the Holy Spirit in their lives

The Religion Teacher Pentecost Activities

Sadlier Pentecost Activities (classroom and home) bilingual

Continuing Formation

(Level III Opportunities)

16th Annual Summer School of Theology

June 17-21, 2024

Dr. Joshua McManaway

McGrath Institute for Church Life

He has Spoken to Us through a Son:

Christology, Salvation, Revelation

Registration is now open for the Summer School with the usual early bird special. The School meets daily, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm in the Wisdom Center at Marywood.

Summer School of Theology Brochure

jotform with more info and to register

Mary in the Gospels presentation by Pat Cook at the St. Joseph Renewal Center

These are all being taped, so you can register and watch later.


Inviting, Forming, and Supporting Parish Catechists

Jayne Mondoy

Tuesdays May 7 & May 14


Tuition for each course is $50. Link to register for these: NCCL Courses

The NCEA has several upcoming free webinars as well as their on demand offerings.

Build a Community of Belonging - Friday, April 26, 2024, 3 PM ET

Creating and maintaining a community of belonging is intentional work that makes a big impact. From hiring to norms creating a culture where everyone is seen, heard, valued, and loved is essential work of building a faith forward school community where all members are recognized as an essential needed part of the whole. Participants will leave this sessions with tools to engage various stakeholders in this work.

Link to see offerings

Fostering Healthy Teen Sexuality in Your Church Community: A Guide for Ministers

Tue, May 7, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT

Julia Sadusky

Sexuality is a topic children and teens are exposed to much sooner than ever before through media, peers, and devices. Families and faith communities often struggle to engage with topics related to sexuality gradually and robustly. In this webinar, Julia Sadusky—a licensed clinical psychologist—will offer education and practical strategies for ministry leaders about how to shape a healthy environment for conversations around sexuality in your church context.

Go to this webinar

RCL Benziger On-demand and Live webinars

For home, school, and parish.

Catholic Social Teaching Made Easy

Jeanne Hunt presents the “nuts and bolts” of Catholic Social Teaching along with practical ideas on how to make Catholic Social Teaching come alive in the classroom.

Start Time : Apr 29, 2021 02:46 PM

RCL Benziger free resources

Visit our office website