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Welcome to the News & Events e-newsletter from the College of Science & Mathematics Dean's Office. We recommend you "download pictures" for the best viewing experience.
Updates & Announcements
Events & Workshops
Meet and Greet for Math Majors
Freshman, sophomore and incoming transfer students in the math major are invited to a Meet and Greet to meet faculty, staff, and other students. Learn about the math department clubs and grab some free food!

Tuesday, September 14, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Robinson Circle Green
Please RSVP by Thursday, September 10 by emailing fellona@rowan.edu or stopping by Robinson 228. For more information, contact the department office at 856-256-4844.
Woman's Alliance Network
The Woman's Alliance Network is hosting keynote speaker Jean Edelman:

"The Other Side of Jean"
Wednesday, September 15 at 12 p.m. 
via Webex

Summer Success Workshop Series
The Edelman Planetarium has reopened for in-person public shows! The fall schedule features three brand-new shows; Birth of Planet Earth, Big Astronomy: People, Places, Discoveries, and SpacePark 360. Visit the Edelman Planetarium website to view the schedule of public shows. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
Internships & Opportunities
Join the SGA!
Get involved in the Rowan community and apply to be a 2021-22 SGA Class or Academic Senator.

Apply online at https://bit.ly/2021SenateElection. Application due Wednesday, September 15 at 11:45 p.m. Please contact SGAgovrelations@rowan.edu with any questions.
Amgen Scholars Program - Summer 2022
The Amgen Scholars Program is an undergraduate summer research program in science and biotechnology. Each summer hundreds of undergraduates visit premier research universities and institutions to conduct hands-on research in the lab alongside top faculty, participate in seminars and networking events, and take part in symposia with their peers and leading scientists. Application materials for summer 2022 will be available beginning November 1, 2021.

Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship
The FAIT fellowship program is open to undergraduate students in IT-related majors. Fellows receive tuition and stipend support for four semesters of academic coursework and complete two summer internships with the U.S. State Department. Applications are being accepted now through February 2022.

Study Abroad Events
Have you ever thought about studying abroad? Information events are being offered the week of September 20th.

This email is distributed to undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Science & Mathematics. Past newsletters are available here. If you have questions or would like to submit content for future newsletters, please contact Brigid Milone at milone@rowan.edu.