Resolve to Improve Your Finances This Year
1. Pay $25 in ’25
Every extra dollar you add to your loan payments means you pay off your loans faster and pay less interest. Whether it’s your credit card, auto loan, or mortgage, this year, set a goal to add an additional $25 to each monthly payment. It could save you hundreds of dollars over the life of a loan.
2. Strive to Save
Now is the perfect time to set up a Holiday Club Account with the Credit Union. An automatic payroll deduction into a separate account is a great way to build a balance so you are ready for the holidays in 2025.
3. Give the Gift of Membership
Membership in the Credit Union is one of the best things you can do for your family or co-workers. If you have children, the Youth Savings Account is a must for any wise financial strategy. Your kids will earn 5% APY* on the first $500 on deposit. There is no better way to teach them the advantage of compounding interest on a risk-free investment.
Remember, we are YOUR Credit Union. We exist solely to provide financial services to Nordstrom employees and their families. Let us help you reach success in your financial journey in the New Year.