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Our Mission Statement

We of Joy Lutheran Church foster 
grace-filled relationships with Christ
through worship, fellowship, and service. ļ»æ
Notes of Joy - Week of May 31, 2020
This Week's Gospel: John 20:19-23
Pentecost derives its name from the Jewish festival celebrating the harvest and the giving of the law on Mount Sinai fifty days after Passover. Fifty days after Easter, we celebrate the Holy Spirit as Godā€™s presence within and among us. In Acts the Spirit arrives in rushing wind and flame, bringing Godā€™s presence to all people. Paul reminds us that though we each have different capacities, we are unified in the Spirit that equips us with these gifts. Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit on his disciples, empowering them to forgive sin. We celebrate that we too are given the breath of the Holy Spirit and sent out to proclaim Godā€™s redeeming love to all the world.
From Our Pastor...

Dear Joy Lutheran Friends,

At its last meeting, the Church Council set a goal to hold our first ā€œin-personā€ worship on Sunday June 12 th .  We will carefully re-evaluate this ā€˜openingā€™ of our Sunday services on a week-to-week basis.  

Given that infection cases are low in our area, now seems a fit time to begin cautious gatherings.  No other ELCA congregation in our area is opening yet.  We alone are fortunate in that the shape of our wide sanctuary with movable chairs lends itself to 6 ft. spacing between persons. That fact, coupled with a low average attendance, allows us correct spacing.    Please follow the Link to read the entire list of standards we are setting to mitigate risks. This will help you make an educated decision as to whether or not you would like to attend services. Especially note, we are asking people to wear facemasks and will have extra available.

With intentional action, we can mitigate risk of spreading the virus.  There is never a fool proof method, however.  The virus is still around and we need to be vigilant.  We ask those who are sick to stay home.  We discourage those at higher health risk health from attending. Online services will be available just as they have been. Please join us there!

This quote from an ELCA document has been helpful for me as your Pastor in my own decision-making.   "When anxiety is high in our culture, worship continues to be a primary location for the proclamation both of the good news of Jesus Christ and of the continuing compassion and care of God in the midst of our humanity. It is a place where we can find solace and reassurance in the midst of our fears. Great care should be taken to continue this central ministry of the church, especially in these times. Congregations are advised to use common sense and intentional action with regard to preventing the spread of pathogens while continuing to gather around the means of grace."  (from Worship During Public Health Concerns, ELCA)

Twelve weeks ago your Church Council prayerfully decided to refrain from ā€œin-personā€ worship services for the safety of all.  Little did we know Sunday March 15 th , we would not meet physically again for some time. In Joy Care Notes I wrote,  ā€œDuring this time of ā€œsocial distancingā€, we will still be the Church! ā€œThe Church is not a buildingā€¦.the Church is not a steepleā€¦..the Church is a people!ā€ Perhaps God is giving us a time to rethink Church.ā€

We have continued to ā€œgatherā€ in Spirit with virtual worship and children messages, including Lenten mid-week services and an Easter ā€œdrive-in.ā€ Confirmation classes, Book Club continued. Over 250 facemasks were sewn and offered free to our neighbors, food was gathered for the Food Bank, cards written in an effort to reach out, MSP surveys compiled and shared, a Baptism and Wedding were celebrated! 

Our National Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has been quoted as saying, ā€œThe Church never closed.ā€  As the Spirit moves where it will, God creates sanctuary for us wherever we are.  I invite you to join us as we gather in worship of our One God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Whether it is ā€œonlineā€ or in a common physical space, God is with us.  

-Interim Pastor Karen Sonray

Sunday, May 31, 11:00am
Outdoor Gathering
Back Parking Lot
Bring a Lawn Chair! 
Circle of Sharing and Giving Thanks
We will sit 6 ft. apart
Sunday's On-line Worship
We will have an online message this Sunday, as well as the outdoor gathering. This week's worship will be available on our Facebook page Sunday at 9:30am.

You can still view our Facebook page, even if you do not have a Facebook account. Click the link above.  (Ignore the bar at the bottom when it opens asking you to sign-in or create an account. You are still able to scroll down through our page. You need to click "not now" on the pop-up page when it again asks you to sign up, then it will go away - - hope that helps!!) :-) ļ»æ
A Youth/Children's Message from Pastor Karen will be available on our Facebook page on Saturday, May 30, at noon . Check it out!

Online Memorial Service for Jean Truscott
Thursday, June 11th
Exact Time TBA
There will be a ZOOM Coffee hour following 
Online Celtic Worship
You are invited to join us this Wednesday evening, June 3 at 7:00 pm for 30 minutes of meditational worship with  ancient Celtic prayers and blessings, Celtic harp music played and sung by Sister Annette Janka, photos of the natural beauty of Alaska taken by David Janka, and dramatic readings by Dan Gullickson and Kirk Waldhaus of  COSLC . See zoom link and more information on attached poster. Thanks!
- Offered by Christ Our Savior's Lutheran, Anchorage

FINANCE UPDATE as of 5/21/2020
Our commitment is to keep the congregation informed on our finances. During these extraordinary times it is important for you to know that your council and treasurer are trying to be good stewards of your offerings.

Our income for April was $22,052 and expenses were $18,997. All received April bills are paid. We had not received the March snow plowing/sanding bill ($1,042) in March, which was received and paid in April.

  • JCDC reopened on May 6th with a ā€œsoftā€ opening for families deemed essential personnel and will expand enrollment as regulations allow. JCDC applied for and received a PPP loan/grant on May 8th, which will help cover their expenses. They have continued to forward their monthly payment to JLC, which is basically a reimbursement for their portion of utilities and insurance.
  • Flower orders and trash service continued to be suspended for the month of April.
  • Thermostats in the sanctuary, narthex and JCDC have been turned down to 58 degrees
  • AA and NA have temporarily moved their meetings online and are not meeting at JLC
  • JLC janitorial service was terminated in April. (Thank you to the Mullin family for stepping up to keep the area by the office, including the bathroom, clean.) 
  • The church council is developing JLC janitorial service requirements for a future contract.

We cannot thank you enough for your continued faithful support of your church. We have seen an increase in families giving thru our online option. You can mail your offering or drop it off at the office.

-Clarke Hemphill, Treasurer
Contributions of the thicker style of Hand Sanitizer (Purell or Germ-X, for example) will be needed and greatly appreciated here at Joy Lutheran. They are hard to find! If you see any, please pick them up for the Church. If you need to be reimbursed, you can submit your receipt and we will be happy to do so.
Calling all Joy Lutheran members & friends:
  • Do you have a favorite Bible Verse? Or one you'd like to suggest to our 2020 Confirmands who will be affirming their Faith?
  • We would like to include them in one of the gifts we are giving to the 2020 Confirmands.
  • Please email the church office with a bible verse!
Joy of Reading Book Club

10 th  anniversary news:
We are still having our 10 th  anniversary Book Club meeting and party!  But this year it will not be a sleepover, due to respect for social distancing. 
On  Saturday, June 6 , we will have an All-American BBQ at the beautiful lake home of Gerry Norene on Nancy Lake.  The book is  Akin  by Emma Donoghue.   
For upcoming reading our August book is  The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life  by David Brooks
Volunteers Needed
It's that time of year again! Joy Lutheran Church is seeking volunteers for weekly lawn care for the summer. The church has 2 push power mowers. We do not have a weed trimmer or leaf blower. If you'd like to use those, you will need to bring your own. If you plan to mow after hours/weekends, you will need to pick up the shed key from the office in advance or have your own key to access the building. Thank you Sue W. for being the first one to kick off the mowing season!

Prayer Concerns & Requests
Pete & Paula Johnson

Harry Finch

Audrey Fredeen

Jonny Hegna

Jean Truscott died peacefully at Providence Hospital Thursday night, May 14th due to cancer. There are plans in the making for a possible Zoom Celebration of Life service. We will keep you posted. Jeanā€™s presence, her singing voice, beautiful weaving pieces and quiet way of adding to our Community of Faith for many years will be sorely missed. 

Please keep Sue & Larry Weimer in prayer as they mourn Larry's mother, Mary Lou Weimer, whom passed away peacefully on Thursday, May 7 in Colorado.

Also, remember Nancy Olson in prayer as she recovers from hand surgery.
Folks who might be willing to record themselves performing special music, please let Pr. Karen or the office know you're interested. Pastor Karen will include it in a future online service. Thank you! 
Pentecost: May 31
Sunday is Pentecost.. Attached is a Pentecost themed coloring page.

Joy Church Council Members
Sue Weimer -
Scooter Bentson -
Tom Bird -
Debby Bird -
Corrine Finnie -
Kelly Mullin -
Heather Slocum -
Clarke Hemphill, Treasurer -

Interim Pastor: Karen Sonray -
Cell: (907) 434-1862
-this is a Nome cell phone number,
so be sure to dial the "907" first

The next church council meeting will be Tuesday, June 9 at 7:00 pm.