July 2, 2024

Visit our Website

Sunday Spiritual Service

July 21, 2024

** no service July 7th due to holiday

The Lotus Center

124 County Highway 58

Oneonta, NY 13820

Also on Zoom

HOMILY by Renee Ranke:

"I Don't Believe in That...Or Do I?

Finding the Common Ground"

Emcee: Connie Lull

After the service join us for fellowship!

We will be poolside!

Bring your bathing suit if you'd like to take a dip

and a dish to pass.

The pool is 75 degrees and crystal clear!


ISD Messages from Spirit:

Finding yourself in conflict?

ISD Sacred Counsel reminds you to shift your perspective to one of Higher Ground. Make a conscious effort to rise above the situation and you will be able to see things in a clearer light. Connect with a master teacher or angel and ask to be taken up to a level where your answer awaits. Open your heart once there and you may find the peace and healing you've been wanting!

~ respectfully submitted by Kimberly Winsor

Theater.....life is a play. 
We can be many characters...
Choose your part....expand it....shrink it. 
Try something new.
You are the creator of your own life.
Be expansive! Take risks!
This is all about you!
~message received by Carol Callahan in Renee Ranke's Automatic Writing Class

Upcoming classes and events...

ZOOM Intuitive Development Circle

with Diana Friedell, Thursday Evenings 5:30-6:30pm- July 11th- August 22nd

Join Diana Friedell on Thursdays on Zoom for a Summer Intuitive Development Circle for Life Guidance!

Starting on July 11th from 5:30-6:30 pm Thursdays on Zoom until August 22nd. 

Looking for answers on important life decisions? Diana Friedell, an Intuitive Development Teacher and popular Psychic Medium for the past 23 years will lead us in different practices and exercises to allow our own intuitive abilities to unfold and continue to develop in a like-minded group. Open to anyone, at all levels of development. Whether you are honing your skills, and practicing to meet a requirement for the Intuitive Practitioner Program, or want to read for others professionally, or just to read for your family and friends, you are in the right place.

Our Spirit Guides are waiting to help us on life path decisions that we are facing, that may involve Career, Relationship, Home, Finances or Family, and are committed to our success. Develop your clairvoyant abilities to see, hear and feel the answers and the guidance you are searching for. Regular practice within this friendly group gives us confidence and accuracy in interpreting the messages that come to us.

$18 Per Session, $15 ISD Member Rate.  Register for One at a time, or Register for them All.

More Info/To Register

Monday Oracle Group

July 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, and August 5th & 12th.

with Story Lucile Ducey

This Monday Group is called an Oracle Group because we will be focusing first, on deep meditation for healing and renewal for ourselves as we attempt to reenter the world together.

Then, we will be seeking guidance, teachings and home work from Spirit together for all of us and our families as we move through this transition. This is experimental work with Spirit. We allow Spirit to direct us and present the teachings they want us to focus on.

We will record the messaging and seek the overall message as confirmed by the majority of the messaging.

The overall goal is to dissolve challenging personal and communal karma while we seek strength and guidance in creating a new chapter for ourselves as individuals and for our world.

July 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, and August 5th & 12th.

$15 per session regular tuition; or $12 for ISD Members. Register for any one you can attend, or for series at 10% discount! 

Payment Options: Register in Advance for All Six for 10% Off = normally $90, now $81.

ISD Member Rate- Register in Advance for All Six for 10% off = normally $72, now $64.80

More Info or to Register- Oracle Circle

WHEN: Sunday, July 14th, 12:00 - 3:00 pm

WHERE: ISD Headquarters, 124 County Hwy 58, Oneonta

or on ZOOM- Get link when you register

For those who wish to get good at "stand-up", discerning short, quick, accurate messages for a group setting - parties, circles, services, classes, etc. How to hit the key points you receive & maintain privacy for the person you are reading for.

YOUR TEACHER: Rev. Diana Friedell, Psychic Medium, ISD Faculty, and Pastor, with 24 years experience, with teaching and reading for her own business, and at the Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta.

General Tuition: $46 ISD Discount Rate- $37.

More Info/Register for Message Bearing

Reiki Two, with JoAnn Wormuth

Saturday, August 10th, 10am-5pm

Expand your healing abilities with sacred geometry and a Level 2 attunement. JoAnn, Reiki Master Teacher, introduces 2nd-Degree Reiki symbols that increase healing power, assist with mental-emotional balance, and distance healing. Practice sessions, manual & certificate included.

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki

Level 2 Training

$170.00 or $150 for ISD Members

Includes Manual, Certificate, Snacks and Beverage (bring lunch)

with Q&A/practice 4:00pm – 5:00pm

  • Prerequisite: Reiki Level One Certification.

  • Reiki is universal life force energy. This Japanese technique is used for stress reduction, relaxation and balance. If one's chi is low or blocked, then we are more likely to become ill or feel stress. When chi is high, we are better able to be healthy and happy in mind, body and spirit.
  • Reiki clears and balances the life force energy allowing for the body to best care for itself.  It is an essential tool for those caring for themselves and loved ones. Reiki complements your doctor's medical plan for you.
  • You will be able to practice and ask questions. As your Reiki teacher, JoAnn will be available for ongoing support. 

Individuals who already possess Reiki attunements sometimes wish to refresh their practice. I whole heartedly welcome their participation and believe there should be a price incentive to do so.

Reiki Level Two Refresher Class (Take it Again) for $85.

Reiki 2: More Info/To Register


*SATURDAY* August 17th, 10:00 am Spiritual Service, followed by an ISD SUMMER PICNIC!!!
ISD Members & Friends invited~ hiking, potluck meal, drumming & chanting, plus free healings & readings share =)
at SUNY College Camp!
~ click here for more info ~

WHEN: Saturday, September 7th, 2024

WHERE: Southside Mall Community Room, Oneonta, NY

The fall is a natural time for new beginnings, for “going back to school”, for stepping into new routines that get you on track to fulfilling goals and intentions. Is there a Spirit Guide or departed loved one waiting to give me important life guidance?

A nice time to check in with a psychic advisor, Tried & True, the Real Deal, from the Institute for Spiritual Development, Oneonta.

Only $30 for 25 minutes, or $25 for ISD Members.

This is a FUNDRAISER for ISD Oneonta!

~~ Enjoy a day out, shopping & lunch at the Southside Mall, then stop by for your reading!

READERS so far are Diana Friedell, Connie Lull, Renee Ranke, Story Ducey, Kimberly Winsor.

Our Astrological Forecast

Connie’s Celestial Conversations

July 2024 promises to be a very busy month with 4 sign changes by the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. In addition, there are 2 more retrograde motions starting behind Saturn on 6/29 in Pisces, and one direct motion movement. The best feature perhaps, the NEW MOON on 7/5, promises tremendous potential for everyone. Whatever your plans, wishes, and intentions, they will receive a wonderful boost on this NEW MOON. Strap in for all of July. There are lots of goodies for everyone!


July 2nd - NEPTUNE begins its retrograde interval that lasts through 12/7. This planet has been at the culminating 29th degree of Pisces, and with this retrograde, will be there much longer - through 9/3. 

Let's review NEPTUNE at 29 degrees Pisces. This is the culminating degree where you put the crown on all things Pisces. Mysticism, Dreams, Fantasy, the Subconscious, the activation and memory of subjects or manifestations that the conscious mind dismisses as impossible. With this powerful house ruler, staying at this culminating degree for so long, your world will change during this transit. You can count on it! If it doesn't change it would be due to significant resistance on your part. You will really have to put a great deal of effort into maintaining the status quo, and that will, likely, cost you much precious energy. This is your perfect invitation to flow with the mutable, or changeable, water sign Pisces to a better expression in your life. This is a good chance to achieve the soul growth your North Node is hoping to accomplish in this lifetime. In fact, each of you might take a look at your natal chart. Is it aspected to this transit right now? Is it 60°, 90°, 120°, or 180° away from Neptune at 29° Pisces, in either direction? That is sextile, square, trine, or opposite in order. If it is, then you have even more assistance to change your world significantly for the better in the coming months! A sextile or trine is super powered. An opposition or square means you are more than likely to find positive resolution for, perhaps, very long term challenges. Happy creating.

Also on 7/2 MERCURY moves into Leo until 7/25. MERCURY in Leo is great for leadership, particularly the ability to communicate a vision to the masses in such a way that they can get behind and believe in. Great confidence and eloquence go along with this transit. That describes the higher octave potential. Of course, the caution is unfortunate leadership, gurus, cult leaders running amok, etc. Also potential for hurtful words to those around you.Therefore, police yourself and your reactions to another whom would solicit your allegiance. Are they asking you to follow in a good direction? Do they necessarily know better than you? Use discernment when choosing to follow another. 

The NEW MOON arrives in Cancer on 7/5 at 6:57 pm EDT. This is an incredible, almost universally beneficial, NEW MOON for everyone. If not directly fortuitous for your sign, then it is well aspected. 

There are tremendous potential available to assist you. There are 6 sextiles, and 5 trines forming incredible sacred geometry in our sky this day. 

There is only one lone challenging aspect, a square between Mercury and Pluto. Let's look at that first. The potential is very strong willpower accompanied by blunt expression. Be kind with your words, think twice about tone and presentation if uncomfortable conversation must be had. Better yet, wait, because this is a swift aspect due to the speed of MERCURY'S orbit. It is only active for a day or so. Maybe it isn't Divine Timing for difficult or harsh words.

Now to the Great stuff. Sextiles mean opportunity presents itself. Trines are characterized as east luck. There are 6 sextiles, and 5 trines this NEW MOON, forming 3 minor Grand Trines, with almost a 4th. These are the “talent triangles.” They assist your abilities, competence, and help create harmony. These are the 3 MINOR GRAND TRINES:

Saturn in Pisces, Conjunct Sun/Moon in Cancer, and Mars in Taurus 

Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Aquarius, and Neptune in Pisces 

Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Gemini, and Jupiter in Gemini 

These 3, and almost a 4th, Minor Grand Trines are settled in a “ bowl” formation in the western hemisphere of the chart. The “bowl” tends to encourage thoughtfulness and self containment. It creates an opportunity to learn from life's experiences. However, being in the western hemisphere speaks more to the impact of the world on an individual, so you are operating a bit at cross purposes. This is the place to work for win/win scenarios. If upheaval does happen within the masses, it will be obvious which of these influences held sway. Try to be in the sweet spot in the calm center of your heart space.

The NEW MOON involves almost every planet in a very auspicious sacred geometrical arrangement of signs and planets. What a supporting cast for your “star turn.” 

Now, in conclusion, it is not necessary for you to make all your moves at once. There's not that much pressure to this development. Simply forming new intentions, and possibly taking a few small preliminary steps in the right direction will suffice.

I invite you to use this knowledge to get you closer to grace and your Godspeed.


(July 9 - 16)

July 9th asteroid PALLAS turns direct in Scorpio. This is what I wrote in May when her retrograde motion backed her into Scorpio, 

“PALLAS continues her retrograde cycle which takes her back into Scorpio on 5/16. She will be in retrograde until 7/09, then resume forward motion in Scorpio through 9/08. She is known for strategic thinking and great ageless wisdom. In Scorpio this is likely to be intense and transformative. She will not suffer fools very well. As much as any celestial body she can, and will, utilize all the new energies coming into our solar system. She will help set us up for the coming changes with all the wisdom of the rising divine feminine.” 

PALLAS also has some influence in the arts and with medicinal remedies. So if you are called to either of those subjects, PALLAS can help you “remember” some of your ancient wisdom.

While she has been retrograde in Scorpio maybe you have found clarity in a major area of life, or maybe memories, however brief, have created an “ah-hah” moment for you. Now that she has resumed forward motion in Scorpio, she will have all that intensity and passion at her disposal to implement desired changes. Tap into that energy for yourself. PALLAS will remain in forward motion in Scorpio through 9/8. This may serve to galvanize women's issues all over the planet the rest of this Summer.

VENUS moves into Leo on 7/11 until 8/4. VENUS in Leo will be very interesting right now, considering the massive attempt to take Women's Rights backward a half century in the last few years. Leo is, of course, all about leadership and shining your own light and royalty. Therefore VENUS in Leo will have a very similar effect to PALLAS in Scorpio - galvanizing women's issues and power to, perhaps, all new heights. THE RISE OF THE DIVINE FEMININE may become quite obvious soon. We may take major strides in reaching a divine balance in male/female power thanks to the two ladies in question, PALLAS and VENUS.

This is a good place to discuss more about our dear, beautiful sister planet. I direct your attention back to the picture at the head of the column. This is a picture of VENUS’ orbit, including retrogrades. Is it not lovely? She makes a sacred geometrical space flower! Each “petal” takes 584 days, or 19 months. It takes 8 years to form the flower. It also corresponds to her rotation between being our Morning Star, Evening Star, and her dance behind the SUN. She spends 9 months each as the Morning/Evening star, with 1 month of dipping behind the SUN, which is where she is right now. For us here in the north she will resume her role as our Evening star sometime in late July. When that is for you will depend on latitude, and/or hills around your location that she may hide behind. You will know her instantly when you see her shining gloriously in the western sky around dusk.

I think of any planet's dance behind the SUN as a “recognizance mission.” They go dark to us, but they pick up all new information and codes from deep space while hiding from us. I think of this as new wisdom for the next cycle. VENUS as the Evening Star emanates more wisdom, maturity, and grace. It corresponds with the late Summer and Autumnal “harvest seasons.” The harvest of more of our full soul attributes can be aided by our spectacular, bright sister! So look eagerly for her return soon. SHE HAS GIFTS JUST FOR YOU. I would suggest going outside and meditating with her upon her return later this month.

I'd like to close this week with a general discussion on how you may use, and benefit from both the Inner planets and the Outer planets in an opportune way. 

The inner planets and celestial bodies are the SUN, MOON, MERCURY, VENUS, and MARS.

The SUN is its own category. The next four mentioned, out to MARS, help us with our day to day lives on 3D Earth. They are constant guides with their faster orbits and ability to work with the SUN and reflect its guidance back to us.

JUPITER is everyone's good luck charm, unless poorly aspected to other planets. Even then solutions are available. SATURN is in a far distant orbit, but very much Earth oriented. Described as task master and thought of as our disciplinarian in the traditional sense, SATURN can often elicits groans. Those SATURN returns every 29 years can be a real ringer.(A “return” for any planet is when it has fully rotated its orbital path and is in the same position as on your birthday.) 

I have used the term, favorite teacher as an alternative to taskmaster. I might also suggest favorite coach, mentor(albeit, a tough one.), or perhaps, lifestyle coach. This can give you a better flavor to the assistance offered. You naturally want to perform well for a favorite teacher or coach.

Now let's move on to the Outer planets. They have long orbits, so tend to influence entire generations and populations together. The reason being that many of us share the sign of an outer planet, since they stay in one sign for years. Therefore it is common and expected that they can create and/or influence paradigm shifts.

But there is an additional way to partner with them. They are in much closer proximity to deep space, along with PLUTO and the asteroids in the Kuiper Belt, beyond NEPTUNE. Our consideration now extends to the comets and asteroids in the Ort cloud out beyond Pluto.

They all send messages from your soul, galactic family, and the void. This information can help you create higher octaves from all the possibilities. What I mean specifically is that with our free will we can create the darkest, or lightest of scenarios. Each choice is illustrated in Astrology. The lightest, most loving and life sustaining option of each choice can be thought of as the “higher octave.” 

Now, how I would suggest you personalize this is by studying your natal chart. What are the house placements of the outermost planets, asteroids, and dwarf planets? That would be Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto for the planets. The theme of those houses where these 3 planets reside on your birthday could be your siren call to make great strides in soul growth during this lifetime. You set this up for yourself with the help of your soul, guide teams, ancestors, and angels. The planets are also part of your team. Think of them as allies. The same holds true for the new emphasis on dwarf planets and asteroids. There is much wisdom in utilizing their help! This was custom designed to benefit you throughout your life. You carefully planned your birth circumstances and gave yourself this available glimpse into your contract.

May it help you find your Godspeed!


Check out our July & August 2024 events calendar for upcoming events and remember to like and follow us on Facebook, to see our events, guided meditations and homilies posted there.

Looking for a moment of Zen? Subscribe to

our ISD Youtube Channel

to watch inspired homilies & guided meditations from our favorite ISD Ministers and guest speakers! 

Prayer Warriors

Just a reminder that we are continuing our Prayer Warriors group, every day at 5pm we pause to pray and send our healing energies where they are most needed right now

Each day at 5 PM EST, we will pause for about 10 minutes and meditate and pray with the intention of sending healing energy to all. You do not have to be present each day to be part of the prayer/healing team.

If you would like to be part of the Prayer Warriors, or have a request for healing please email our Healing Program director, JoAnn Wormuth at joannwormuth@gmail.com and she will add you to the team, and/or the prayer list.

What is the Institute for Spiritual Development?

It's both a metaphysical church and an educational center originally founded 40 yrs ago in Sparta, NJ. With the belief that all paths lead us Home, ISD is dedicated to helping each spirit walk their path with courage and joy.

We stand for each individual’s right to seek their own personal Truth, as they respect the same right for others. We honor the sacred texts of all traditions of the Light

The Oneonta NY chapter of ISD was Lovingly created by Rev. Diana Friedell & her sister Rev. Sue Landon. We are now led by a powerful leadership team, and executive board.

ISD is a spiritual community that focuses on healing and intuitive connection, and the joy of finding the spirit connection within rather than being told how it should or could be experienced.

We welcome those who want to belong to a spiritual group of like-minded people, in which you can explore and find your own path in a community of love and support.

There are classes, services, events, and a sense of community and fellowship. Energy healing and intuitive messages are delivered as a regular part of the worship service. Classes offer many tools which will help you on your life path, and the community we are creating together is one of openness and acceptance, and the ability to adapt with change and growth.

Welcome Home!!!

We could use your help. If you would like to volunteer to help with our Metaphysical Library, event planning, service planning, website, office tasks, or anything else- Just call or email Diana!

Did you know that there are other ISD chapters?

It all began with ISD Sparta NJ!

Now there are also chapters in, Washington DC, Treasure Coast Fla, and of course....right here in Oneonta NY.

Like and Follow US on Facebook

Together we shine love and light to souls around the country and around the world with education, metaphysical services, healing and community.

We support YOU in your quest to explore, build, and develop your own spiritual connection

Got Bottles & Cans to return?

ISD has a CLYNK account at Hannaford in Oneonta. 

How can I help? 

Email Tom Landon at tflandon51@gmail.com and he will give you a time to pick up stickers at our new ISD headquarters.

Take one to put on each bag that you are bringing to Hannaford- Ask someone there where the bags go. With that correct tag on it, the bottle deposit money goes directly into the ISD Oneonta Account.

Rev. Story Ducey

Rev. Diana Friedell

ISD Oneonta Board of Directors

Kimberly Winsor - President

Jo Ann Wormuth- Vice President

Tom Landon-Secretary

Sali Dellysse - Treasurer

Connie Lull-


Susan Owens -


Sherry Barton


Jaya Buckland


Chantal Doktor


Diana Friedell ex-officio

Story Ducey ex-officio

Our ISD Leadership

Diana Friedell - Pastor, Co-Director

Story Lucile Ducey, Co-Director

Ministry Training Program

JoAnn Wormuth – Healing Program Director

JayaBuckland - Adult Ed Chair

Kimberly Winsor, Diana Friedell- Newsletter Editors in Carla Finn's absence

Tami Barrows- Tech/Administrative Assistant

Amy Gallop- Social Media

Visit our Website
Sign up for ISD Newsletter

Your gift helps to sustain Oneonta's first Metaphysical Church and learning center.

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