NASA, ESA Team Up to Address Global Climate Change
Recognizing that climate change is an urgent global challenge, we've formed a strategic partnership with ESA (the European Space Agency) to observe Earth and its changing environment. Together we are leading and supporting a global response, with combined efforts in Earth science.
“Climate change is an all-hands-on- deck, global challenge that requires action now,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “NASA and ESA are leading the way in space, building an unprecedented strategic partnership in Earth science.”

Climate adaptation and mitigation efforts cannot succeed without climate observations and research. We have more than two dozen satellites and instruments observing how the planet is changing and measuring key climate indicators, such as the height of oceans and inland waters, clouds and precipitation, and carbon dioxide.

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This Week in Space
Launch America – Boeing’s Rosie the Rocketeer has claimed her spot inside the company’s Starliner spacecraft for its second uncrewed Orbital Flight Test (OFT-2) for our Commercial Crew Program, preparing for launch on July 30. The anthropometric test device will collect data about the seats in which future crew will ride to space.

Register as a guest and join her, virtually, for launch. Registered guests will receive schedule updates, activities, and access to curated resources.
Supersonic Flight Tests – Safety is paramount as we prepare for flight tests of the X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology aircraft. To ensure the X-59 pilot’s safety, life support system equipment is undergoing a series of tests that include simulating an unlikely cabin depressurization.
Calling All Entrepreneurs! – We’re looking for fresh ideas to help us explore Earth, the solar system, and beyond. Our Entrepreneurs Challenge aims to foster innovation and new technologies at lower costs while sourcing ideas from across the country. Are you up for the challenge?
Get Curious – Here at NASA, we’re inviting you to get curious with our Curious Universe podcast. This summer, we’re journeying from the Antarctic ice sheets to deep space. The new season begins with two planet hunters taking us far beyond our solar system.
New Exoplanets Discovery – Using data from our Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission, astronomers have identified four new worlds beyond our solar system that are in a 'teenage' phase of their life cycle, a little-understood stage of planetary evolution.
Hubble Update – Last month, our Hubble Space Telescope halted operations because of an issue with the payload computer. This week, the Hubble backup payload computer was successfully brought online after a successful switch to backup hardware. Following a short checkout period, the science instruments will be brought back to operational status.
People Profile
Meet Travis Thompson, former lead of NASA’s space shuttle closeout crew. For nearly 100 flights, he made final checks of the astronauts’ launch and re-entry suits before they boarded, assisted crews into their seats, conducted launch-pad safety and evacuation trainings for the astronauts and launch pad crew members, and strapped in astronauts in for launch.

Recently, NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy presented Thompson with a plaque for his service in a ceremony at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia.
Image Spotlight
When galaxy clusters collide, extraordinary things can happen. This image of the galaxy cluster Abell 1775 shows the result of two galaxy clusters — the largest structures held together by gravity — crashing into one another, one of the most energetic events in the universe.

Credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Leiden Univ./A. Botteon et al.; Radio: LOFAR/ASTRON; Optical/IR:PanSTARRS
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