New Items Added!
Auction ends at 9:30 p.m. MDT on Saturday, September 19th
Check out the new items that have been added for the second and final week of our action, by selecting “New Items” under “Browse Items.” Be sure to see the “Featured Items” where a dozen items now feature lower starting bids!
Still need to register? Register now by using the link above and select "SIGN IN" in the upper right of the screen. You can register via your email address, Google, or Facebook. Once you have submitted your sign in method of choice and password, you will have the opportunity to complete your registration.

Alternatively, you can register by texting from your mobile phone. Text LITERACYSF to 243725 to register.
The first 100 people who register will be entered into a drawing for a lovely commemorative item in celebration of our 35th anniversary.
Your participation is appreciated. LVSF provides free tutoring to adults in reading, writing and speaking English to strengthen our community, families, and the workforce. When our students thrive, everyone in Santa Fe thrives. And we are most grateful to you for doing what you can.